
Initial commit

JustAnotherArchivist 3 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 707 次插入0 次删除
  1. +34
  2. +673

+ 34
- 0
config.example.toml 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# level must be one of logging's defined levels (NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
#level = 'INFO'
# format must use the '{' style of logging
#format = '{asctime} {levelname} {name} {message}'

# Must point to an existing directory that is writable by the user running irclog. Relative paths are evaluated relative to the config file.
#path = '.'

#host = 'irc.hackint.org'
#port = 6697
# Possible values: 'yes' (connect over SSL/TLS and verify certificates), 'no' (connect without SSL/TLS), and 'insecure' (connect over SSL/TLS but disable all certificate checks)
#ssl = 'yes'
#nick = 'irclogbot'
#real = 'I am an irclog bot.'
# Certificate and key for SASL EXTERNAL authentication with NickServ; certfile is a string containing the path to a .pem file which has the certificate and the key, certkeyfile similarly for one containing only the key; default values are empty (None in Python) to disable authentication; the connection is terminated if authentication fails; relative paths are evaluated relative to the config file.
#certfile =
#certkeyfile =

#host = ''
#port = 8080

# No channels are logged by default.
# If ircchannel isn't specified, it corresponds to '#' followed by the map key.
#ircchannel = '#spam'
# auth can be either 'user:pass' for basic authentication or false to disable auth
#auth = false
# Whether this channel should still be actively logged. Set this to false to stop logging the channel but keep serving the previous logs.
#active = true

+ 673
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irclog.py 查看文件

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import aiohttp
import aiohttp.web
import asyncio
import base64
import collections
import concurrent.futures
import importlib.util
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import os.path
import signal
import ssl
import string
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import toml

logger = logging.getLogger('irclog')
SSL_CONTEXTS = {'yes': True, 'no': False, 'insecure': ssl.SSLContext()}

class InvalidConfig(Exception):
'''Error in configuration file'''

def is_valid_pem(path, withCert):
'''Very basic check whether something looks like a valid PEM certificate'''
with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
contents = fp.read()

# All of these raise exceptions if something's wrong...
if withCert:
assert contents.startswith(b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n')
endCertPos = contents.index(b'-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n')
base64.b64decode(contents[28:endCertPos].replace(b'\n', b''), validate = True)
assert contents[endCertPos + 26:].startswith(b'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n')
assert contents.startswith(b'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n')
endCertPos = -26 # Please shoot me.
endKeyPos = contents.index(b'-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n')
base64.b64decode(contents[endCertPos + 26 + 28: endKeyPos].replace(b'\n', b''), validate = True)
assert contents[endKeyPos + 26:] == b''
return True
except: # Yes, really
return False

class Config(dict):
def __init__(self, filename):
self._filename = filename

with open(self._filename, 'r') as fp:
obj = toml.load(fp)

# Sanity checks
if any(x not in ('logging', 'storage', 'irc', 'web', 'channels') for x in obj.keys()):
raise InvalidConfig('Unknown sections found in base object')
if any(not isinstance(x, collections.abc.Mapping) for x in obj.values()):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid section type(s), expected objects/dicts')
if 'logging' in obj:
if any(x not in ('level', 'format') for x in obj['logging']):
raise InvalidConfig('Unknown key found in log section')
if 'level' in obj['logging'] and obj['logging']['level'] not in ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid log level')
if 'format' in obj['logging']:
if not isinstance(obj['logging']['format'], str):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid log format')
#TODO: Replace with logging.Formatter's validate option (3.8+); this test does not cover everything that could be wrong (e.g. invalid format spec or conversion)
# This counts the number of replacement fields. Formatter.parse yields tuples whose second value is the field name; if it's None, there is no field (e.g. literal text).
assert sum(1 for x in string.Formatter().parse(obj['logging']['format']) if x[1] is not None) > 0
except (ValueError, AssertionError) as e:
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid log format: parsing failed') from e
if 'storage' in obj:
if any(x != 'path' for x in obj['storage']):
raise InvalidConfig('Unknown key found in storage section')
if 'path' in obj['storage']:
obj['storage']['path'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), obj['storage']['path']))
f = tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir = obj['storage']['path'])
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid storage path: not writable') from e
if 'irc' in obj:
if any(x not in ('host', 'port', 'ssl', 'nick', 'real', 'certfile', 'certkeyfile') for x in obj['irc']):
raise InvalidConfig('Unknown key found in irc section')
if 'host' in obj['irc'] and not isinstance(obj['irc']['host'], str): #TODO: Check whether it's a valid hostname
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid IRC host')
if 'port' in obj['irc'] and (not isinstance(obj['irc']['port'], int) or not 1 <= obj['irc']['port'] <= 65535):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid IRC port')
if 'ssl' in obj['irc'] and obj['irc']['ssl'] not in ('yes', 'no', 'insecure'):
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid IRC SSL setting: {obj["irc"]["ssl"]!r}')
if 'nick' in obj['irc'] and not isinstance(obj['irc']['nick'], str): #TODO: Check whether it's a valid nickname, username, etc.
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid IRC nick')
if len(IRCClientProtocol.nick_command(obj['irc']['nick'])) > 510:
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid IRC nick: NICK command too long')
if 'real' in obj['irc'] and not isinstance(obj['irc']['real'], str):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid IRC realname')
if len(IRCClientProtocol.user_command(obj['irc']['nick'], obj['irc']['real'])) > 510:
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid IRC nick/realname combination: USER command too long')
if ('certfile' in obj['irc']) != ('certkeyfile' in obj['irc']):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid IRC cert config: needs both certfile and certkeyfile')
if 'certfile' in obj['irc']:
if not isinstance(obj['irc']['certfile'], str):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid certificate file: not a string')
obj['irc']['certfile'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), obj['irc']['certfile']))
if not os.path.isfile(obj['irc']['certfile']):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid certificate file: not a regular file')
if not is_valid_pem(obj['irc']['certfile'], True):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid certificate file: not a valid PEM cert')
if 'certkeyfile' in obj['irc']:
if not isinstance(obj['irc']['certkeyfile'], str):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid certificate key file: not a string')
obj['irc']['certkeyfile'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._filename), obj['irc']['certkeyfile']))
if not os.path.isfile(obj['irc']['certkeyfile']):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid certificate key file: not a regular file')
if not is_valid_pem(obj['irc']['certkeyfile'], False):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid certificate key file: not a valid PEM key')
if 'web' in obj:
if any(x not in ('host', 'port') for x in obj['web']):
raise InvalidConfig('Unknown key found in web section')
if 'host' in obj['web'] and not isinstance(obj['web']['host'], str): #TODO: Check whether it's a valid hostname (must resolve I guess?)
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid web hostname')
if 'port' in obj['web'] and (not isinstance(obj['web']['port'], int) or not 1 <= obj['web']['port'] <= 65535):
raise InvalidConfig('Invalid web port')
if 'channels' in obj:
seenChannels = {}
for key, channel in obj['channels'].items():
if not isinstance(key, str) or not key:
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid channel key {key!r}')
if not isinstance(channel, collections.abc.Mapping):
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid channel for {key!r}')
if any(x not in ('ircchannel', 'auth', 'active') for x in channel):
raise InvalidConfig(f'Unknown key(s) found in channel {key!r}')

if 'ircchannel' not in channel:
channel['ircchannel'] = f'#{key}'
if not isinstance(channel['ircchannel'], str):
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid channel {key!r} IRC channel: not a string')
if not channel['ircchannel'].startswith('#') and not channel['ircchannel'].startswith('&'):
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid channel {key!r} IRC channel: does not start with # or &')
if any(x in channel['ircchannel'][1:] for x in (' ', '\x00', '\x07', '\r', '\n', ',')):
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid channel {key!r} IRC channel: contains forbidden characters')
if len(channel['ircchannel']) > 200:
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid channel {key!r} IRC channel: too long')
if channel['ircchannel'] in seenChannels:
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid channel {key!r} IRC channel: collides with channel {seenWebPaths[channel["ircchannel"]]!r}')
seenChannels[channel['ircchannel']] = key

if 'auth' in channel:
if channel['auth'] is not False and not isinstance(channel['auth'], str):
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid channel {key!r} auth: must be false or a string')
if isinstance(channel['auth'], str) and ':' not in channel['auth']:
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid channel {key!r} auth: must contain a colon')
channel['auth'] = False

if 'active' in channel:
if channel['active'] is not True and channel['active'] is not False:
raise InvalidConfig(f'Invalid channel {key!r} active: must be true or false')
channel['active'] = True

# Default values
finalObj = {'logging': {'level': 'INFO', 'format': '{asctime} {levelname} {name} {message}'}, 'storage': {'path': os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self._filename))}, 'irc': {'host': 'irc.hackint.org', 'port': 6697, 'ssl': 'yes', 'nick': 'irclogbot', 'real': 'I am an irclog bot.', 'certfile': None, 'certkeyfile': None}, 'web': {'host': '', 'port': 8080}, 'channels': {}}
# Default values for channels are already set above.

# Merge in what was read from the config file and set keys on self
for key in ('logging', 'storage', 'irc', 'web', 'channels'):
if key in obj:
self[key] = finalObj[key]

def __repr__(self):
return f'<Config(logging={self["logging"]!r}, storage={self["storage"]!r}, irc={self["irc"]!r}, web={self["web"]!r}, channels={self["channels"]!r})>'

def reread(self):
return Config(self._filename)

class IRCClientProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
logger = logging.getLogger('irclog.IRCClientProtocol')

def __init__(self, messageQueue, connectionClosedEvent, loop, config, channels):
self.messageQueue = messageQueue
self.connectionClosedEvent = connectionClosedEvent
self.loop = loop
self.config = config
self.buffer = b''
self.connected = False
self.channels = channels # Currently joined/supposed-to-be-joined channels; set(str)
self.sasl = bool(self.config['irc']['certfile'] and self.config['irc']['certkeyfile'])
self.authenticated = False
self.usermask = None

def nick_command(nick: str):
return b'NICK ' + nick.encode('utf-8')

def user_command(nick: str, real: str):
nickb = nick.encode('utf-8')
return b'USER ' + nickb + b' ' + nickb + b' ' + nickb + b' :' + real.encode('utf-8')

def _maybe_set_usermask(self, usermask):
if b'@' in usermask and b'!' in usermask.split(b'@')[0] and all(x not in usermask for x in (b' ', b'*', b'#', b'&')):
self.usermask = usermask
self.logger.debug(f'Usermask is now {usermask!r}')

def connection_made(self, transport):
self.logger.info('IRC connected')
self.transport = transport
self.connected = True
if self.sasl:
self.send(b'CAP REQ :sasl')
self.send(self.user_command(self.config['irc']['nick'], self.config['irc']['real']))

def _send_join_part(self, command, channels):
'''Split a JOIN or PART into multiple messages as necessary'''
# command: b'JOIN' or b'PART'; channels: set[str]

channels = [x.encode('utf-8') for x in channels]
if len(command) + sum(1 + len(x) for x in channels) <= 510: # Total length = command + (separator + channel name for each channel, where the separator is a space for the first and then a comma)
# Everything fits into one command.
self.send(command + b' ' + b','.join(channels))

# List too long, need to split.
limit = 510 - len(command)
lengths = [1 + len(x) for x in channels] # separator + channel name
chanLengthAcceptable = [l <= limit for l in lengths]
if not all(chanLengthAcceptable):
# There are channel names that are too long to even fit into one message on their own; filter them out and warn about them.
# This should never happen since the config reader would already filter it out.
tooLongChannels = [x for x, a in zip(channels, chanLengthAcceptable) if not a]
channels = [x for x, a in zip(channels, chanLengthAcceptable) if a]
lengths = [l for l, a in zip(lengths, chanLengthAcceptable) if a]
for channel in tooLongChannels:
self.logger.warning(f'Cannot {command} {channel}: name too long')
runningLengths = list(itertools.accumulate(lengths)) # entry N = length of all entries up to and including channel N, including separators
offset = 0
while channels:
i = next((x[0] for x in enumerate(runningLengths) if x[1] - offset > limit), -1)
if i == -1: # Last batch
i = len(channels)
self.send(command + b' ' + b','.join(channels[:i]))
offset = runningLengths[i-1]
channels = channels[i:]
runningLengths = runningLengths[i:]

def update_channels(self, channels: set):
channelsToPart = self.channels - channels
channelsToJoin = channels - self.channels
self.channels = channels

if self.connected:
if channelsToPart:
self._send_join_part(b'PART', channelsToPart)
if channelsToJoin:
self._send_join_part(b'JOIN', channelsToJoin)

def send(self, data):
self.logger.debug(f'Send: {data!r}')
if len(data) > 510:
raise RuntimeError(f'IRC message too long ({len(data)} > 510): {data!r}')
time_ = time.time()
self.transport.write(data + b'\r\n')
self.messageQueue.put_nowait((time_, b'> ' + data))

def data_received(self, data):
self.logger.debug(f'Data received: {data!r}')
time_ = time.time()
# Split received data on CRLF. If there's any data left in the buffer, prepend it to the first message and process that.
# Then, process all messages except the last one (since data might not end on a CRLF) and keep the remainder in the buffer.
# If data does end with CRLF, all messages will have been processed and the buffer will be empty again.
messages = data.split(b'\r\n')
if self.buffer:
self.message_received(time_, self.buffer + messages[0])
messages = messages[1:]
for message in messages[:-1]:
self.message_received(time_, message)
self.buffer = messages[-1]

def message_received(self, time_, message):
self.logger.debug(f'Message received at {time_}: {message!r}')
rawMessage = message
if message.startswith(b':') and b' ' in message:
# Prefixed message, extract command + parameters (the prefix cannot contain a space)
message = message.split(b' ', 1)[1]

# Queue message for storage
self.messageQueue.put_nowait((time_, b'< ' + rawMessage))

if message.startswith(b'PING '):
self.send(b'PONG ' + message[5:])

elif message.startswith(b'CAP ') and self.sasl:
if message[message.find(b' ', 4) + 1:] == b'ACK :sasl':
self.logger.error(f'Received unexpected CAP reply {message!r}, terminating connection')
elif message == b'AUTHENTICATE +':
self.send(b'AUTHENTICATE +')
elif message.startswith(b'900 '): # "You are now logged in", includes the usermask
words = message.split(b' ')
if len(words) >= 3 and b'!' in words[2] and b'@' in words[2]:
if b'!~' not in words[2]:
# At least Charybdis seems to always return the user without a tilde, even if identd failed. Assume no identd and account for that extra tilde.
words[2] = words[2].replace(b'!', b'!~', 1)
elif message.startswith(b'903 '): # SASL auth successful
self.authenticated = True
self.send(b'CAP END')
elif any(message.startswith(x) for x in (b'902 ', b'904 ', b'905 ', b'906 ', b'908 ')):
self.logger.error('SASL error, terminating connection')

# NICK errors
elif any(message.startswith(x) for x in (b'431 ', b'432 ', b'433 ', b'436 ')):
self.logger.error(f'Failed to set nickname: {message!r}, terminating connection')

# USER errors
elif any(message.startswith(x) for x in (b'461 ', b'462 ')):
self.logger.error(f'Failed to register: {message!r}, terminating connection')

# JOIN errors
elif any(message.startswith(x) for x in (b'405 ', b'471 ', b'473 ', b'474 ', b'475 ')):
self.logger.error(f'Failed to join channel: {message!r}, terminating connection')

# PART errors
elif message.startswith(b'442 '):
self.logger.error(f'Failed to part channel: {message!r}')

# JOIN/PART errors
elif message.startswith(b'403 '):
self.logger.error(f'Failed to join or part channel: {message!r}')

# PRIVMSG errors
elif any(message.startswith(x) for x in (b'401 ', b'404 ', b'407 ', b'411 ', b'412 ', b'413 ', b'414 ')):
self.logger.error(f'Failed to send message: {message!r}')

# Connection registration reply
elif message.startswith(b'001 '):
self.logger.info('IRC connection registered')
if self.sasl and not self.authenticated:
self.logger.error('IRC connection registered but not authenticated, terminating connection')
self._send_join_part(b'JOIN', self.channels)

# JOIN success
elif message.startswith(b'JOIN ') and not self.usermask:
# If this is my own join message, it should contain the usermask in the prefix
if rawMessage.startswith(b':' + self.config['irc']['nick'].encode('utf-8') + b'!') and b' ' in rawMessage:
usermask = rawMessage.split(b' ', 1)[0][1:]

# Services host change
elif message.startswith(b'396 '):
words = message.split(b' ')
if len(words) >= 3:
# Sanity check inspired by irssi src/irc/core/irc-servers.c
if not any(x in words[2] for x in (b'*', b'?', b'!', b'#', b'&', b' ')) and not any(words[2].startswith(x) for x in (b'@', b':', b'-')) and words[2][-1:] != b'-':
if b'@' in words[2]: # user@host
self._maybe_set_usermask(self.config['irc']['nick'].encode('utf-8') + b'!' + words[2])
else: # host (get user from previous mask or settings)
if self.usermask:
user = self.usermask.split(b'@')[0].split(b'!')[1]
user = b'~' + self.config['irc']['nick'].encode('utf-8')
self._maybe_set_usermask(self.config['irc']['nick'].encode('utf-8') + b'!' + user + b'@' + words[2])

def connection_lost(self, exc):
self.logger.info('IRC connection lost')
self.connected = False

class IRCClient:
logger = logging.getLogger('irclog.IRCClient')

def __init__(self, messageQueue, config):
self.messageQueue = messageQueue
self.config = config
self.channels = {channel['ircchannel'] for channel in config['channels'].values()}

self._transport = None
self._protocol = None

def update_config(self, config):
needReconnect = self.config['irc'] != config['irc']
self.config = config
if self._transport: # if currently connected:
if needReconnect:
self.channels = {channel['ircchannel'] for channel in config['channels'].values()}

def _get_ssl_context(self):
ctx = SSL_CONTEXTS[self.config['irc']['ssl']]
if self.config['irc']['certfile'] and self.config['irc']['certkeyfile']:
if ctx is True:
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
if isinstance(ctx, ssl.SSLContext):
ctx.load_cert_chain(self.config['irc']['certfile'], keyfile = self.config['irc']['certkeyfile'])
return ctx

async def run(self, loop, sigintEvent):
connectionClosedEvent = asyncio.Event()
while True:
self._transport, self._protocol = await loop.create_connection(lambda: IRCClientProtocol(self.messageQueue, connectionClosedEvent, loop, self.config, self.channels), self.config['irc']['host'], self.config['irc']['port'], ssl = self._get_ssl_context())
await asyncio.wait((connectionClosedEvent.wait(), sigintEvent.wait()), return_when = concurrent.futures.FIRST_COMPLETED)
self._transport.close() #TODO BaseTransport.close is asynchronous and then triggers the protocol's connection_lost callback; need to wait for connectionClosedEvent again perhaps to correctly handle ^C?
except (ConnectionRefusedError, asyncio.TimeoutError) as e:
await asyncio.wait((asyncio.sleep(5), sigintEvent.wait()), return_when = concurrent.futures.FIRST_COMPLETED)
if sigintEvent.is_set():

class Storage:
logger = logging.getLogger('irclog.Storage')

def __init__(self, messageQueue, config):
self.messageQueue = messageQueue
self.config = config
self.files = {} # channel|None -> fileobj; None = general log for anything that wasn't recognised as a message for the channel log
self.active = True

def update_config(self, config):
channelsOld = {channel['ircchannel'] for channel in self.config['channels'].values()}
channelsNew = {channel['ircchannel'] for channel in config['channels'].values()}
channelsRemoved = channelsOld - channelsNew
self.config = config

for channel in channelsRemoved:
if channel in self.files:
del self.files[channel]

#TODO mkdir as required

for channel in self.config['channels'].values():
if channel['ircchannel'] not in self.files and channel['active']:
self.files[channel['ircchannel']] = open(os.path.join(self.config['storage']['path'], channel['ircchannel'], '2020-10.log'), 'ab')

if None not in self.files:
self.files[None] = open(os.path.join(self.config['storage']['path'], 'general', '2020-10.log'), 'ab') #TODO Month

async def run(self, loop, sigintEvent):
self.update_config(self.config) # Ensure that files are open etc.
#TODO Task to rotate log files at the beginning of a new month
storageTask = asyncio.create_task(self.store_messages(sigintEvent))
flushTask = asyncio.create_task(self.flush_files(sigintEvent))
await sigintEvent.wait()
self.active = False
#TODO Wait for tasks

async def store_messages(self, sigintEvent):
while self.active:
#TODO wait for sigint as well
time_, rawMessage = await self.messageQueue.get()
message = rawMessage[2:] # Remove leading > or <
if message.startswith(b':') and b' ' in message:
prefix, message = message.split(b' ', 1)

# Identify channel-bound messages: JOIN, PART, QUIT, MODE, KICK, PRIVMSG, NOTICE (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1459#section-4.2.1)
if message.startswith(b'JOIN ') or message.startswith(b'PART ') or message.startswith(b'PRIVMSG ') or message.startswith(b'NOTICE '):
# I *think* that the first parameter of JOIN/PART can only ever be a single channel for messages announcing other people joining, but who knows with how awful RFC 1459 is...
channelsRaw = message.split(b' ', 2)[1]
channels = self.decode_channel(time_, rawMessage, channelsRaw.split(b','))
if channels is None:
for channel in channels:
self.store_message(time_, rawMessage, channel)
if message.startswith(b'QUIT '):
#TODO Need to keep track of users to figure out in which channels they were... Ugh
if message.startswith(b'MODE #') or message.startswith(b'MODE &') or message.startswith(b'KICK '):
channel = message.split(b' ', 2)[1]
channel = self.decode_channel(time_, rawMessage, channel)
if channel is None:
self.store_message(time_, rawMessage, channel)
self.store_message(time_, rawMessage, None)

def store_message(self, time_, rawMessage, targetChannel):
if targetChannel is not None and targetChannel not in self.files:
targetChannel = None
self.files[targetChannel].write(str(time_).encode('ascii') + b' ' + rawMessage + b'\r\n')

def decode_channel(self, time_, rawMessage, channel):
if isinstance(channel, list):
return [c.decode('utf-8') for c in channel]
return channel.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
self.logger.warning(f'Failed to decode channel name {channel!r} from {rawMessage!r} at {time_}: {e!s}')
self.store_message(time_, rawMessage, None)
return None

async def flush_files(self, sigintEvent):
while self.active:
await sigintEvent.wait()

def close(self):
for f in self.files.values():
self.files = {}

class WebServer:
logger = logging.getLogger('irclog.WebServer')

def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config

self._paths = {} # '/path' => ('#channel', auth, module, moduleargs) where auth is either False (no authentication) or the HTTP header value for basic auth

self._app = aiohttp.web.Application()
self._app.add_routes([aiohttp.web.post('/{path:.+}', self.post)])

self._configChanged = asyncio.Event()

def update_config(self, config):
# self._paths = {channel['webpath']: (channel['ircchannel'], f'Basic {base64.b64encode(channel["auth"].encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")}' if channel['auth'] else False) for channel in config['channels'].values()}
needRebind = self.config['web'] != config['web'] #TODO only if there are changes to web.host or web.port; everything else can be updated without rebinding
self.config = config
if needRebind:

async def run(self, stopEvent):
while True:
runner = aiohttp.web.AppRunner(self._app)
await runner.setup()
site = aiohttp.web.TCPSite(runner, self.config['web']['host'], self.config['web']['port'])
await site.start()
await asyncio.wait((stopEvent.wait(), self._configChanged.wait()), return_when = concurrent.futures.FIRST_COMPLETED)
await runner.cleanup()
if stopEvent.is_set():

# https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-subprocess.html#asyncio.asyncio.subprocess.Process
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1180606/using-subprocess-popen-for-process-with-large-output
# -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57730010/python-asyncio-subprocess-write-stdin-and-read-stdout-stderr-continuously

async def post(self, request):
self.logger.info(f'Received request {id(request)} from {request.remote!r} for {request.path!r} with body {(await request.read())!r}')
channel, auth, module, moduleargs, overlongmode = self._paths[request.path]
except KeyError:
self.logger.info(f'Bad request {id(request)}: no path {request.path!r}')
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound()
if auth:
authHeader = request.headers.get('Authorization')
if not authHeader or authHeader != auth:
self.logger.info(f'Bad request {id(request)}: authentication failed: {authHeader!r} != {auth}')
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPForbidden()
if module is not None:
self.logger.debug(f'Processing request {id(request)} using {module!r}')
message = await module.process(request, *moduleargs)
except aiohttp.web.HTTPException as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(f'Bad request {id(request)}: exception in module process function: {type(e).__module__}.{type(e).__name__}: {e!s}')
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPBadRequest()
if '\r' in message or '\n' in message:
self.logger.error(f'Bad request {id(request)}: module process function returned message with linebreaks: {message!r}')
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPBadRequest()
self.logger.debug(f'Processing request {id(request)} using default processor')
message = await self._default_process(request)
self.logger.info(f'Accepted request {id(request)}, putting message {message!r} for {channel} into message queue')
self.messageQueue.put_nowait((channel, message, overlongmode))
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPOk()

async def _default_process(self, request):
message = await request.text()
except Exception as e:
self.logger.info(f'Bad request {id(request)}: exception while reading request data: {e!s}')
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPBadRequest() # Yes, it's always the client's fault. :-)
self.logger.debug(f'Request {id(request)} payload: {message!r}')
# Strip optional [CR] LF at the end of the payload
if message.endswith('\r\n'):
message = message[:-2]
elif message.endswith('\n'):
message = message[:-1]
if '\r' in message or '\n' in message:
self.logger.info(f'Bad request {id(request)}: linebreaks in message')
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPBadRequest()
return message

def configure_logging(config):
#TODO: Replace with logging.basicConfig(..., force = True) (Py 3.8+)
root = logging.getLogger()
root.setLevel(getattr(logging, config['logging']['level']))
root.handlers = [] #FIXME: Undocumented attribute of logging.Logger
formatter = logging.Formatter(config['logging']['format'], style = '{')
stderrHandler = logging.StreamHandler()

async def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print('Usage: irclog.py CONFIGFILE', file = sys.stderr)
configFile = sys.argv[1]
config = Config(configFile)

loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()

messageQueue = asyncio.Queue()

irc = IRCClient(messageQueue, config)
webserver = WebServer(config)
storage = Storage(messageQueue, config)

sigintEvent = asyncio.Event()
def sigint_callback():
global logger
nonlocal sigintEvent
logger.info('Got SIGINT, stopping')
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, sigint_callback)

def sigusr1_callback():
global logger
nonlocal config, irc, webserver
logger.info('Got SIGUSR1, reloading config')
newConfig = config.reread()
except InvalidConfig as e:
logger.error(f'Config reload failed: {e!s} (old config remains active)')
config = newConfig
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGUSR1, sigusr1_callback)

await asyncio.gather(irc.run(loop, sigintEvent), webserver.run(sigintEvent), storage.run(loop, sigintEvent))

if __name__ == '__main__':
