ARG PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 ARG ALPINE_VERSION=3.14 # Build torsocks from source for the syscall fixes # Use Alpine 3.13 for compatibility with old Docker daemons ( FROM alpine:3.13 AS torsocks_build ARG TORSOCKS_VERSION=f9721f38aa78bcd249237c1777fde0e6743351ce RUN apk add --no-cache autoconf automake build-base gcc git libc-dev libtool make \ && git clone /torsocks \ && cd /torsocks \ && git checkout ${TORSOCKS_VERSION} \ && ./ \ && ./configure \ && make \ && chmod 755 src/bin/torsocks # Based on FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION}-alpine${ALPINE_VERSION} ARG GRAB_SITE_VERSION=2.2.3 WORKDIR /app VOLUME [ "/data" ] RUN apk add --no-cache \ git \ gcc \ libxml2-dev \ musl-dev \ libxslt-dev \ g++ \ re2-dev \ libffi-dev \ openssl-dev \ patch \ && ln -s /usr/include/libxml2/libxml /usr/include/libxml \ && addgroup -S grab-site \ && adduser -S -G grab-site grab-site \ && chown -R grab-site:grab-site $(pwd) \ && mkdir -p /data \ && chown -R grab-site:grab-site /data COPY --from=torsocks_build /torsocks/src/bin/torsocks /usr/local/bin/torsocks COPY --from=torsocks_build /torsocks/src/lib/.libs/*.a /usr/local/lib/torsocks/ COPY --from=torsocks_build /torsocks/src/lib/.libs/*.so* /usr/local/lib/torsocks/ COPY --from=torsocks_build /torsocks/doc/torsocks.conf /usr/local/etc/tor/torsocks.conf USER grab-site:grab-site COPY --chown=grab-site:grab-site *.patch /tmp/grab-site-patches/ RUN git clone /app \ && git checkout ${GRAB_SITE_VERSION} \ && git apply --verbose /tmp/grab-site-patches/*.patch \ && pip install --no-cache-dir . \ && rm -rf /tmp/grab-site-patches COPY --chown=grab-site:grab-site entrypoint-jaa /app/entrypoint-jaa ENV PATH="/app:$PATH" ENTRYPOINT ["entrypoint-jaa"] WORKDIR /data