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  1. // go generate gen.go
  3. package ipv6
  4. // Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) Parameters, Updated: 2015-07-07
  5. const (
  6. ICMPTypeDestinationUnreachable ICMPType = 1 // Destination Unreachable
  7. ICMPTypePacketTooBig ICMPType = 2 // Packet Too Big
  8. ICMPTypeTimeExceeded ICMPType = 3 // Time Exceeded
  9. ICMPTypeParameterProblem ICMPType = 4 // Parameter Problem
  10. ICMPTypeEchoRequest ICMPType = 128 // Echo Request
  11. ICMPTypeEchoReply ICMPType = 129 // Echo Reply
  12. ICMPTypeMulticastListenerQuery ICMPType = 130 // Multicast Listener Query
  13. ICMPTypeMulticastListenerReport ICMPType = 131 // Multicast Listener Report
  14. ICMPTypeMulticastListenerDone ICMPType = 132 // Multicast Listener Done
  15. ICMPTypeRouterSolicitation ICMPType = 133 // Router Solicitation
  16. ICMPTypeRouterAdvertisement ICMPType = 134 // Router Advertisement
  17. ICMPTypeNeighborSolicitation ICMPType = 135 // Neighbor Solicitation
  18. ICMPTypeNeighborAdvertisement ICMPType = 136 // Neighbor Advertisement
  19. ICMPTypeRedirect ICMPType = 137 // Redirect Message
  20. ICMPTypeRouterRenumbering ICMPType = 138 // Router Renumbering
  21. ICMPTypeNodeInformationQuery ICMPType = 139 // ICMP Node Information Query
  22. ICMPTypeNodeInformationResponse ICMPType = 140 // ICMP Node Information Response
  23. ICMPTypeInverseNeighborDiscoverySolicitation ICMPType = 141 // Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation Message
  24. ICMPTypeInverseNeighborDiscoveryAdvertisement ICMPType = 142 // Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement Message
  25. ICMPTypeVersion2MulticastListenerReport ICMPType = 143 // Version 2 Multicast Listener Report
  26. ICMPTypeHomeAgentAddressDiscoveryRequest ICMPType = 144 // Home Agent Address Discovery Request Message
  27. ICMPTypeHomeAgentAddressDiscoveryReply ICMPType = 145 // Home Agent Address Discovery Reply Message
  28. ICMPTypeMobilePrefixSolicitation ICMPType = 146 // Mobile Prefix Solicitation
  29. ICMPTypeMobilePrefixAdvertisement ICMPType = 147 // Mobile Prefix Advertisement
  30. ICMPTypeCertificationPathSolicitation ICMPType = 148 // Certification Path Solicitation Message
  31. ICMPTypeCertificationPathAdvertisement ICMPType = 149 // Certification Path Advertisement Message
  32. ICMPTypeMulticastRouterAdvertisement ICMPType = 151 // Multicast Router Advertisement
  33. ICMPTypeMulticastRouterSolicitation ICMPType = 152 // Multicast Router Solicitation
  34. ICMPTypeMulticastRouterTermination ICMPType = 153 // Multicast Router Termination
  35. ICMPTypeFMIPv6 ICMPType = 154 // FMIPv6 Messages
  36. ICMPTypeRPLControl ICMPType = 155 // RPL Control Message
  37. ICMPTypeILNPv6LocatorUpdate ICMPType = 156 // ILNPv6 Locator Update Message
  38. ICMPTypeDuplicateAddressRequest ICMPType = 157 // Duplicate Address Request
  39. ICMPTypeDuplicateAddressConfirmation ICMPType = 158 // Duplicate Address Confirmation
  40. ICMPTypeMPLControl ICMPType = 159 // MPL Control Message
  41. )
  42. // Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) Parameters, Updated: 2015-07-07
  43. var icmpTypes = map[ICMPType]string{
  44. 1: "destination unreachable",
  45. 2: "packet too big",
  46. 3: "time exceeded",
  47. 4: "parameter problem",
  48. 128: "echo request",
  49. 129: "echo reply",
  50. 130: "multicast listener query",
  51. 131: "multicast listener report",
  52. 132: "multicast listener done",
  53. 133: "router solicitation",
  54. 134: "router advertisement",
  55. 135: "neighbor solicitation",
  56. 136: "neighbor advertisement",
  57. 137: "redirect message",
  58. 138: "router renumbering",
  59. 139: "icmp node information query",
  60. 140: "icmp node information response",
  61. 141: "inverse neighbor discovery solicitation message",
  62. 142: "inverse neighbor discovery advertisement message",
  63. 143: "version 2 multicast listener report",
  64. 144: "home agent address discovery request message",
  65. 145: "home agent address discovery reply message",
  66. 146: "mobile prefix solicitation",
  67. 147: "mobile prefix advertisement",
  68. 148: "certification path solicitation message",
  69. 149: "certification path advertisement message",
  70. 151: "multicast router advertisement",
  71. 152: "multicast router solicitation",
  72. 153: "multicast router termination",
  73. 154: "fmipv6 messages",
  74. 155: "rpl control message",
  75. 156: "ilnpv6 locator update message",
  76. 157: "duplicate address request",
  77. 158: "duplicate address confirmation",
  78. 159: "mpl control message",
  79. }