telegram-dl is a little script for retrieving content on Telegram. Usage: ` URL [URL...]` All URLs must be messages in the same channel. The output consists of writing each message to a file `{channelName}_{messageId}.json`. If the message has any attachment (photo, video, file, etc.), it gets downloaded as well. The filename for that is chosen by Telethon; if it's a file attachment, the literal path as presented by Telegram is used, and if it's a photo or video, a name is made up. The only dependency of the script is Telethon (though you probably want cryptg for performance reasons). For authentication (always required), specify the `TELEGRAM_API_ID`, `TELEGRAM_API_HASH`, and `TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` environment variables. The session is stored in a file `telegram-dl.session`; keeping this between executions is not critical but recommended. A `Dockerfile` is provided for running with Docker. Simply provide the URL(s) as arguments on running the image. Data is written to the `/data` volume, which you may want to mount from the host machine instead. docker build -t telegram-dl:latest . docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/data:/data -e TELEGRAM_API_ID=... -e TELEGRAM_API_HASH=... -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=... telegram-dl