/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2017 DutchCoders [https://github.com/dutchcoders/] Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package server import ( crypto_rand "crypto/rand" "encoding/binary" "errors" gorillaHandlers "github.com/gorilla/handlers" "log" "math/rand" "mime" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "os/signal" "strings" "sync" "syscall" "time" context "golang.org/x/net/context" "github.com/PuerkitoBio/ghost/handlers" "github.com/VojtechVitek/ratelimit" "github.com/VojtechVitek/ratelimit/memory" "github.com/gorilla/mux" _ "net/http/pprof" "crypto/tls" web "github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh-web" assetfs "github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs" autocert "golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert" "path/filepath" ) const SERVER_INFO = "transfer.sh" // parse request with maximum memory of _24Kilobits const _24K = (1 << 3) * 24 // parse request with maximum memory of _5Megabytes const _5M = (1 << 20) * 5 type OptionFn func(*Server) func ClamavHost(s string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.ClamAVDaemonHost = s } } func VirustotalKey(s string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.VirusTotalKey = s } } func Listener(s string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.ListenerString = s } } func CorsDomains(s string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.CorsDomains = s } } func GoogleAnalytics(gaKey string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.gaKey = gaKey } } func UserVoice(userVoiceKey string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.userVoiceKey = userVoiceKey } } func TLSListener(s string, t bool) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.TLSListenerString = s srvr.TLSListenerOnly = t } } func ProfileListener(s string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.ProfileListenerString = s } } func WebPath(s string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { if s[len(s)-1:] != "/" { s = s + string(filepath.Separator) } srvr.webPath = s } } func ProxyPath(s string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { if s[len(s)-1:] != "/" { s = s + string(filepath.Separator) } srvr.proxyPath = s } } func ProxyPort(s string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.proxyPort = s } } func TempPath(s string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { if s[len(s)-1:] != "/" { s = s + string(filepath.Separator) } srvr.tempPath = s } } func LogFile(logger *log.Logger, s string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { f, err := os.OpenFile(s, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error opening file: %v", err) } logger.SetOutput(f) srvr.logger = logger } } func Logger(logger *log.Logger) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.logger = logger } } func MaxUploadSize(kbytes int64) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.maxUploadSize = kbytes * 1024 } } func RateLimit(requests int) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.rateLimitRequests = requests } } func Purge(days, interval int) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.purgeDays = time.Duration(days) * time.Hour * 24 srvr.purgeInterval = time.Duration(interval) * time.Hour } } func ForceHTTPs() OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.forceHTTPs = true } } func EnableProfiler() OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.profilerEnabled = true } } func UseStorage(s Storage) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.storage = s } } func UseLetsEncrypt(hosts []string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { cacheDir := "./cache/" m := autocert.Manager{ Prompt: autocert.AcceptTOS, Cache: autocert.DirCache(cacheDir), HostPolicy: func(_ context.Context, host string) error { found := false for _, h := range hosts { found = found || strings.HasSuffix(host, h) } if !found { return errors.New("acme/autocert: host not configured") } return nil }, } srvr.tlsConfig = &tls.Config{ GetCertificate: m.GetCertificate, } } } func TLSConfig(cert, pk string) OptionFn { certificate, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(cert, pk) return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.tlsConfig = &tls.Config{ GetCertificate: func(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) { return &certificate, err }, } } } func HttpAuthCredentials(user string, pass string) OptionFn { return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.AuthUser = user srvr.AuthPass = pass } } func FilterOptions(options IPFilterOptions) OptionFn { for i, allowedIP := range options.AllowedIPs { options.AllowedIPs[i] = strings.TrimSpace(allowedIP) } for i, blockedIP := range options.BlockedIPs { options.BlockedIPs[i] = strings.TrimSpace(blockedIP) } return func(srvr *Server) { srvr.ipFilterOptions = &options } } type Server struct { AuthUser string AuthPass string logger *log.Logger tlsConfig *tls.Config profilerEnabled bool locks sync.Map maxUploadSize int64 rateLimitRequests int purgeDays time.Duration purgeInterval time.Duration storage Storage forceHTTPs bool ipFilterOptions *IPFilterOptions VirusTotalKey string ClamAVDaemonHost string tempPath string webPath string proxyPath string proxyPort string gaKey string userVoiceKey string TLSListenerOnly bool CorsDomains string ListenerString string TLSListenerString string ProfileListenerString string Certificate string LetsEncryptCache string } func New(options ...OptionFn) (*Server, error) { s := &Server{ locks: sync.Map{}, } for _, optionFn := range options { optionFn(s) } return s, nil } func init() { var seedBytes [8]byte if _, err := crypto_rand.Read(seedBytes[:]); err != nil { panic("cannot obtain cryptographically secure seed") } rand.Seed(int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(seedBytes[:]))) } func (s *Server) Run() { listening := false if s.profilerEnabled { listening = true go func() { s.logger.Println("Profiled listening at: :6060") http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil) }() } r := mux.NewRouter() var fs http.FileSystem if s.webPath != "" { s.logger.Println("Using static file path: ", s.webPath) fs = http.Dir(s.webPath) htmlTemplates, _ = htmlTemplates.ParseGlob(s.webPath + "*.html") textTemplates, _ = textTemplates.ParseGlob(s.webPath + "*.txt") } else { fs = &assetfs.AssetFS{ Asset: web.Asset, AssetDir: web.AssetDir, AssetInfo: func(path string) (os.FileInfo, error) { return os.Stat(path) }, Prefix: web.Prefix, } for _, path := range web.AssetNames() { bytes, err := web.Asset(path) if err != nil { s.logger.Panicf("Unable to parse: path=%s, err=%s", path, err) } htmlTemplates.New(stripPrefix(path)).Parse(string(bytes)) textTemplates.New(stripPrefix(path)).Parse(string(bytes)) } } staticHandler := http.FileServer(fs) r.PathPrefix("/images/").Handler(staticHandler).Methods("GET") r.PathPrefix("/styles/").Handler(staticHandler).Methods("GET") r.PathPrefix("/scripts/").Handler(staticHandler).Methods("GET") r.PathPrefix("/fonts/").Handler(staticHandler).Methods("GET") r.PathPrefix("/ico/").Handler(staticHandler).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/favicon.ico", staticHandler.ServeHTTP).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/robots.txt", staticHandler.ServeHTTP).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/{filename:(?:favicon\\.ico|robots\\.txt|health\\.html)}", s.BasicAuthHandler(http.HandlerFunc(s.putHandler))).Methods("PUT") r.HandleFunc("/health.html", healthHandler).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/", s.viewHandler).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/({files:.*}).zip", s.zipHandler).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/({files:.*}).tar", s.tarHandler).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/({files:.*}).tar.gz", s.tarGzHandler).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/{token}/{filename}", s.headHandler).Methods("HEAD") r.HandleFunc("/{action:(?:download|get|inline)}/{token}/{filename}", s.headHandler).Methods("HEAD") r.HandleFunc("/{token}/{filename}", s.previewHandler).MatcherFunc(func(r *http.Request, rm *mux.RouteMatch) (match bool) { return false match = false // The file will show a preview page when opening the link in browser directly or // from external link. If the referer url path and current path are the same it will be // downloaded. if !acceptsHTML(r.Header) { return false } match = (r.Referer() == "") u, err := url.Parse(r.Referer()) if err != nil { s.logger.Fatal(err) return } match = match || (u.Path != r.URL.Path) return }).Methods("GET") getHandlerFn := s.getHandler if s.rateLimitRequests > 0 { getHandlerFn = ratelimit.Request(ratelimit.IP).Rate(s.rateLimitRequests, 60*time.Second).LimitBy(memory.New())(http.HandlerFunc(getHandlerFn)).ServeHTTP } r.HandleFunc("/{token}/{filename}", getHandlerFn).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/{action:(?:download|get|inline)}/{token}/{filename}", getHandlerFn).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/{filename}/virustotal", s.virusTotalHandler).Methods("PUT") r.HandleFunc("/{filename}/scan", s.scanHandler).Methods("PUT") r.HandleFunc("/put/{filename}", s.BasicAuthHandler(http.HandlerFunc(s.putHandler))).Methods("PUT") r.HandleFunc("/upload/{filename}", s.BasicAuthHandler(http.HandlerFunc(s.putHandler))).Methods("PUT") r.HandleFunc("/{filename}", s.BasicAuthHandler(http.HandlerFunc(s.putHandler))).Methods("PUT") r.HandleFunc("/", s.BasicAuthHandler(http.HandlerFunc(s.postHandler))).Methods("POST") // r.HandleFunc("/{page}", viewHandler).Methods("GET") r.HandleFunc("/{token}/{filename}/{deletionToken}", s.deleteHandler).Methods("DELETE") r.NotFoundHandler = http.HandlerFunc(s.notFoundHandler) mime.AddExtensionType(".md", "text/x-markdown") s.logger.Printf("Transfer.sh server started.\nusing temp folder: %s\nusing storage provider: %s", s.tempPath, s.storage.Type()) var cors func(http.Handler) http.Handler if len(s.CorsDomains) > 0 { cors = gorillaHandlers.CORS( gorillaHandlers.AllowedHeaders([]string{"*"}), gorillaHandlers.AllowedOrigins(strings.Split(s.CorsDomains, ",")), gorillaHandlers.AllowedMethods([]string{"GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"}), ) } else { cors = func(h http.Handler) http.Handler { return h } } h := handlers.PanicHandler( IPFilterHandler( handlers.LogHandler( LoveHandler( s.RedirectHandler(cors(r))), handlers.NewLogOptions(s.logger.Printf, "_default_"), ), s.ipFilterOptions, ), nil, ) if !s.TLSListenerOnly { srvr := &http.Server{ Addr: s.ListenerString, Handler: h, } listening = true s.logger.Printf("listening on port: %v\n", s.ListenerString) go func() { srvr.ListenAndServe() }() } if s.TLSListenerString != "" { listening = true s.logger.Printf("listening on port: %v\n", s.TLSListenerString) go func() { s := &http.Server{ Addr: s.TLSListenerString, Handler: h, TLSConfig: s.tlsConfig, } if err := s.ListenAndServeTLS("", ""); err != nil { panic(err) } }() } s.logger.Printf("---------------------------") if s.purgeDays > 0 { go s.purgeHandler() } term := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(term, os.Interrupt) signal.Notify(term, syscall.SIGTERM) if listening { <-term } else { s.logger.Printf("No listener active.") } s.logger.Printf("Server stopped.") }