# Example net/http server and client with OpenCensus This example uses: * net/http to create a server and client. * The OpenCensus net/http plugin to instrument the server and client. * Debugging exporters to print stats and traces to stdout. ``` $ go get go.opencensus.io/examples/http/... ``` First, run the server: ``` $ go run $(go env GOPATH)/src/go.opencensus.io/examples/http/helloworld_server/main.go ``` Then, run the client: ``` $ go run $(go env GOPATH)/src/go.opencensus.io/examples/http/helloworld_client/main.go ``` You will see traces and stats exported on the stdout. You can use one of the [exporters](https://godoc.org/go.opencensus.io/exporter) to upload collected data to the backend of your choice. You can also see the z-pages provided from the server: * Traces: http://localhost:8081/debug/tracez * RPCs: http://localhost:8081/debug/rpcz