import fcntl import io import logging import time import warcio class WARCWriter(warcio.warcwriter.WARCWriter): def _do_write_req_resp(self, req, resp, params): #FIXME: Internal API # Write request before response, like wget and wpull; cf. self._write_warc_record(self.out, req) self._write_warc_record(self.out, resp) class WARC: def __init__(self, prefix, maxFileSize): ''' Initialise the WARC writer prefix: str, path prefix for WARCs; a dash, a five-digit number, and ".warc.gz" will be appended. maxFileSize: int, maximum size of an individual WARC. Use 0 to disable splitting. ''' self._prefix = prefix self._counter = 0 self._maxFileSize = maxFileSize self._closed = True self._file = None self._warcWriter = None self._cycle() def _cycle(self): '''Close the current file, open the next file that doesn't exist yet''' #TODO: This opens a new file also at the end, which can result in empty WARCs. Should try to reorder this to only open a WARC when writing a record, and to only close the current WARC if the size is exceeded after write_client_response. self.close() while True: filename = '{}-{:05d}.warc.gz'.format(self._prefix, self._counter) try: # Try to open the file for writing, requiring that it does not exist yet, and attempt to get an exclusive, non-blocking lock on it self._file = open(filename, 'xb') fcntl.flock(self._file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except FileExistsError:'{} already exists, skipping'.format(filename)) self._counter += 1 else: break'Opened {}'.format(filename)) self._warcWriter = WARCWriter(self._file, gzip = True) self._closed = False self._counter += 1 def write_client_response(self, response): ''' Write the requests and responses stored in a ClientResponse instance to the currently opened WARC. A new WARC will be started automatically if the size of the current file exceeds the limit after writing all requests and responses from this `response` to the current WARC. ''' for r in response.iter_all(): requestDate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(r.rawRequestTimestamp)) requestRecord = self._warcWriter.create_warc_record( str(r.url), 'request', payload = io.BytesIO(r.rawRequestData), warc_headers_dict = { 'WARC-Date': requestDate, 'WARC-IP-Address': r.remoteAddress[0], } ) responseRecord = self._warcWriter.create_warc_record( str(r.url), 'response', payload = io.BytesIO(r.rawResponseData), warc_headers_dict = { 'WARC-Date': requestDate, 'WARC-IP-Address': r.remoteAddress[0], } ) self._warcWriter.write_request_response_pair(requestRecord, responseRecord) if self._maxFileSize and self._file.tell() > self._maxFileSize: self._cycle() def close(self): '''Close the currently opened WARC''' if not self._closed: self._file.close() self._warcWriter = None self._file = None self._closed = True