#!/bin/bash export TZ=UTC envvars=(HTTP2IRC_GET_URL HTTP2IRC_POST_URL IA_S3_ACCESS IA_S3_SECRET) for envvar in "${envvars[@]}"; do if [[ ! -v "${envvar}" ]]; then { printf 'Error: one or more of the required environment variables (%s' "${envvars[0]}"; printf ', %s' "${envvars[@]:1}"; printf ') missing\n'; } >&2 exit 1 fi done # Optional env variables declare -i timeout="${CODEARCHIVER_BOT_TIMEOUT:-0}" for dep in awk codearchiver curl ia-upload-stream python3 sha256sum tee zstd; do if ! command -v "${dep}" &>/dev/null; then printf 'Error: %s not found\n' "${dep}" >&2 exit 1 fi done function log { printf '%s %s\n' "${EPOCHREALTIME}" "$1" >&2 } function log_loop { prefix="$1" # If the output does not end with a LF, add one. Then replace CRLF with LF and replace remaining CR with LF. { lastchar="$(tee /dev/fd/3 | tail -c 1 | xxd -p)"; if [[ "${lastchar}" != '0a' ]]; then printf '\n'; fi } 3>&1 | sed -u 's,\r$,,; s,\r,\n,g' | while IFS= read -r line; do log "${prefix}${line}"; done } function send { local message="$1" log "Sending message: ${message}" curl --silent --verbose --max-time 10 --data "${message}" "${HTTP2IRC_POST_URL}" 2> >(log_loop 'curl http2irc POST: ') | log_loop 'http2irc POST response: ' } function respond { local nick="$1" local message="$2" send "${nick}: ${message}" } { # Group the pipeline without requiring a backslash every time while :; do # Read from http2irc log 'Starting http2irc GET stream...' curl --silent --verbose --no-buffer "${HTTP2IRC_GET_URL}" 2> >(log_loop 'curl http2irc GET: ') printf '\n' # Ensure that there's a trailing LF for `read` done | # Log all raw input tee >(log_loop 'Received http2irc line: ') | # Transform the JSONL data into a more suitable format for the following: lines of 'modes SP nick SP message' python3 -u -c 'import json, sys'$'\n''def json_parse_or_none(s):'$'\n'' try: return json.loads(s)'$'\n'' except json.JSONDecodeError as e:'$'\n'' print(f"Could not parse {s[:100]}…: {type(e).__name__}: {e!s}")'$'\n''{print(o["user"]["modes"] or "_", o["user"]["nick"], o["message"]) for o in map(json_parse_or_none, sys.stdin) if o and o.get("command") == "PRIVMSG"}' | # For valid bot commands with adequate permissions, assign a job ID and respond. Suppress everything else. Print lines of 'jobid SP nick SP URL' for the processing below. while read -r modes nick message; do if [[ "${message}" == '!help' ]]; then respond "${nick}" '`!a URL`: archives a single repository' respond "${nick}" '`!a < URL`: archives a list of repositories (no success/failure report, no warnings/errors report, check logs manually!)' continue fi if [[ "${message}" != '!a '* ]]; then continue fi if [[ "${modes}" != *[@+]* ]]; then respond "${nick}" 'Only voiced or opped users may use this command.' continue fi if [[ "${message}" =~ ^'!a '([a-z-]+\+)?[a-z]+://[^\ ]+$ ]]; then # Individual job jobs=("${message:3}") src="${message:3}" elif [[ "${message}" =~ ^'!a < 'https://transfer\.archivete\.am/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/.+$ ]]; then # List job jobs=() url="${message:5}" bad= log "Retrieving list job list: ${url}" while read -r line; do if [[ "${line}" =~ ^'!a '([a-z-]+\+)?[a-z]+://[^\ ]+$ ]]; then jobs+=("${line}") elif [[ "${line}" == '' ]]; then # Ignore empty lines continue else respond "${nick}" "Malformed line in ${url}: ${line}" bad=1 break fi done < <({ curl --silent --verbose --fail --max-time 10 "${message:5}" 2> >(log_loop 'curl list job: '); printf '\n'; } | tee >(log_loop 'List input line: ')) if [[ "${bad}" ]]; then continue fi src="${url}" else respond "${nick}" "I don't understand your command. Please forgive me." continue fi read -r jobid >(tee "${logname}" | grep -Fv -e ' INFO ' | log_loop "From codearchiver ${singlejobid}: ") \ 3> >(tee "${artefactsname}" | log_loop "New artefacts from codearchiver ${singlejobid}: ") status="$?" log "codearchiver ${url} finished with status code ${status}" #TODO Integrate this into the pipe from codearchiver above to avoid rereading the entire log file declare -i badcount=$(awk '! ($3 ~ /^INFO$/) { cnt += 1; } END { printf "%d\n", cnt; }' "${logname}") # Compress log file with zstd -19 log "Compressing log file ${logname}" zstd -19 --rm "${logname}" 2> >(log_loop 'zstd err: ') if [[ -e "${logname}.zst" && ! -e "${logname}" ]]; then # Compression successful logname="${logname}.zst" fi # Move everything but the log file to ./failed/ if codearchiver exited non-zero readarray -t artefacts <"${artefactsname}" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then msg="$(printf 'Moving artefact files'; printf ' %q' "${artefacts[@]}" "${artefactsname}"; printf ' from non-zero exit for job %s to ./failed/\n' "${singlejobid}";)" log "${msg}" mkdir --parents ./failed/ mv --verbose -- "${artefacts[@]}" "${artefactsname}" ./failed/ 2> >(log_loop 'mv err: ') | log_loop 'mv out: ' else for file in "${artefacts[@]}"; do newfiles+=("${file}") done newfiles+=("${artefactsname}") fi newfiles+=("${logname}") # For individual jobs, tell the user about warnings and success/failure if [[ "${singlejobid}" != *_* ]]; then if [[ "${status}" -eq 0 ]]; then respond "${nick}" "Job ${singlejobid} succeeded." else respond "${nick}" "Job ${singlejobid} failed." fi if [[ ${badcount} -gt 0 ]]; then respond "${nick}" "Job ${singlejobid} produced ${badcount} warnings or errors." fi fi done # Record SHA-256 hashes for new files log "SHA-256 hashes:" sha256sum "${newfiles[@]}" > >(log_loop 'sha256sum: ') # Upload date="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')" identifier="codearchiver_${date//-/}" if [[ -z "${CODEARCHIVER_BOT_TEST}" ]]; then collection='archiveteam_codearchiver' else identifier="test_${identifier}" collection='test_collection' fi uploadsfine=y for f in "${newfiles[@]}"; do ia-upload-stream --no-derive "${identifier}" "${f}" \ "collection:${collection}" \ 'mediatype:software' \ "date:${date}" \ <"${f}" 2> >(log_loop 'ia-upload-stream: ') status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then log "Upload failed: exit status ${status}" if [[ "${uploadsfine}" ]]; then send "Upload failed: exit status ${status}" fi uploadsfine= fi done if [[ "${uploadsfine}" ]]; then # Wait until all tasks for the item are done while :; do tasks="$(python3 -c 'import json, sys; o = json.load(sys.stdin); print(sum(o["value"]["summary"].values()))' < <({ curl --silent --verbose --fail --max-time 10 --header "Authorization: LOW ${IA_S3_ACCESS}:${IA_S3_SECRET}" "https://archive.org/services/tasks.php?identifier=${identifier}&summary=1&history=0" 2> >(log_loop 'curl IA tasks err: '); } | tee >(log_loop 'curl IA tasks out: ')))" if [[ "${tasks}" == '0' ]]; then break fi sleep 60 done # Replace non-metadata files with a symlink to .uploaded dummy file touch '.uploaded' for f in "${newfiles[@]}"; do if [[ "${f}" != *_codearchiver_metadata.txt ]]; then log "Replacing ${f} with symlink to .uploaded" { rm --verbose -- "${f}" && ln --symbolic --verbose '.uploaded' "${f}"; } |& log_loop 'rm/ln: ' fi done fi done }