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JustAnotherArchivist 2786e583c4 Fix wrong offset on a type of QUITs pirms 3 gadiem Add README pirms 3 gadiem Fix wrong offset on a type of QUITs pirms 3 gadiem

Script to transform the old EFnet irclogger logs into the new irclog format. You do not want to ever have to use this. Go away while you still can. Nothing good lies this way.

for d in *; do echo "$d"; for month in $(ls -1 "${d}"/* | sed 's,^.*/,,; s/-[0-9][0-9],.*$//' | uniq); do echo "$month"; { for f in "${d}/${month}"-*; do python3 "$f"; done; } > ../out/efnet_${d}/${month}.log; done; done |& tee ../conversion.log

License: WTFPL