[logging] # level must be one of logging's defined levels (NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) #level = 'INFO' # format must use the '{' style of logging #format = '{asctime} {levelname} {name} {message}' [storage] # Must point to an existing directory that is writable by the user running irclog. Relative paths are evaluated relative to the config file. #path = '.' [irc] #host = 'irc.hackint.org' #port = 6697 # Possible values: 'yes' (connect over SSL/TLS and verify certificates), 'no' (connect without SSL/TLS), and 'insecure' (connect over SSL/TLS but disable all certificate checks) #ssl = 'yes' #nick = 'irclogbot' #real = 'I am an irclog bot.' # Certificate and key for SASL EXTERNAL authentication with NickServ; certfile is a string containing the path to a .pem file which has the certificate and the key, certkeyfile similarly for one containing only the key; default values are empty (None in Python) to disable authentication; the connection is terminated if authentication fails; relative paths are evaluated relative to the config file. #certfile = #certkeyfile = [web] #host = '' #port = 8080 [channels] # No channels are logged by default. #[channels.spam] # If ircchannel isn't specified, it corresponds to '#' followed by the map key. #ircchannel = '#spam' # If path isn't specified, it corresponds to the map key. #path = 'spam' # auth can be either 'user:pass' for basic authentication or false to disable auth #auth = false # Whether this channel should still be actively logged. Set this to false to stop logging the channel but keep serving the previous logs. #active = true