// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package language import ( "strings" "testing" "golang.org/x/text/internal/language" ) // equalTags compares language, script and region subtags only. func (t Tag) equalTags(a Tag) bool { return t.lang() == a.lang() && t.script() == a.script() && t.region() == a.region() } var errSyntax = language.ErrSyntax type parseTest struct { i int // the index of this test in string lang, script, region string variants, ext string extList []string // only used when more than one extension is present invalid bool rewrite bool // special rewrite not handled by parseTag changed bool // string needed to be reformatted } func parseTests() []parseTest { tests := []parseTest{ {in: "root", lang: "und"}, {in: "und", lang: "und"}, {in: "en", lang: "en"}, {in: "en-US-u-va-posix", lang: "en", region: "US", ext: "u-va-posix"}, {in: "ca-ES-valencia", lang: "ca", region: "ES", variants: "valencia"}, {in: "en-US-u-rg-gbzzzz", lang: "en", region: "US", ext: "u-rg-gbzzzz"}, {in: "xy", lang: "und", invalid: true}, {in: "en-ZY", lang: "en", invalid: true}, {in: "gsw", lang: "gsw"}, {in: "sr_Latn", lang: "sr", script: "Latn"}, {in: "af-Arab", lang: "af", script: "Arab"}, {in: "nl-BE", lang: "nl", region: "BE"}, {in: "es-419", lang: "es", region: "419"}, {in: "und-001", lang: "und", region: "001"}, {in: "de-latn-be", lang: "de", script: "Latn", region: "BE"}, // Variants {in: "de-1901", lang: "de", variants: "1901"}, // Accept with unsuppressed script. {in: "de-Latn-1901", lang: "de", script: "Latn", variants: "1901"}, // Specialized. {in: "sl-rozaj", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj"}, {in: "sl-rozaj-lipaw", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-lipaw"}, {in: "sl-rozaj-biske", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske"}, {in: "sl-rozaj-biske-1994", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske-1994"}, {in: "sl-rozaj-1994", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-1994"}, // Maximum number of variants while adhering to prefix rules. {in: "sl-rozaj-biske-1994-alalc97-fonipa-fonupa-fonxsamp", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske-1994-alalc97-fonipa-fonupa-fonxsamp"}, // Sorting. {in: "sl-1994-biske-rozaj", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske-1994", changed: true}, {in: "sl-rozaj-biske-1994-alalc97-fonupa-fonipa-fonxsamp", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske-1994-alalc97-fonipa-fonupa-fonxsamp", changed: true}, {in: "nl-fonxsamp-alalc97-fonipa-fonupa", lang: "nl", variants: "alalc97-fonipa-fonupa-fonxsamp", changed: true}, // Duplicates variants are removed, but not an error. {in: "nl-fonupa-fonupa", lang: "nl", variants: "fonupa"}, // Variants that do not have correct prefixes. We still accept these. {in: "de-Cyrl-1901", lang: "de", script: "Cyrl", variants: "1901"}, {in: "sl-rozaj-lipaw-1994", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-lipaw-1994"}, {in: "sl-1994-biske-rozaj-1994-biske-rozaj", lang: "sl", variants: "rozaj-biske-1994", changed: true}, {in: "de-Cyrl-1901", lang: "de", script: "Cyrl", variants: "1901"}, // Invalid variant. {in: "de-1902", lang: "de", variants: "", invalid: true}, {in: "EN_CYRL", lang: "en", script: "Cyrl"}, // private use and extensions {in: "x-a-b-c-d", ext: "x-a-b-c-d"}, {in: "x_A.-B-C_D", ext: "x-b-c-d", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "x-aa-bbbb-cccccccc-d", ext: "x-aa-bbbb-cccccccc-d"}, {in: "en-c_cc-b-bbb-a-aaa", lang: "en", changed: true, extList: []string{"a-aaa", "b-bbb", "c-cc"}}, {in: "en-x_cc-b-bbb-a-aaa", lang: "en", ext: "x-cc-b-bbb-a-aaa", changed: true}, {in: "en-c_cc-b-bbb-a-aaa-x-x", lang: "en", changed: true, extList: []string{"a-aaa", "b-bbb", "c-cc", "x-x"}}, {in: "en-v-c", lang: "en", ext: "", invalid: true}, {in: "en-v-abcdefghi", lang: "en", ext: "", invalid: true}, {in: "en-v-abc-x", lang: "en", ext: "v-abc", invalid: true}, {in: "en-v-abc-x-", lang: "en", ext: "v-abc", invalid: true}, {in: "en-v-abc-w-x-xx", lang: "en", extList: []string{"v-abc", "x-xx"}, invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-v-abc-w-y-yx", lang: "en", extList: []string{"v-abc", "y-yx"}, invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-v-c-abc", lang: "en", ext: "c-abc", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-v-w-abc", lang: "en", ext: "w-abc", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-v-x-abc", lang: "en", ext: "x-abc", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-v-x-a", lang: "en", ext: "x-a", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-9-aa-0-aa-z-bb-x-a", lang: "en", extList: []string{"0-aa", "9-aa", "z-bb", "x-a"}, changed: true}, {in: "en-u-c", lang: "en", ext: "", invalid: true}, {in: "en-u-co-phonebk", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk"}, {in: "en-u-co-phonebk-ca", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk", invalid: true}, {in: "en-u-nu-arabic-co-phonebk-ca", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-nu-arabic", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-u-nu-arabic-co-phonebk-ca-x", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-nu-arabic", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-u-nu-arabic-co-phonebk-ca-s", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-nu-arabic", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-u-nu-arabic-co-phonebk-ca-a12345678", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-nu-arabic", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-u-co-phonebook", lang: "en", ext: "", invalid: true}, {in: "en-u-co-phonebook-cu-xau", lang: "en", ext: "u-cu-xau", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-Cyrl-u-co-phonebk", lang: "en", script: "Cyrl", ext: "u-co-phonebk"}, {in: "en-US-u-co-phonebk", lang: "en", region: "US", ext: "u-co-phonebk"}, {in: "en-US-u-co-phonebk-cu-xau", lang: "en", region: "US", ext: "u-co-phonebk-cu-xau"}, {in: "en-scotland-u-co-phonebk", lang: "en", variants: "scotland", ext: "u-co-phonebk"}, {in: "en-u-cu-xua-co-phonebk", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-cu-xua", changed: true}, {in: "en-u-def-abc-cu-xua-co-phonebk", lang: "en", ext: "u-abc-def-co-phonebk-cu-xua", changed: true}, {in: "en-u-def-abc", lang: "en", ext: "u-abc-def", changed: true}, {in: "en-u-cu-xua-co-phonebk-a-cd", lang: "en", extList: []string{"a-cd", "u-co-phonebk-cu-xua"}, changed: true}, // Invalid "u" extension. Drop invalid parts. {in: "en-u-cu-co-phonebk", lang: "en", extList: []string{"u-co-phonebk"}, invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "en-u-cu-xau-co", lang: "en", extList: []string{"u-cu-xau"}, invalid: true}, // We allow duplicate keys as the LDML spec does not explicitly prohibit it. // TODO: Consider eliminating duplicates and returning an error. {in: "en-u-cu-xau-co-phonebk-cu-xau", lang: "en", ext: "u-co-phonebk-cu-xau", changed: true}, {in: "en-t-en-Cyrl-NL-fonipa", lang: "en", ext: "t-en-cyrl-nl-fonipa", changed: true}, {in: "en-t-en-Cyrl-NL-fonipa-t0-abc-def", lang: "en", ext: "t-en-cyrl-nl-fonipa-t0-abc-def", changed: true}, {in: "en-t-t0-abcd", lang: "en", ext: "t-t0-abcd"}, // Not necessary to have changed here. {in: "en-t-nl-abcd", lang: "en", ext: "t-nl", invalid: true}, {in: "en-t-nl-latn", lang: "en", ext: "t-nl-latn"}, {in: "en-t-t0-abcd-x-a", lang: "en", extList: []string{"t-t0-abcd", "x-a"}}, // invalid {in: "", lang: "und", invalid: true}, {in: "-", lang: "und", invalid: true}, {in: "x", lang: "und", invalid: true}, {in: "x-", lang: "und", invalid: true}, {in: "x--", lang: "und", invalid: true}, {in: "a-a-b-c-d", lang: "und", invalid: true}, {in: "en-", lang: "en", invalid: true}, {in: "enne-", lang: "und", invalid: true}, {in: "en.", lang: "und", invalid: true}, {in: "en.-latn", lang: "und", invalid: true}, {in: "en.-en", lang: "en", invalid: true}, {in: "x-a-tooManyChars-c-d", ext: "x-a-c-d", invalid: true, changed: true}, {in: "a-tooManyChars-c-d", lang: "und", invalid: true}, // TODO: check key-value validity // { in: "en-u-cu-xd", lang: "en", ext: "u-cu-xd", invalid: true }, {in: "en-t-abcd", lang: "en", invalid: true}, {in: "en-Latn-US-en", lang: "en", script: "Latn", region: "US", invalid: true}, // rewrites (more tests in TestGrandfathered) {in: "zh-min-nan", lang: "nan"}, {in: "zh-yue", lang: "yue"}, {in: "zh-xiang", lang: "hsn", rewrite: true}, {in: "zh-guoyu", lang: "cmn", rewrite: true}, {in: "iw", lang: "iw"}, {in: "sgn-BE-FR", lang: "sfb", rewrite: true}, {in: "i-klingon", lang: "tlh", rewrite: true}, } for i, tt := range tests { tests[i].i = i if tt.extList != nil { tests[i].ext = strings.Join(tt.extList, "-") } if tt.ext != "" && tt.extList == nil { tests[i].extList = []string{tt.ext} } } return tests } // partChecks runs checks for each part by calling the function returned by f. func partChecks(t *testing.T, f func(*parseTest) (Tag, bool)) { for i, tt := range parseTests() { tag, skip := f(&tt) if skip { continue } if l, _ := language.ParseBase(tt.lang); l != tag.lang() { t.Errorf("%d: lang was %q; want %q", i, tag.lang(), l) } if sc, _ := language.ParseScript(tt.script); sc != tag.script() { t.Errorf("%d: script was %q; want %q", i, tag.script(), sc) } if r, _ := language.ParseRegion(tt.region); r != tag.region() { t.Errorf("%d: region was %q; want %q", i, tag.region(), r) } v := tag.tag().Variants() if v != "" { v = v[1:] } if v != tt.variants { t.Errorf("%d: variants was %q; want %q", i, v, tt.variants) } if e := strings.Join(tag.tag().Extensions(), "-"); e != tt.ext { t.Errorf("%d: extensions were %q; want %q", i, e, tt.ext) } } } func TestParse(t *testing.T) { partChecks(t, func(tt *parseTest) (id Tag, skip bool) { id, _ = Raw.Parse(tt.in) return id, false }) } func TestErrors(t *testing.T) { mkInvalid := func(s string) error { return language.NewValueError([]byte(s)) } tests := []struct { in string out error }{ // invalid subtags. {"ac", mkInvalid("ac")}, {"AC", mkInvalid("ac")}, {"aa-Uuuu", mkInvalid("Uuuu")}, {"aa-AB", mkInvalid("AB")}, // ill-formed wins over invalid. {"ac-u", errSyntax}, {"ac-u-ca", errSyntax}, {"ac-u-ca-co-pinyin", errSyntax}, {"noob", errSyntax}, } for _, tt := range tests { _, err := Parse(tt.in) if err != tt.out { t.Errorf("%s: was %q; want %q", tt.in, err, tt.out) } } } func TestCompose1(t *testing.T) { partChecks(t, func(tt *parseTest) (id Tag, skip bool) { l, _ := ParseBase(tt.lang) s, _ := ParseScript(tt.script) r, _ := ParseRegion(tt.region) v := []Variant{} for _, x := range strings.Split(tt.variants, "-") { p, _ := ParseVariant(x) v = append(v, p) } e := []Extension{} for _, x := range tt.extList { p, _ := ParseExtension(x) e = append(e, p) } id, _ = Raw.Compose(l, s, r, v, e) return id, false }) } func TestCompose2(t *testing.T) { partChecks(t, func(tt *parseTest) (id Tag, skip bool) { l, _ := ParseBase(tt.lang) s, _ := ParseScript(tt.script) r, _ := ParseRegion(tt.region) p := []interface{}{l, s, r, s, r, l} for _, x := range strings.Split(tt.variants, "-") { if x != "" { v, _ := ParseVariant(x) p = append(p, v) } } for _, x := range tt.extList { e, _ := ParseExtension(x) p = append(p, e) } id, _ = Raw.Compose(p...) return id, false }) } func TestCompose3(t *testing.T) { partChecks(t, func(tt *parseTest) (id Tag, skip bool) { id, _ = Raw.Parse(tt.in) id, _ = Raw.Compose(id) return id, false }) } func mk(s string) Tag { return Raw.Make(s) } func TestParseAcceptLanguage(t *testing.T) { type res struct { t Tag q float32 } en := []res{{mk("en"), 1.0}} tests := []struct { out []res in string ok bool }{ {en, "en", true}, {en, " en", true}, {en, "en ", true}, {en, " en ", true}, {en, "en,", true}, {en, ",en", true}, {en, ",,,en,,,", true}, {en, ",en;q=1", true}, // We allow an empty input, contrary to spec. {nil, "", true}, {[]res{{mk("aa"), 1}}, "aa;", true}, // allow unspecified weight // errors {nil, ";", false}, {nil, "$", false}, {nil, "e;", false}, {nil, "x;", false}, {nil, "x", false}, {nil, "ac", false}, // non-existing language {nil, "aa;q", false}, {nil, "aa;q=", false}, {nil, "aa;q=.", false}, // odd fallbacks { []res{{mk("en"), 0.1}}, " english ;q=.1", true, }, { []res{{mk("it"), 1.0}, {mk("de"), 1.0}, {mk("fr"), 1.0}}, " italian, deutsch, french", true, }, // lists { []res{{mk("en"), 0.1}}, "en;q=.1", true, }, { []res{{mk("mul"), 1.0}}, "*", true, }, { []res{{mk("en"), 1.0}, {mk("de"), 1.0}}, "en,de", true, }, { []res{{mk("en"), 1.0}, {mk("de"), .5}}, "en,de;q=0.5", true, }, { []res{{mk("de"), 0.8}, {mk("en"), 0.5}}, " en ; q = 0.5 , , de;q=0.8", true, }, { []res{{mk("en"), 1.0}, {mk("de"), 1.0}, {mk("fr"), 1.0}, {mk("tlh"), 1.0}}, "en,de,fr,i-klingon", true, }, // sorting { []res{{mk("tlh"), 0.4}, {mk("de"), 0.2}, {mk("fr"), 0.2}, {mk("en"), 0.1}}, "en;q=0.1,de;q=0.2,fr;q=0.2,i-klingon;q=0.4", true, }, // dropping { []res{{mk("fr"), 0.2}, {mk("en"), 0.1}}, "en;q=0.1,de;q=0,fr;q=0.2,i-klingon;q=0.0", true, }, } for i, tt := range tests { tags, qs, e := ParseAcceptLanguage(tt.in) if e == nil != tt.ok { t.Errorf("%d:%s:err: was %v; want %v", i, tt.in, e == nil, tt.ok) } for j, tag := range tags { if out := tt.out[j]; !tag.equalTags(out.t) || qs[j] != out.q { t.Errorf("%d:%s: was %s, %1f; want %s, %1f", i, tt.in, tag, qs[j], out.t, out.q) break } } } }