Metadata for the ArchiveTeam Docker Hub repositories
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run 1.6 KiB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Run this in the directory that contains the git repository (branch) with the output
  3. readarray -t profiles <dockerhub-metadata.profiles
  4. codePath="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1; pwd -P)"
  5. # Check that we're in the right place; there should be one dir for each profile and a dockerhub-metadata.retrieve.log in this directory and nothing else (except possibly hidden stuff like .git)
  6. files=("${profiles[@]}" dockerhub-metadata.profiles dockerhub-metadata.retrieve.log)
  7. if ! diff -q <(printf "%s\0" "${files[@]}" | LC_ALL=C sort -z) <(printf "%s\0" * | LC_ALL=C sort -z) >/dev/null
  8. then
  9. echo "ERROR: Current directory appears to not match the expected structure; refusing to continue" >&2
  10. echo "Expected: ${files[@]}" >&2
  11. exit 1
  12. fi
  13. # Create a temporary directory for the new run's output (hidden so it isn't caught in the deletion below)
  14. tmpDir="$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir=. .tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)"
  15. # Run (and exit if something goes wrong)
  16. pushd "${tmpDir}" 2>/dev/null
  17. set -e
  18. PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 "${codePath}"/retrieve "${profiles[@]}" 2> >(tee dockerhub-metadata.retrieve.log >&2)
  19. set +e
  20. popd 2>/dev/null
  21. # Delete the old stuff
  22. rm -r *
  23. # Move new stuff here
  24. mv -n "${tmpDir}"/* .
  25. # Delete the temporary directory, which should now be empty
  26. rmdir "${tmpDir}"
  27. if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
  28. then
  29. echo "ERROR: Could not delete temporary directory ${tmpDir}; not empty?" >&2
  30. #TODO: This should block future runs as well to prevent mixed up data or something.
  31. exit 1
  32. fi
  33. # Recreate the profiles file, sorted
  34. printf "%s\n" "${profiles[@]}" | LC_ALL=C sort >dockerhub-metadata.profiles
  35. # git stuffs
  36. git add --all
  37. git commit --message 'Automatic run'
  38. git push