import codearchiver.core import codearchiver.subprocess import datetime import functools import hashlib import itertools import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import tempfile _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _HashingFileReader: '''A tiny wrapper around a file-like object which calculates the hash of the file as it is being read.''' def __init__(self, fp, hasher = hashlib.sha1, skipStart = 0, skipEnd = 0): self._fp = fp self._hasher = hasher() self._skipStart = skipStart self._skipEnd = skipEnd self._buf = b'' def read(self, n): data = if self._skipStart > 0: # Requires that the first block is bigger than skipStart+skipEnd because it otherwise gets very complicated # Yes, this fails if the file is smaller than that, but given what it's used for, that's not an issue. if len(data) < self._skipStart + self._skipEnd: raise ValueError(f'first read is required to return at least {self._skipStart + self._skipEnd} bytes') start = self._skipStart self._skipStart = 0 else: start = 0 bufPlusData = self._buf + data if self._skipEnd > 0: self._buf = bufPlusData[-self._skipEnd:] end = -self._skipEnd else: end = None self._hasher.update(bufPlusData[start:end]) return data def digest(self): if self._skipStart > 0 or len(self._buf) != self._skipEnd: raise ValueError('data skipping failed') return self._hasher.digest() class GitMetadata(codearchiver.core.Metadata): fields = ( codearchiver.core.MetadataField(key = 'Git version', required = True, repeatable = False), codearchiver.core.MetadataField(key = 'Based on bundle', required = False, repeatable = True), codearchiver.core.MetadataField(key = 'Ref', required = True, repeatable = True), codearchiver.core.MetadataField(key = 'Head', required = True, repeatable = False), codearchiver.core.MetadataField(key = 'Root commit', required = True, repeatable = True), codearchiver.core.MetadataField(key = 'Object', required = False, repeatable = True), ) version = 0 class Git(codearchiver.core.Module): name = 'git' MetadataClass = GitMetadata @staticmethod def matches(inputUrl): return inputUrl.url.endswith('.git') def __init__(self, *args, extraBranches = {}, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._extraBranches = extraBranches def _find_storage_bundles(self, criteria, checkOids, temporary = False): '''Search `self._storage` for bundles or temporary metadata matching `criteria` and containing at least one element of `checkOids`. Yields tuples `(name, objects, oids)`.''' searchMethod = self._storage.search_metadata if not temporary else self._storage.search_temporary_metadata openMethod = self._storage.open_metadata if not temporary else self._storage.open_temporary_metadata matchedBundles = {} # bundle name → (objects, oids) for oldBundle in searchMethod(criteria):'Matching bundle: {oldBundle!r}') with openMethod(oldBundle) as fp: idx = GitMetadata.deserialise(fp) isMatch = False oldObjects = set() # commit and tag lines in this bundle oldOids = set() # commit and tag IDs in this bundle for key, value in idx: if key != 'Object': continue oid, otype = value.split(' ', 1) oldObjects.add(value) oldOids.add(oid) if otype not in ('commit', 'tag'): continue if not isMatch and oid in checkOids: isMatch = True if isMatch: yield (oldBundle, oldObjects, oldOids) def process(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix = 'tmp.codearchiver.git.', dir = os.getcwd()) as directory: bundle = f'{self._id}_git.bundle' if os.path.exists(bundle): _logger.fatal(f'{bundle!r} already exists') raise FileExistsError(f'{bundle!r} already exists') _, gitVersion, _ = codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(['git', '--version']) if not gitVersion.startswith('git version ') or not gitVersion.endswith('\n') or gitVersion[12:-1].strip('0123456789.') != '': raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected output from `git --version`: {gitVersion!r}') gitVersion = gitVersion[12:-1]'Cloning {self._url} into {directory}') startTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(['git', 'clone', '--verbose', '--progress', '--mirror', self._url, directory], env = {**os.environ, 'GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT': '0'}) if self._extraBranches: for branch, commit in self._extraBranches.items():'Fetching commit {commit} as {branch}') r, _, _ = codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(['git', 'fetch', '--verbose', '--progress', 'origin', commit], cwd = directory, check = False) if r == 0: r2, _, _ = codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(['git', 'update-ref', f'refs/codearchiver/{branch}', commit, ''], cwd = directory, check = False) if r2 != 0: _logger.error(f'Failed to update-ref refs/codearchiver/{branch} to {commit}') else: _logger.error(f'Failed to fetch {commit}') # This leaves over a FETCH_HEAD file, but git-bundle does not care about that, so it can safely be ignored. endTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()'Collecting repository metadata') _, refs, _ = codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(['git', 'show-ref'], cwd = directory) refs = list(map(str.strip, refs.splitlines())) _, rootCommits, _ = codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(['git', 'rev-list', '--max-parents=0', '--all'], cwd = directory) rootCommits = list(filter(None, rootCommits.splitlines())) _, objects, _ = codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check', '--batch-all-objects', '--unordered', '--buffer'], cwd = directory) objects = {oid: otype for oid, otype, osize in map(functools.partial(str.split, sep = ' '), objects.splitlines())} with open(os.path.join(directory, 'HEAD'), 'r') as fp: head = if not head.startswith('ref: refs/heads/') or not head.endswith('\n'): raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected HEAD content: {head!r}') head = head[:-1] # Remove trailing \n metadata = self.create_metadata(bundle, startTime, endTime) metadata.append('Git version', gitVersion) for line in refs: metadata.append('Ref', line) metadata.append('Head', head) for commitId in rootCommits: metadata.append('Root commit', commitId) # Check whether there are relevant prior bundles to create an incremental one commitsAndTags = {oid for oid, otype in objects.items() if otype in ('commit', 'tag')} tmpMetadataDependencies = [] # temporary metadata names this depends on, to be resolved later baseOids = set() # all oids this depends on (including temporary metadata, but only commits and tags from there) baseInProgressObjects = set() # 'oid otype' lines for finding the bundles at the end newCommitsAndTags = set() # oids of commits and tags not covered in previous bundles or existing temporary metadata temporaryMetadataName = None if self._storage:'Checking for previous bundles') # A note on dependency optimisation: we want the minimal set of previous bundles {B0, …, Bn} that maximises the cover with the current clone S. # In other words, in the general case, this is a set cover problem between I = S ∩ (B0 ∪ … ∪ Bn} as the universe and Bi ∩ I as the subsets. # Fortunately, solving the actual set cover problem is not necessary. # This is because the previous bundles must be disjoint: commit/tag objects are never duplicated. (Trees and blobs might be, but deduplicating those isn't possible.) # Therefore, any previous bundle that contains at least one commit or tag object in the current clone must be a dependency. # To support parallel archival of related repositories, this uses other processes' temporary metadata from and writes its own to storage. # First, obtain all relevant prior bundles. # Second, obtain all relevant temporary metadata. Make a note of these and also exclude their commits from this bundle. Write own temporary metadata. # Third, upon completion (below), wait for the depended-on temporary metadata to disappear, search for the corresponding bundles, and finalise own metadata. with self._storage.lock(): for oldBundleName, oldObjects, oldOids in self._find_storage_bundles([('Module', type(self).name), ('Root commit', tuple(rootCommits))], commitsAndTags): metadata.append('Based on bundle', oldBundleName) baseOids |= oldOids for tmpMetadataName, tmpObjects, tmpOids in self._find_storage_bundles([('Module', type(self).name), ('Root commit', tuple(rootCommits))], commitsAndTags, temporary = True): tmpMetadataDependencies.append(tmpMetadataName) baseOids |= tmpOids baseInProgressObjects |= tmpObjects newCommitsAndTags = commitsAndTags - baseOids for oid in newCommitsAndTags: metadata.append('Object', f'{oid} {objects[oid]}') temporaryMetadataName = self._storage.add_temporary_metadata(metadata) try:'Bundling into {bundle}') cmd = ['git', 'bundle', 'create', '--progress', f'../{bundle}', '--stdin', '--reflog', '--all'] objectsToExclude = baseOids & commitsAndTags input = ''.join(f'^{o}\n' for o in objectsToExclude).encode('ascii') status, _, stderr = codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(cmd, cwd = directory, input = input, check = False) if status == 128 and (stderr == 'fatal: Refusing to create empty bundle.\n' or stderr.endswith('\nfatal: Refusing to create empty bundle.\n')): # Manually write an empty bundle instead # Cf. Documentation/technical/bundle-format.txt and Documentation/technical/pack-format.txt in git's repository for details on the formats'Writing empty bundle directly instead') with open(bundle, 'xb') as fp: fp.write(b'# v2 git bundle\n') # bundle signature fp.write(b'\n') # bundle end of prerequisites and refs packdata = b'PACK' # pack signature packdata += b'\0\0\0\x02' # pack version packdata += b'\0\0\0\0' # pack number of objects fp.write(packdata) fp.write(hashlib.sha1(packdata).digest()) # pack checksum trailer elif status != 0: raise RuntimeError(f'git bundle creation returned with non-zero exit status {status}.')'Indexing bundle') # The bundle's packfile might contain deltified objects. # Those cannot be run through `index-pack` without using `--fix-thin` and running it in a repo containing the missing objects. # However, `--fix-thin` has the side effect that it appends those missing objects to the output pack as well, so they also show up in the `show-index` output afterwards. # The fact that this always appends is undocumented, so it can't simply be relied on. # So this does the following: # - Index the pack; as the data is being read, calculate a hash of the pack data without header and trailer checksum # - Verify that the corresponding bytes from the index-pack output file have the same hash. # - Read the index and filter out any entries that lie beyond the size of the bundle packfile minus 20 (trailer checksum) # This gets an accurate index of exactly which objects are in this pack; some might depend on data from other bundles, but that's fine. # The extra copy to disk is unfortunately unavoidable anyway, but this hash verification at least makes it somewhat valuable. # Index with inline hash calculation bundleSize = os.path.getsize(bundle) with open(bundle, 'rb') as fpin: # Skip over header for line in fpin: if line == b'\n': break packOffset = fpin.tell() hashWrapper = _HashingFileReader(fpin, skipStart = 12, skipEnd = 20) codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(['git', 'index-pack', '-v', '--fix-thin', '--stdin', '../tmp.pack'], input = hashWrapper, cwd = directory) bundlePackSize = bundleSize - packOffset - 12 - 20 bundlePackHash = hashWrapper.digest() # Verify hash of first part of the index-pack output pack with open('tmp.pack', 'rb') as fp: # Header indexPackRead = 0 hasher = hashlib.sha1() while indexPackRead < bundlePackSize: data = - indexPackRead, 1048576)) indexPackRead += len(data) hasher.update(data) indexPackHash = hasher.digest() if bundlePackHash != indexPackHash or indexPackRead != bundlePackSize: raise RuntimeError(f'index pack hash comparison failed: expected {bundlePackHash!r} (size: {bundlePackSize}), got {indexPackHash!r} (size: {indexPackRead})') # Parse index with open('tmp.idx', 'rb') as fp: _, index, _ = codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(['git', 'show-index'], input = fp) indexObjectIds = {oid for offset, oid, _ in map(lambda l: l.rstrip('\n').split(' ', 2), index.splitlines()) if int(offset) < bundlePackSize} try: indexObjects = {oid: objects[oid] for oid in indexObjectIds} except KeyError as e: # This should never happen since the bundle is created from the clone with exclusions... raise RuntimeError(f'Bundle {bundle} contains object not contained in the present clone') from e os.remove('tmp.pack') os.remove('tmp.idx')'Checking for submodules') _, commitsWithSubmodules, _ = codearchiver.subprocess.run_with_log(['git', 'log', '--format=format:%H', '--diff-filter=d', '--all', '--', '.gitmodules'], cwd = directory) if commitsWithSubmodules: _logger.warning('Submodules found but extraction not supported') # Ensure that all commits and tags included in the temporary metadata made it into the pack, else data may be lost! indexCommitsAndTags = {oid for oid, otype in indexObjects.items() if otype in ('commit', 'tag')} if newCommitsAndTags - indexCommitsAndTags != set(): raise RuntimeError('Bundle does not contain all commits/tags that were written to temporary metadata, aborting due to data loss risk') for oid, otype in indexObjects.items(): if oid in newCommitsAndTags: # Already added to metadata earlier continue metadata.append('Object', f'{oid} {otype}') # Bundling completed without issues; wait for depended-on bundles, add them to the metadata, then replace own temporary metadata if self._storage: self._storage.wait_temporary_metadata(tmpMetadataDependencies) with self._storage.lock(): criteria = [('Module', type(self).name), ('Root commit', tuple(rootCommits)), ('Object', tuple(baseInProgressObjects))] missingObjects = baseInProgressObjects.copy() for oldBundleName, oldObjects, oldOids in self._find_storage_bundles(criteria, {value.split(' ', 1)[0] for value in baseInProgressObjects}): metadata.append('Based on bundle', oldBundleName) baseOids |= oldOids missingObjects -= oldObjects # Verification: all commit/tag objects collected from temporary metadata must be covered if missingObjects: raise RuntimeError('Resolved temporary metadata bundles do not cover all expected objects') # Verification: all objects in the clone are either in a base bundle or in the index # This can only be done here because all oids are needed, not just the commit/tag objects if objects.keys() - (baseOids | indexObjectIds) != set(): raise RuntimeError('Object mismatch between clone and bundles') self._storage.replace_temporary_metadata(temporaryMetadataName, bundle, metadata) except: # Attempt to remove the temporary metadata, then reraise if self._storage: with self._storage.lock(): self._storage.remove_temporary_metadata(temporaryMetadataName) raise return codearchiver.core.Result(id = self._id, files = [(bundle, metadata)]) def __repr__(self): return f'{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__name__}({self._inputUrl!r}, extraBranches = {self._extraBranches!r})'