Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

bigtable_data.pb.go 87 KiB

  1. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
  2. // source: google/bigtable/v1/bigtable_data.proto
  3. package bigtable // import "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/bigtable/v1"
  4. import proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
  5. import fmt "fmt"
  6. import math "math"
  7. // Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
  8. var _ = proto.Marshal
  9. var _ = fmt.Errorf
  10. var _ = math.Inf
  11. // This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
  12. // is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
  13. // A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
  14. // proto package needs to be updated.
  15. const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion2 // please upgrade the proto package
  16. // Specifies the complete (requested) contents of a single row of a table.
  17. // Rows which exceed 256MiB in size cannot be read in full.
  18. type Row struct {
  19. // The unique key which identifies this row within its table. This is the same
  20. // key that's used to identify the row in, for example, a MutateRowRequest.
  21. // May contain any non-empty byte string up to 4KiB in length.
  22. Key []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=key,proto3" json:"key,omitempty"`
  23. // May be empty, but only if the entire row is empty.
  24. // The mutual ordering of column families is not specified.
  25. Families []*Family `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=families,proto3" json:"families,omitempty"`
  26. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  27. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  28. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  29. }
  30. func (m *Row) Reset() { *m = Row{} }
  31. func (m *Row) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  32. func (*Row) ProtoMessage() {}
  33. func (*Row) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  34. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{0}
  35. }
  36. func (m *Row) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  37. return xxx_messageInfo_Row.Unmarshal(m, b)
  38. }
  39. func (m *Row) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  40. return xxx_messageInfo_Row.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  41. }
  42. func (dst *Row) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  43. xxx_messageInfo_Row.Merge(dst, src)
  44. }
  45. func (m *Row) XXX_Size() int {
  46. return xxx_messageInfo_Row.Size(m)
  47. }
  48. func (m *Row) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  49. xxx_messageInfo_Row.DiscardUnknown(m)
  50. }
  51. var xxx_messageInfo_Row proto.InternalMessageInfo
  52. func (m *Row) GetKey() []byte {
  53. if m != nil {
  54. return m.Key
  55. }
  56. return nil
  57. }
  58. func (m *Row) GetFamilies() []*Family {
  59. if m != nil {
  60. return m.Families
  61. }
  62. return nil
  63. }
  64. // Specifies (some of) the contents of a single row/column family of a table.
  65. type Family struct {
  66. // The unique key which identifies this family within its row. This is the
  67. // same key that's used to identify the family in, for example, a RowFilter
  68. // which sets its "family_name_regex_filter" field.
  69. // Must match [-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+, except that AggregatingRowProcessors may
  70. // produce cells in a sentinel family with an empty name.
  71. // Must be no greater than 64 characters in length.
  72. Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`
  73. // Must not be empty. Sorted in order of increasing "qualifier".
  74. Columns []*Column `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=columns,proto3" json:"columns,omitempty"`
  75. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  76. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  77. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  78. }
  79. func (m *Family) Reset() { *m = Family{} }
  80. func (m *Family) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  81. func (*Family) ProtoMessage() {}
  82. func (*Family) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  83. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{1}
  84. }
  85. func (m *Family) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  86. return xxx_messageInfo_Family.Unmarshal(m, b)
  87. }
  88. func (m *Family) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  89. return xxx_messageInfo_Family.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  90. }
  91. func (dst *Family) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  92. xxx_messageInfo_Family.Merge(dst, src)
  93. }
  94. func (m *Family) XXX_Size() int {
  95. return xxx_messageInfo_Family.Size(m)
  96. }
  97. func (m *Family) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  98. xxx_messageInfo_Family.DiscardUnknown(m)
  99. }
  100. var xxx_messageInfo_Family proto.InternalMessageInfo
  101. func (m *Family) GetName() string {
  102. if m != nil {
  103. return m.Name
  104. }
  105. return ""
  106. }
  107. func (m *Family) GetColumns() []*Column {
  108. if m != nil {
  109. return m.Columns
  110. }
  111. return nil
  112. }
  113. // Specifies (some of) the contents of a single row/column of a table.
  114. type Column struct {
  115. // The unique key which identifies this column within its family. This is the
  116. // same key that's used to identify the column in, for example, a RowFilter
  117. // which sets its "column_qualifier_regex_filter" field.
  118. // May contain any byte string, including the empty string, up to 16kiB in
  119. // length.
  120. Qualifier []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=qualifier,proto3" json:"qualifier,omitempty"`
  121. // Must not be empty. Sorted in order of decreasing "timestamp_micros".
  122. Cells []*Cell `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=cells,proto3" json:"cells,omitempty"`
  123. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  124. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  125. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  126. }
  127. func (m *Column) Reset() { *m = Column{} }
  128. func (m *Column) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  129. func (*Column) ProtoMessage() {}
  130. func (*Column) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  131. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{2}
  132. }
  133. func (m *Column) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  134. return xxx_messageInfo_Column.Unmarshal(m, b)
  135. }
  136. func (m *Column) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  137. return xxx_messageInfo_Column.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  138. }
  139. func (dst *Column) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  140. xxx_messageInfo_Column.Merge(dst, src)
  141. }
  142. func (m *Column) XXX_Size() int {
  143. return xxx_messageInfo_Column.Size(m)
  144. }
  145. func (m *Column) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  146. xxx_messageInfo_Column.DiscardUnknown(m)
  147. }
  148. var xxx_messageInfo_Column proto.InternalMessageInfo
  149. func (m *Column) GetQualifier() []byte {
  150. if m != nil {
  151. return m.Qualifier
  152. }
  153. return nil
  154. }
  155. func (m *Column) GetCells() []*Cell {
  156. if m != nil {
  157. return m.Cells
  158. }
  159. return nil
  160. }
  161. // Specifies (some of) the contents of a single row/column/timestamp of a table.
  162. type Cell struct {
  163. // The cell's stored timestamp, which also uniquely identifies it within
  164. // its column.
  165. // Values are always expressed in microseconds, but individual tables may set
  166. // a coarser "granularity" to further restrict the allowed values. For
  167. // example, a table which specifies millisecond granularity will only allow
  168. // values of "timestamp_micros" which are multiples of 1000.
  169. TimestampMicros int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=timestamp_micros,json=timestampMicros,proto3" json:"timestamp_micros,omitempty"`
  170. // The value stored in the cell.
  171. // May contain any byte string, including the empty string, up to 100MiB in
  172. // length.
  173. Value []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=value,proto3" json:"value,omitempty"`
  174. // Labels applied to the cell by a [RowFilter][google.bigtable.v1.RowFilter].
  175. Labels []string `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=labels,proto3" json:"labels,omitempty"`
  176. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  177. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  178. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  179. }
  180. func (m *Cell) Reset() { *m = Cell{} }
  181. func (m *Cell) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  182. func (*Cell) ProtoMessage() {}
  183. func (*Cell) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  184. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{3}
  185. }
  186. func (m *Cell) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  187. return xxx_messageInfo_Cell.Unmarshal(m, b)
  188. }
  189. func (m *Cell) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  190. return xxx_messageInfo_Cell.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  191. }
  192. func (dst *Cell) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  193. xxx_messageInfo_Cell.Merge(dst, src)
  194. }
  195. func (m *Cell) XXX_Size() int {
  196. return xxx_messageInfo_Cell.Size(m)
  197. }
  198. func (m *Cell) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  199. xxx_messageInfo_Cell.DiscardUnknown(m)
  200. }
  201. var xxx_messageInfo_Cell proto.InternalMessageInfo
  202. func (m *Cell) GetTimestampMicros() int64 {
  203. if m != nil {
  204. return m.TimestampMicros
  205. }
  206. return 0
  207. }
  208. func (m *Cell) GetValue() []byte {
  209. if m != nil {
  210. return m.Value
  211. }
  212. return nil
  213. }
  214. func (m *Cell) GetLabels() []string {
  215. if m != nil {
  216. return m.Labels
  217. }
  218. return nil
  219. }
  220. // Specifies a contiguous range of rows.
  221. type RowRange struct {
  222. // Inclusive lower bound. If left empty, interpreted as the empty string.
  223. StartKey []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=start_key,json=startKey,proto3" json:"start_key,omitempty"`
  224. // Exclusive upper bound. If left empty, interpreted as infinity.
  225. EndKey []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=end_key,json=endKey,proto3" json:"end_key,omitempty"`
  226. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  227. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  228. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  229. }
  230. func (m *RowRange) Reset() { *m = RowRange{} }
  231. func (m *RowRange) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  232. func (*RowRange) ProtoMessage() {}
  233. func (*RowRange) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  234. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{4}
  235. }
  236. func (m *RowRange) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  237. return xxx_messageInfo_RowRange.Unmarshal(m, b)
  238. }
  239. func (m *RowRange) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  240. return xxx_messageInfo_RowRange.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  241. }
  242. func (dst *RowRange) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  243. xxx_messageInfo_RowRange.Merge(dst, src)
  244. }
  245. func (m *RowRange) XXX_Size() int {
  246. return xxx_messageInfo_RowRange.Size(m)
  247. }
  248. func (m *RowRange) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  249. xxx_messageInfo_RowRange.DiscardUnknown(m)
  250. }
  251. var xxx_messageInfo_RowRange proto.InternalMessageInfo
  252. func (m *RowRange) GetStartKey() []byte {
  253. if m != nil {
  254. return m.StartKey
  255. }
  256. return nil
  257. }
  258. func (m *RowRange) GetEndKey() []byte {
  259. if m != nil {
  260. return m.EndKey
  261. }
  262. return nil
  263. }
  264. // Specifies a non-contiguous set of rows.
  265. type RowSet struct {
  266. // Single rows included in the set.
  267. RowKeys [][]byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=row_keys,json=rowKeys,proto3" json:"row_keys,omitempty"`
  268. // Contiguous row ranges included in the set.
  269. RowRanges []*RowRange `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=row_ranges,json=rowRanges,proto3" json:"row_ranges,omitempty"`
  270. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  271. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  272. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  273. }
  274. func (m *RowSet) Reset() { *m = RowSet{} }
  275. func (m *RowSet) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  276. func (*RowSet) ProtoMessage() {}
  277. func (*RowSet) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  278. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{5}
  279. }
  280. func (m *RowSet) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  281. return xxx_messageInfo_RowSet.Unmarshal(m, b)
  282. }
  283. func (m *RowSet) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  284. return xxx_messageInfo_RowSet.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  285. }
  286. func (dst *RowSet) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  287. xxx_messageInfo_RowSet.Merge(dst, src)
  288. }
  289. func (m *RowSet) XXX_Size() int {
  290. return xxx_messageInfo_RowSet.Size(m)
  291. }
  292. func (m *RowSet) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  293. xxx_messageInfo_RowSet.DiscardUnknown(m)
  294. }
  295. var xxx_messageInfo_RowSet proto.InternalMessageInfo
  296. func (m *RowSet) GetRowKeys() [][]byte {
  297. if m != nil {
  298. return m.RowKeys
  299. }
  300. return nil
  301. }
  302. func (m *RowSet) GetRowRanges() []*RowRange {
  303. if m != nil {
  304. return m.RowRanges
  305. }
  306. return nil
  307. }
  308. // Specifies a contiguous range of columns within a single column family.
  309. // The range spans from <column_family>:<start_qualifier> to
  310. // <column_family>:<end_qualifier>, where both bounds can be either inclusive or
  311. // exclusive.
  312. type ColumnRange struct {
  313. // The name of the column family within which this range falls.
  314. FamilyName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=family_name,json=familyName,proto3" json:"family_name,omitempty"`
  315. // The column qualifier at which to start the range (within 'column_family').
  316. // If neither field is set, interpreted as the empty string, inclusive.
  317. //
  318. // Types that are valid to be assigned to StartQualifier:
  319. // *ColumnRange_StartQualifierInclusive
  320. // *ColumnRange_StartQualifierExclusive
  321. StartQualifier isColumnRange_StartQualifier `protobuf_oneof:"start_qualifier"`
  322. // The column qualifier at which to end the range (within 'column_family').
  323. // If neither field is set, interpreted as the infinite string, exclusive.
  324. //
  325. // Types that are valid to be assigned to EndQualifier:
  326. // *ColumnRange_EndQualifierInclusive
  327. // *ColumnRange_EndQualifierExclusive
  328. EndQualifier isColumnRange_EndQualifier `protobuf_oneof:"end_qualifier"`
  329. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  330. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  331. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  332. }
  333. func (m *ColumnRange) Reset() { *m = ColumnRange{} }
  334. func (m *ColumnRange) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  335. func (*ColumnRange) ProtoMessage() {}
  336. func (*ColumnRange) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  337. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{6}
  338. }
  339. func (m *ColumnRange) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  340. return xxx_messageInfo_ColumnRange.Unmarshal(m, b)
  341. }
  342. func (m *ColumnRange) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  343. return xxx_messageInfo_ColumnRange.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  344. }
  345. func (dst *ColumnRange) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  346. xxx_messageInfo_ColumnRange.Merge(dst, src)
  347. }
  348. func (m *ColumnRange) XXX_Size() int {
  349. return xxx_messageInfo_ColumnRange.Size(m)
  350. }
  351. func (m *ColumnRange) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  352. xxx_messageInfo_ColumnRange.DiscardUnknown(m)
  353. }
  354. var xxx_messageInfo_ColumnRange proto.InternalMessageInfo
  355. func (m *ColumnRange) GetFamilyName() string {
  356. if m != nil {
  357. return m.FamilyName
  358. }
  359. return ""
  360. }
  361. type isColumnRange_StartQualifier interface {
  362. isColumnRange_StartQualifier()
  363. }
  364. type ColumnRange_StartQualifierInclusive struct {
  365. StartQualifierInclusive []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=start_qualifier_inclusive,json=startQualifierInclusive,proto3,oneof"`
  366. }
  367. type ColumnRange_StartQualifierExclusive struct {
  368. StartQualifierExclusive []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=start_qualifier_exclusive,json=startQualifierExclusive,proto3,oneof"`
  369. }
  370. func (*ColumnRange_StartQualifierInclusive) isColumnRange_StartQualifier() {}
  371. func (*ColumnRange_StartQualifierExclusive) isColumnRange_StartQualifier() {}
  372. func (m *ColumnRange) GetStartQualifier() isColumnRange_StartQualifier {
  373. if m != nil {
  374. return m.StartQualifier
  375. }
  376. return nil
  377. }
  378. func (m *ColumnRange) GetStartQualifierInclusive() []byte {
  379. if x, ok := m.GetStartQualifier().(*ColumnRange_StartQualifierInclusive); ok {
  380. return x.StartQualifierInclusive
  381. }
  382. return nil
  383. }
  384. func (m *ColumnRange) GetStartQualifierExclusive() []byte {
  385. if x, ok := m.GetStartQualifier().(*ColumnRange_StartQualifierExclusive); ok {
  386. return x.StartQualifierExclusive
  387. }
  388. return nil
  389. }
  390. type isColumnRange_EndQualifier interface {
  391. isColumnRange_EndQualifier()
  392. }
  393. type ColumnRange_EndQualifierInclusive struct {
  394. EndQualifierInclusive []byte `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=end_qualifier_inclusive,json=endQualifierInclusive,proto3,oneof"`
  395. }
  396. type ColumnRange_EndQualifierExclusive struct {
  397. EndQualifierExclusive []byte `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=end_qualifier_exclusive,json=endQualifierExclusive,proto3,oneof"`
  398. }
  399. func (*ColumnRange_EndQualifierInclusive) isColumnRange_EndQualifier() {}
  400. func (*ColumnRange_EndQualifierExclusive) isColumnRange_EndQualifier() {}
  401. func (m *ColumnRange) GetEndQualifier() isColumnRange_EndQualifier {
  402. if m != nil {
  403. return m.EndQualifier
  404. }
  405. return nil
  406. }
  407. func (m *ColumnRange) GetEndQualifierInclusive() []byte {
  408. if x, ok := m.GetEndQualifier().(*ColumnRange_EndQualifierInclusive); ok {
  409. return x.EndQualifierInclusive
  410. }
  411. return nil
  412. }
  413. func (m *ColumnRange) GetEndQualifierExclusive() []byte {
  414. if x, ok := m.GetEndQualifier().(*ColumnRange_EndQualifierExclusive); ok {
  415. return x.EndQualifierExclusive
  416. }
  417. return nil
  418. }
  419. // XXX_OneofFuncs is for the internal use of the proto package.
  420. func (*ColumnRange) XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(msg proto.Message, b *proto.Buffer) error, func(msg proto.Message, tag, wire int, b *proto.Buffer) (bool, error), func(msg proto.Message) (n int), []interface{}) {
  421. return _ColumnRange_OneofMarshaler, _ColumnRange_OneofUnmarshaler, _ColumnRange_OneofSizer, []interface{}{
  422. (*ColumnRange_StartQualifierInclusive)(nil),
  423. (*ColumnRange_StartQualifierExclusive)(nil),
  424. (*ColumnRange_EndQualifierInclusive)(nil),
  425. (*ColumnRange_EndQualifierExclusive)(nil),
  426. }
  427. }
  428. func _ColumnRange_OneofMarshaler(msg proto.Message, b *proto.Buffer) error {
  429. m := msg.(*ColumnRange)
  430. // start_qualifier
  431. switch x := m.StartQualifier.(type) {
  432. case *ColumnRange_StartQualifierInclusive:
  433. b.EncodeVarint(2<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  434. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.StartQualifierInclusive)
  435. case *ColumnRange_StartQualifierExclusive:
  436. b.EncodeVarint(3<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  437. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.StartQualifierExclusive)
  438. case nil:
  439. default:
  440. return fmt.Errorf("ColumnRange.StartQualifier has unexpected type %T", x)
  441. }
  442. // end_qualifier
  443. switch x := m.EndQualifier.(type) {
  444. case *ColumnRange_EndQualifierInclusive:
  445. b.EncodeVarint(4<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  446. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.EndQualifierInclusive)
  447. case *ColumnRange_EndQualifierExclusive:
  448. b.EncodeVarint(5<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  449. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.EndQualifierExclusive)
  450. case nil:
  451. default:
  452. return fmt.Errorf("ColumnRange.EndQualifier has unexpected type %T", x)
  453. }
  454. return nil
  455. }
  456. func _ColumnRange_OneofUnmarshaler(msg proto.Message, tag, wire int, b *proto.Buffer) (bool, error) {
  457. m := msg.(*ColumnRange)
  458. switch tag {
  459. case 2: // start_qualifier.start_qualifier_inclusive
  460. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  461. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  462. }
  463. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  464. m.StartQualifier = &ColumnRange_StartQualifierInclusive{x}
  465. return true, err
  466. case 3: // start_qualifier.start_qualifier_exclusive
  467. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  468. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  469. }
  470. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  471. m.StartQualifier = &ColumnRange_StartQualifierExclusive{x}
  472. return true, err
  473. case 4: // end_qualifier.end_qualifier_inclusive
  474. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  475. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  476. }
  477. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  478. m.EndQualifier = &ColumnRange_EndQualifierInclusive{x}
  479. return true, err
  480. case 5: // end_qualifier.end_qualifier_exclusive
  481. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  482. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  483. }
  484. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  485. m.EndQualifier = &ColumnRange_EndQualifierExclusive{x}
  486. return true, err
  487. default:
  488. return false, nil
  489. }
  490. }
  491. func _ColumnRange_OneofSizer(msg proto.Message) (n int) {
  492. m := msg.(*ColumnRange)
  493. // start_qualifier
  494. switch x := m.StartQualifier.(type) {
  495. case *ColumnRange_StartQualifierInclusive:
  496. n += 1 // tag and wire
  497. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.StartQualifierInclusive)))
  498. n += len(x.StartQualifierInclusive)
  499. case *ColumnRange_StartQualifierExclusive:
  500. n += 1 // tag and wire
  501. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.StartQualifierExclusive)))
  502. n += len(x.StartQualifierExclusive)
  503. case nil:
  504. default:
  505. panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto: unexpected type %T in oneof", x))
  506. }
  507. // end_qualifier
  508. switch x := m.EndQualifier.(type) {
  509. case *ColumnRange_EndQualifierInclusive:
  510. n += 1 // tag and wire
  511. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.EndQualifierInclusive)))
  512. n += len(x.EndQualifierInclusive)
  513. case *ColumnRange_EndQualifierExclusive:
  514. n += 1 // tag and wire
  515. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.EndQualifierExclusive)))
  516. n += len(x.EndQualifierExclusive)
  517. case nil:
  518. default:
  519. panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto: unexpected type %T in oneof", x))
  520. }
  521. return n
  522. }
  523. // Specified a contiguous range of microsecond timestamps.
  524. type TimestampRange struct {
  525. // Inclusive lower bound. If left empty, interpreted as 0.
  526. StartTimestampMicros int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=start_timestamp_micros,json=startTimestampMicros,proto3" json:"start_timestamp_micros,omitempty"`
  527. // Exclusive upper bound. If left empty, interpreted as infinity.
  528. EndTimestampMicros int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=end_timestamp_micros,json=endTimestampMicros,proto3" json:"end_timestamp_micros,omitempty"`
  529. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  530. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  531. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  532. }
  533. func (m *TimestampRange) Reset() { *m = TimestampRange{} }
  534. func (m *TimestampRange) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  535. func (*TimestampRange) ProtoMessage() {}
  536. func (*TimestampRange) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  537. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{7}
  538. }
  539. func (m *TimestampRange) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  540. return xxx_messageInfo_TimestampRange.Unmarshal(m, b)
  541. }
  542. func (m *TimestampRange) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  543. return xxx_messageInfo_TimestampRange.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  544. }
  545. func (dst *TimestampRange) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  546. xxx_messageInfo_TimestampRange.Merge(dst, src)
  547. }
  548. func (m *TimestampRange) XXX_Size() int {
  549. return xxx_messageInfo_TimestampRange.Size(m)
  550. }
  551. func (m *TimestampRange) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  552. xxx_messageInfo_TimestampRange.DiscardUnknown(m)
  553. }
  554. var xxx_messageInfo_TimestampRange proto.InternalMessageInfo
  555. func (m *TimestampRange) GetStartTimestampMicros() int64 {
  556. if m != nil {
  557. return m.StartTimestampMicros
  558. }
  559. return 0
  560. }
  561. func (m *TimestampRange) GetEndTimestampMicros() int64 {
  562. if m != nil {
  563. return m.EndTimestampMicros
  564. }
  565. return 0
  566. }
  567. // Specifies a contiguous range of raw byte values.
  568. type ValueRange struct {
  569. // The value at which to start the range.
  570. // If neither field is set, interpreted as the empty string, inclusive.
  571. //
  572. // Types that are valid to be assigned to StartValue:
  573. // *ValueRange_StartValueInclusive
  574. // *ValueRange_StartValueExclusive
  575. StartValue isValueRange_StartValue `protobuf_oneof:"start_value"`
  576. // The value at which to end the range.
  577. // If neither field is set, interpreted as the infinite string, exclusive.
  578. //
  579. // Types that are valid to be assigned to EndValue:
  580. // *ValueRange_EndValueInclusive
  581. // *ValueRange_EndValueExclusive
  582. EndValue isValueRange_EndValue `protobuf_oneof:"end_value"`
  583. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  584. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  585. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  586. }
  587. func (m *ValueRange) Reset() { *m = ValueRange{} }
  588. func (m *ValueRange) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  589. func (*ValueRange) ProtoMessage() {}
  590. func (*ValueRange) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  591. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{8}
  592. }
  593. func (m *ValueRange) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  594. return xxx_messageInfo_ValueRange.Unmarshal(m, b)
  595. }
  596. func (m *ValueRange) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  597. return xxx_messageInfo_ValueRange.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  598. }
  599. func (dst *ValueRange) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  600. xxx_messageInfo_ValueRange.Merge(dst, src)
  601. }
  602. func (m *ValueRange) XXX_Size() int {
  603. return xxx_messageInfo_ValueRange.Size(m)
  604. }
  605. func (m *ValueRange) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  606. xxx_messageInfo_ValueRange.DiscardUnknown(m)
  607. }
  608. var xxx_messageInfo_ValueRange proto.InternalMessageInfo
  609. type isValueRange_StartValue interface {
  610. isValueRange_StartValue()
  611. }
  612. type ValueRange_StartValueInclusive struct {
  613. StartValueInclusive []byte `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=start_value_inclusive,json=startValueInclusive,proto3,oneof"`
  614. }
  615. type ValueRange_StartValueExclusive struct {
  616. StartValueExclusive []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=start_value_exclusive,json=startValueExclusive,proto3,oneof"`
  617. }
  618. func (*ValueRange_StartValueInclusive) isValueRange_StartValue() {}
  619. func (*ValueRange_StartValueExclusive) isValueRange_StartValue() {}
  620. func (m *ValueRange) GetStartValue() isValueRange_StartValue {
  621. if m != nil {
  622. return m.StartValue
  623. }
  624. return nil
  625. }
  626. func (m *ValueRange) GetStartValueInclusive() []byte {
  627. if x, ok := m.GetStartValue().(*ValueRange_StartValueInclusive); ok {
  628. return x.StartValueInclusive
  629. }
  630. return nil
  631. }
  632. func (m *ValueRange) GetStartValueExclusive() []byte {
  633. if x, ok := m.GetStartValue().(*ValueRange_StartValueExclusive); ok {
  634. return x.StartValueExclusive
  635. }
  636. return nil
  637. }
  638. type isValueRange_EndValue interface {
  639. isValueRange_EndValue()
  640. }
  641. type ValueRange_EndValueInclusive struct {
  642. EndValueInclusive []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=end_value_inclusive,json=endValueInclusive,proto3,oneof"`
  643. }
  644. type ValueRange_EndValueExclusive struct {
  645. EndValueExclusive []byte `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=end_value_exclusive,json=endValueExclusive,proto3,oneof"`
  646. }
  647. func (*ValueRange_EndValueInclusive) isValueRange_EndValue() {}
  648. func (*ValueRange_EndValueExclusive) isValueRange_EndValue() {}
  649. func (m *ValueRange) GetEndValue() isValueRange_EndValue {
  650. if m != nil {
  651. return m.EndValue
  652. }
  653. return nil
  654. }
  655. func (m *ValueRange) GetEndValueInclusive() []byte {
  656. if x, ok := m.GetEndValue().(*ValueRange_EndValueInclusive); ok {
  657. return x.EndValueInclusive
  658. }
  659. return nil
  660. }
  661. func (m *ValueRange) GetEndValueExclusive() []byte {
  662. if x, ok := m.GetEndValue().(*ValueRange_EndValueExclusive); ok {
  663. return x.EndValueExclusive
  664. }
  665. return nil
  666. }
  667. // XXX_OneofFuncs is for the internal use of the proto package.
  668. func (*ValueRange) XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(msg proto.Message, b *proto.Buffer) error, func(msg proto.Message, tag, wire int, b *proto.Buffer) (bool, error), func(msg proto.Message) (n int), []interface{}) {
  669. return _ValueRange_OneofMarshaler, _ValueRange_OneofUnmarshaler, _ValueRange_OneofSizer, []interface{}{
  670. (*ValueRange_StartValueInclusive)(nil),
  671. (*ValueRange_StartValueExclusive)(nil),
  672. (*ValueRange_EndValueInclusive)(nil),
  673. (*ValueRange_EndValueExclusive)(nil),
  674. }
  675. }
  676. func _ValueRange_OneofMarshaler(msg proto.Message, b *proto.Buffer) error {
  677. m := msg.(*ValueRange)
  678. // start_value
  679. switch x := m.StartValue.(type) {
  680. case *ValueRange_StartValueInclusive:
  681. b.EncodeVarint(1<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  682. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.StartValueInclusive)
  683. case *ValueRange_StartValueExclusive:
  684. b.EncodeVarint(2<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  685. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.StartValueExclusive)
  686. case nil:
  687. default:
  688. return fmt.Errorf("ValueRange.StartValue has unexpected type %T", x)
  689. }
  690. // end_value
  691. switch x := m.EndValue.(type) {
  692. case *ValueRange_EndValueInclusive:
  693. b.EncodeVarint(3<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  694. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.EndValueInclusive)
  695. case *ValueRange_EndValueExclusive:
  696. b.EncodeVarint(4<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  697. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.EndValueExclusive)
  698. case nil:
  699. default:
  700. return fmt.Errorf("ValueRange.EndValue has unexpected type %T", x)
  701. }
  702. return nil
  703. }
  704. func _ValueRange_OneofUnmarshaler(msg proto.Message, tag, wire int, b *proto.Buffer) (bool, error) {
  705. m := msg.(*ValueRange)
  706. switch tag {
  707. case 1: // start_value.start_value_inclusive
  708. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  709. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  710. }
  711. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  712. m.StartValue = &ValueRange_StartValueInclusive{x}
  713. return true, err
  714. case 2: // start_value.start_value_exclusive
  715. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  716. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  717. }
  718. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  719. m.StartValue = &ValueRange_StartValueExclusive{x}
  720. return true, err
  721. case 3: // end_value.end_value_inclusive
  722. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  723. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  724. }
  725. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  726. m.EndValue = &ValueRange_EndValueInclusive{x}
  727. return true, err
  728. case 4: // end_value.end_value_exclusive
  729. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  730. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  731. }
  732. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  733. m.EndValue = &ValueRange_EndValueExclusive{x}
  734. return true, err
  735. default:
  736. return false, nil
  737. }
  738. }
  739. func _ValueRange_OneofSizer(msg proto.Message) (n int) {
  740. m := msg.(*ValueRange)
  741. // start_value
  742. switch x := m.StartValue.(type) {
  743. case *ValueRange_StartValueInclusive:
  744. n += 1 // tag and wire
  745. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.StartValueInclusive)))
  746. n += len(x.StartValueInclusive)
  747. case *ValueRange_StartValueExclusive:
  748. n += 1 // tag and wire
  749. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.StartValueExclusive)))
  750. n += len(x.StartValueExclusive)
  751. case nil:
  752. default:
  753. panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto: unexpected type %T in oneof", x))
  754. }
  755. // end_value
  756. switch x := m.EndValue.(type) {
  757. case *ValueRange_EndValueInclusive:
  758. n += 1 // tag and wire
  759. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.EndValueInclusive)))
  760. n += len(x.EndValueInclusive)
  761. case *ValueRange_EndValueExclusive:
  762. n += 1 // tag and wire
  763. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.EndValueExclusive)))
  764. n += len(x.EndValueExclusive)
  765. case nil:
  766. default:
  767. panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto: unexpected type %T in oneof", x))
  768. }
  769. return n
  770. }
  771. // Takes a row as input and produces an alternate view of the row based on
  772. // specified rules. For example, a RowFilter might trim down a row to include
  773. // just the cells from columns matching a given regular expression, or might
  774. // return all the cells of a row but not their values. More complicated filters
  775. // can be composed out of these components to express requests such as, "within
  776. // every column of a particular family, give just the two most recent cells
  777. // which are older than timestamp X."
  778. //
  779. // There are two broad categories of RowFilters (true filters and transformers),
  780. // as well as two ways to compose simple filters into more complex ones
  781. // (chains and interleaves). They work as follows:
  782. //
  783. // * True filters alter the input row by excluding some of its cells wholesale
  784. // from the output row. An example of a true filter is the "value_regex_filter",
  785. // which excludes cells whose values don't match the specified pattern. All
  786. // regex true filters use RE2 syntax (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax)
  787. // in raw byte mode (RE2::Latin1), and are evaluated as full matches. An
  788. // important point to keep in mind is that RE2(.) is equivalent by default to
  789. // RE2([^\n]), meaning that it does not match newlines. When attempting to match
  790. // an arbitrary byte, you should therefore use the escape sequence '\C', which
  791. // may need to be further escaped as '\\C' in your client language.
  792. //
  793. // * Transformers alter the input row by changing the values of some of its
  794. // cells in the output, without excluding them completely. Currently, the only
  795. // supported transformer is the "strip_value_transformer", which replaces every
  796. // cell's value with the empty string.
  797. //
  798. // * Chains and interleaves are described in more detail in the
  799. // RowFilter.Chain and RowFilter.Interleave documentation.
  800. //
  801. // The total serialized size of a RowFilter message must not
  802. // exceed 4096 bytes, and RowFilters may not be nested within each other
  803. // (in Chains or Interleaves) to a depth of more than 20.
  804. type RowFilter struct {
  805. // Which of the possible RowFilter types to apply. If none are set, this
  806. // RowFilter returns all cells in the input row.
  807. //
  808. // Types that are valid to be assigned to Filter:
  809. // *RowFilter_Chain_
  810. // *RowFilter_Interleave_
  811. // *RowFilter_Condition_
  812. // *RowFilter_Sink
  813. // *RowFilter_PassAllFilter
  814. // *RowFilter_BlockAllFilter
  815. // *RowFilter_RowKeyRegexFilter
  816. // *RowFilter_RowSampleFilter
  817. // *RowFilter_FamilyNameRegexFilter
  818. // *RowFilter_ColumnQualifierRegexFilter
  819. // *RowFilter_ColumnRangeFilter
  820. // *RowFilter_TimestampRangeFilter
  821. // *RowFilter_ValueRegexFilter
  822. // *RowFilter_ValueRangeFilter
  823. // *RowFilter_CellsPerRowOffsetFilter
  824. // *RowFilter_CellsPerRowLimitFilter
  825. // *RowFilter_CellsPerColumnLimitFilter
  826. // *RowFilter_StripValueTransformer
  827. // *RowFilter_ApplyLabelTransformer
  828. Filter isRowFilter_Filter `protobuf_oneof:"filter"`
  829. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  830. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  831. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  832. }
  833. func (m *RowFilter) Reset() { *m = RowFilter{} }
  834. func (m *RowFilter) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  835. func (*RowFilter) ProtoMessage() {}
  836. func (*RowFilter) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  837. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{9}
  838. }
  839. func (m *RowFilter) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  840. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter.Unmarshal(m, b)
  841. }
  842. func (m *RowFilter) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  843. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  844. }
  845. func (dst *RowFilter) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  846. xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter.Merge(dst, src)
  847. }
  848. func (m *RowFilter) XXX_Size() int {
  849. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter.Size(m)
  850. }
  851. func (m *RowFilter) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  852. xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter.DiscardUnknown(m)
  853. }
  854. var xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter proto.InternalMessageInfo
  855. type isRowFilter_Filter interface {
  856. isRowFilter_Filter()
  857. }
  858. type RowFilter_Chain_ struct {
  859. Chain *RowFilter_Chain `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=chain,proto3,oneof"`
  860. }
  861. type RowFilter_Interleave_ struct {
  862. Interleave *RowFilter_Interleave `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=interleave,proto3,oneof"`
  863. }
  864. type RowFilter_Condition_ struct {
  865. Condition *RowFilter_Condition `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=condition,proto3,oneof"`
  866. }
  867. type RowFilter_Sink struct {
  868. Sink bool `protobuf:"varint,16,opt,name=sink,proto3,oneof"`
  869. }
  870. type RowFilter_PassAllFilter struct {
  871. PassAllFilter bool `protobuf:"varint,17,opt,name=pass_all_filter,json=passAllFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  872. }
  873. type RowFilter_BlockAllFilter struct {
  874. BlockAllFilter bool `protobuf:"varint,18,opt,name=block_all_filter,json=blockAllFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  875. }
  876. type RowFilter_RowKeyRegexFilter struct {
  877. RowKeyRegexFilter []byte `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=row_key_regex_filter,json=rowKeyRegexFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  878. }
  879. type RowFilter_RowSampleFilter struct {
  880. RowSampleFilter float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,14,opt,name=row_sample_filter,json=rowSampleFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  881. }
  882. type RowFilter_FamilyNameRegexFilter struct {
  883. FamilyNameRegexFilter string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=family_name_regex_filter,json=familyNameRegexFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  884. }
  885. type RowFilter_ColumnQualifierRegexFilter struct {
  886. ColumnQualifierRegexFilter []byte `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=column_qualifier_regex_filter,json=columnQualifierRegexFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  887. }
  888. type RowFilter_ColumnRangeFilter struct {
  889. ColumnRangeFilter *ColumnRange `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=column_range_filter,json=columnRangeFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  890. }
  891. type RowFilter_TimestampRangeFilter struct {
  892. TimestampRangeFilter *TimestampRange `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=timestamp_range_filter,json=timestampRangeFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  893. }
  894. type RowFilter_ValueRegexFilter struct {
  895. ValueRegexFilter []byte `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=value_regex_filter,json=valueRegexFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  896. }
  897. type RowFilter_ValueRangeFilter struct {
  898. ValueRangeFilter *ValueRange `protobuf:"bytes,15,opt,name=value_range_filter,json=valueRangeFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  899. }
  900. type RowFilter_CellsPerRowOffsetFilter struct {
  901. CellsPerRowOffsetFilter int32 `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=cells_per_row_offset_filter,json=cellsPerRowOffsetFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  902. }
  903. type RowFilter_CellsPerRowLimitFilter struct {
  904. CellsPerRowLimitFilter int32 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=cells_per_row_limit_filter,json=cellsPerRowLimitFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  905. }
  906. type RowFilter_CellsPerColumnLimitFilter struct {
  907. CellsPerColumnLimitFilter int32 `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=cells_per_column_limit_filter,json=cellsPerColumnLimitFilter,proto3,oneof"`
  908. }
  909. type RowFilter_StripValueTransformer struct {
  910. StripValueTransformer bool `protobuf:"varint,13,opt,name=strip_value_transformer,json=stripValueTransformer,proto3,oneof"`
  911. }
  912. type RowFilter_ApplyLabelTransformer struct {
  913. ApplyLabelTransformer string `protobuf:"bytes,19,opt,name=apply_label_transformer,json=applyLabelTransformer,proto3,oneof"`
  914. }
  915. func (*RowFilter_Chain_) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  916. func (*RowFilter_Interleave_) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  917. func (*RowFilter_Condition_) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  918. func (*RowFilter_Sink) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  919. func (*RowFilter_PassAllFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  920. func (*RowFilter_BlockAllFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  921. func (*RowFilter_RowKeyRegexFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  922. func (*RowFilter_RowSampleFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  923. func (*RowFilter_FamilyNameRegexFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  924. func (*RowFilter_ColumnQualifierRegexFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  925. func (*RowFilter_ColumnRangeFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  926. func (*RowFilter_TimestampRangeFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  927. func (*RowFilter_ValueRegexFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  928. func (*RowFilter_ValueRangeFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  929. func (*RowFilter_CellsPerRowOffsetFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  930. func (*RowFilter_CellsPerRowLimitFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  931. func (*RowFilter_CellsPerColumnLimitFilter) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  932. func (*RowFilter_StripValueTransformer) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  933. func (*RowFilter_ApplyLabelTransformer) isRowFilter_Filter() {}
  934. func (m *RowFilter) GetFilter() isRowFilter_Filter {
  935. if m != nil {
  936. return m.Filter
  937. }
  938. return nil
  939. }
  940. func (m *RowFilter) GetChain() *RowFilter_Chain {
  941. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_Chain_); ok {
  942. return x.Chain
  943. }
  944. return nil
  945. }
  946. func (m *RowFilter) GetInterleave() *RowFilter_Interleave {
  947. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_Interleave_); ok {
  948. return x.Interleave
  949. }
  950. return nil
  951. }
  952. func (m *RowFilter) GetCondition() *RowFilter_Condition {
  953. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_Condition_); ok {
  954. return x.Condition
  955. }
  956. return nil
  957. }
  958. func (m *RowFilter) GetSink() bool {
  959. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_Sink); ok {
  960. return x.Sink
  961. }
  962. return false
  963. }
  964. func (m *RowFilter) GetPassAllFilter() bool {
  965. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_PassAllFilter); ok {
  966. return x.PassAllFilter
  967. }
  968. return false
  969. }
  970. func (m *RowFilter) GetBlockAllFilter() bool {
  971. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_BlockAllFilter); ok {
  972. return x.BlockAllFilter
  973. }
  974. return false
  975. }
  976. func (m *RowFilter) GetRowKeyRegexFilter() []byte {
  977. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_RowKeyRegexFilter); ok {
  978. return x.RowKeyRegexFilter
  979. }
  980. return nil
  981. }
  982. func (m *RowFilter) GetRowSampleFilter() float64 {
  983. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_RowSampleFilter); ok {
  984. return x.RowSampleFilter
  985. }
  986. return 0
  987. }
  988. func (m *RowFilter) GetFamilyNameRegexFilter() string {
  989. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_FamilyNameRegexFilter); ok {
  990. return x.FamilyNameRegexFilter
  991. }
  992. return ""
  993. }
  994. func (m *RowFilter) GetColumnQualifierRegexFilter() []byte {
  995. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_ColumnQualifierRegexFilter); ok {
  996. return x.ColumnQualifierRegexFilter
  997. }
  998. return nil
  999. }
  1000. func (m *RowFilter) GetColumnRangeFilter() *ColumnRange {
  1001. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_ColumnRangeFilter); ok {
  1002. return x.ColumnRangeFilter
  1003. }
  1004. return nil
  1005. }
  1006. func (m *RowFilter) GetTimestampRangeFilter() *TimestampRange {
  1007. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_TimestampRangeFilter); ok {
  1008. return x.TimestampRangeFilter
  1009. }
  1010. return nil
  1011. }
  1012. func (m *RowFilter) GetValueRegexFilter() []byte {
  1013. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_ValueRegexFilter); ok {
  1014. return x.ValueRegexFilter
  1015. }
  1016. return nil
  1017. }
  1018. func (m *RowFilter) GetValueRangeFilter() *ValueRange {
  1019. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_ValueRangeFilter); ok {
  1020. return x.ValueRangeFilter
  1021. }
  1022. return nil
  1023. }
  1024. func (m *RowFilter) GetCellsPerRowOffsetFilter() int32 {
  1025. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_CellsPerRowOffsetFilter); ok {
  1026. return x.CellsPerRowOffsetFilter
  1027. }
  1028. return 0
  1029. }
  1030. func (m *RowFilter) GetCellsPerRowLimitFilter() int32 {
  1031. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_CellsPerRowLimitFilter); ok {
  1032. return x.CellsPerRowLimitFilter
  1033. }
  1034. return 0
  1035. }
  1036. func (m *RowFilter) GetCellsPerColumnLimitFilter() int32 {
  1037. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_CellsPerColumnLimitFilter); ok {
  1038. return x.CellsPerColumnLimitFilter
  1039. }
  1040. return 0
  1041. }
  1042. func (m *RowFilter) GetStripValueTransformer() bool {
  1043. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_StripValueTransformer); ok {
  1044. return x.StripValueTransformer
  1045. }
  1046. return false
  1047. }
  1048. func (m *RowFilter) GetApplyLabelTransformer() string {
  1049. if x, ok := m.GetFilter().(*RowFilter_ApplyLabelTransformer); ok {
  1050. return x.ApplyLabelTransformer
  1051. }
  1052. return ""
  1053. }
  1054. // XXX_OneofFuncs is for the internal use of the proto package.
  1055. func (*RowFilter) XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(msg proto.Message, b *proto.Buffer) error, func(msg proto.Message, tag, wire int, b *proto.Buffer) (bool, error), func(msg proto.Message) (n int), []interface{}) {
  1056. return _RowFilter_OneofMarshaler, _RowFilter_OneofUnmarshaler, _RowFilter_OneofSizer, []interface{}{
  1057. (*RowFilter_Chain_)(nil),
  1058. (*RowFilter_Interleave_)(nil),
  1059. (*RowFilter_Condition_)(nil),
  1060. (*RowFilter_Sink)(nil),
  1061. (*RowFilter_PassAllFilter)(nil),
  1062. (*RowFilter_BlockAllFilter)(nil),
  1063. (*RowFilter_RowKeyRegexFilter)(nil),
  1064. (*RowFilter_RowSampleFilter)(nil),
  1065. (*RowFilter_FamilyNameRegexFilter)(nil),
  1066. (*RowFilter_ColumnQualifierRegexFilter)(nil),
  1067. (*RowFilter_ColumnRangeFilter)(nil),
  1068. (*RowFilter_TimestampRangeFilter)(nil),
  1069. (*RowFilter_ValueRegexFilter)(nil),
  1070. (*RowFilter_ValueRangeFilter)(nil),
  1071. (*RowFilter_CellsPerRowOffsetFilter)(nil),
  1072. (*RowFilter_CellsPerRowLimitFilter)(nil),
  1073. (*RowFilter_CellsPerColumnLimitFilter)(nil),
  1074. (*RowFilter_StripValueTransformer)(nil),
  1075. (*RowFilter_ApplyLabelTransformer)(nil),
  1076. }
  1077. }
  1078. func _RowFilter_OneofMarshaler(msg proto.Message, b *proto.Buffer) error {
  1079. m := msg.(*RowFilter)
  1080. // filter
  1081. switch x := m.Filter.(type) {
  1082. case *RowFilter_Chain_:
  1083. b.EncodeVarint(1<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1084. if err := b.EncodeMessage(x.Chain); err != nil {
  1085. return err
  1086. }
  1087. case *RowFilter_Interleave_:
  1088. b.EncodeVarint(2<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1089. if err := b.EncodeMessage(x.Interleave); err != nil {
  1090. return err
  1091. }
  1092. case *RowFilter_Condition_:
  1093. b.EncodeVarint(3<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1094. if err := b.EncodeMessage(x.Condition); err != nil {
  1095. return err
  1096. }
  1097. case *RowFilter_Sink:
  1098. t := uint64(0)
  1099. if x.Sink {
  1100. t = 1
  1101. }
  1102. b.EncodeVarint(16<<3 | proto.WireVarint)
  1103. b.EncodeVarint(t)
  1104. case *RowFilter_PassAllFilter:
  1105. t := uint64(0)
  1106. if x.PassAllFilter {
  1107. t = 1
  1108. }
  1109. b.EncodeVarint(17<<3 | proto.WireVarint)
  1110. b.EncodeVarint(t)
  1111. case *RowFilter_BlockAllFilter:
  1112. t := uint64(0)
  1113. if x.BlockAllFilter {
  1114. t = 1
  1115. }
  1116. b.EncodeVarint(18<<3 | proto.WireVarint)
  1117. b.EncodeVarint(t)
  1118. case *RowFilter_RowKeyRegexFilter:
  1119. b.EncodeVarint(4<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1120. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.RowKeyRegexFilter)
  1121. case *RowFilter_RowSampleFilter:
  1122. b.EncodeVarint(14<<3 | proto.WireFixed64)
  1123. b.EncodeFixed64(math.Float64bits(x.RowSampleFilter))
  1124. case *RowFilter_FamilyNameRegexFilter:
  1125. b.EncodeVarint(5<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1126. b.EncodeStringBytes(x.FamilyNameRegexFilter)
  1127. case *RowFilter_ColumnQualifierRegexFilter:
  1128. b.EncodeVarint(6<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1129. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.ColumnQualifierRegexFilter)
  1130. case *RowFilter_ColumnRangeFilter:
  1131. b.EncodeVarint(7<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1132. if err := b.EncodeMessage(x.ColumnRangeFilter); err != nil {
  1133. return err
  1134. }
  1135. case *RowFilter_TimestampRangeFilter:
  1136. b.EncodeVarint(8<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1137. if err := b.EncodeMessage(x.TimestampRangeFilter); err != nil {
  1138. return err
  1139. }
  1140. case *RowFilter_ValueRegexFilter:
  1141. b.EncodeVarint(9<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1142. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.ValueRegexFilter)
  1143. case *RowFilter_ValueRangeFilter:
  1144. b.EncodeVarint(15<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1145. if err := b.EncodeMessage(x.ValueRangeFilter); err != nil {
  1146. return err
  1147. }
  1148. case *RowFilter_CellsPerRowOffsetFilter:
  1149. b.EncodeVarint(10<<3 | proto.WireVarint)
  1150. b.EncodeVarint(uint64(x.CellsPerRowOffsetFilter))
  1151. case *RowFilter_CellsPerRowLimitFilter:
  1152. b.EncodeVarint(11<<3 | proto.WireVarint)
  1153. b.EncodeVarint(uint64(x.CellsPerRowLimitFilter))
  1154. case *RowFilter_CellsPerColumnLimitFilter:
  1155. b.EncodeVarint(12<<3 | proto.WireVarint)
  1156. b.EncodeVarint(uint64(x.CellsPerColumnLimitFilter))
  1157. case *RowFilter_StripValueTransformer:
  1158. t := uint64(0)
  1159. if x.StripValueTransformer {
  1160. t = 1
  1161. }
  1162. b.EncodeVarint(13<<3 | proto.WireVarint)
  1163. b.EncodeVarint(t)
  1164. case *RowFilter_ApplyLabelTransformer:
  1165. b.EncodeVarint(19<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1166. b.EncodeStringBytes(x.ApplyLabelTransformer)
  1167. case nil:
  1168. default:
  1169. return fmt.Errorf("RowFilter.Filter has unexpected type %T", x)
  1170. }
  1171. return nil
  1172. }
  1173. func _RowFilter_OneofUnmarshaler(msg proto.Message, tag, wire int, b *proto.Buffer) (bool, error) {
  1174. m := msg.(*RowFilter)
  1175. switch tag {
  1176. case 1: // filter.chain
  1177. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1178. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1179. }
  1180. msg := new(RowFilter_Chain)
  1181. err := b.DecodeMessage(msg)
  1182. m.Filter = &RowFilter_Chain_{msg}
  1183. return true, err
  1184. case 2: // filter.interleave
  1185. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1186. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1187. }
  1188. msg := new(RowFilter_Interleave)
  1189. err := b.DecodeMessage(msg)
  1190. m.Filter = &RowFilter_Interleave_{msg}
  1191. return true, err
  1192. case 3: // filter.condition
  1193. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1194. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1195. }
  1196. msg := new(RowFilter_Condition)
  1197. err := b.DecodeMessage(msg)
  1198. m.Filter = &RowFilter_Condition_{msg}
  1199. return true, err
  1200. case 16: // filter.sink
  1201. if wire != proto.WireVarint {
  1202. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1203. }
  1204. x, err := b.DecodeVarint()
  1205. m.Filter = &RowFilter_Sink{x != 0}
  1206. return true, err
  1207. case 17: // filter.pass_all_filter
  1208. if wire != proto.WireVarint {
  1209. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1210. }
  1211. x, err := b.DecodeVarint()
  1212. m.Filter = &RowFilter_PassAllFilter{x != 0}
  1213. return true, err
  1214. case 18: // filter.block_all_filter
  1215. if wire != proto.WireVarint {
  1216. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1217. }
  1218. x, err := b.DecodeVarint()
  1219. m.Filter = &RowFilter_BlockAllFilter{x != 0}
  1220. return true, err
  1221. case 4: // filter.row_key_regex_filter
  1222. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1223. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1224. }
  1225. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  1226. m.Filter = &RowFilter_RowKeyRegexFilter{x}
  1227. return true, err
  1228. case 14: // filter.row_sample_filter
  1229. if wire != proto.WireFixed64 {
  1230. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1231. }
  1232. x, err := b.DecodeFixed64()
  1233. m.Filter = &RowFilter_RowSampleFilter{math.Float64frombits(x)}
  1234. return true, err
  1235. case 5: // filter.family_name_regex_filter
  1236. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1237. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1238. }
  1239. x, err := b.DecodeStringBytes()
  1240. m.Filter = &RowFilter_FamilyNameRegexFilter{x}
  1241. return true, err
  1242. case 6: // filter.column_qualifier_regex_filter
  1243. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1244. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1245. }
  1246. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  1247. m.Filter = &RowFilter_ColumnQualifierRegexFilter{x}
  1248. return true, err
  1249. case 7: // filter.column_range_filter
  1250. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1251. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1252. }
  1253. msg := new(ColumnRange)
  1254. err := b.DecodeMessage(msg)
  1255. m.Filter = &RowFilter_ColumnRangeFilter{msg}
  1256. return true, err
  1257. case 8: // filter.timestamp_range_filter
  1258. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1259. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1260. }
  1261. msg := new(TimestampRange)
  1262. err := b.DecodeMessage(msg)
  1263. m.Filter = &RowFilter_TimestampRangeFilter{msg}
  1264. return true, err
  1265. case 9: // filter.value_regex_filter
  1266. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1267. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1268. }
  1269. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  1270. m.Filter = &RowFilter_ValueRegexFilter{x}
  1271. return true, err
  1272. case 15: // filter.value_range_filter
  1273. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1274. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1275. }
  1276. msg := new(ValueRange)
  1277. err := b.DecodeMessage(msg)
  1278. m.Filter = &RowFilter_ValueRangeFilter{msg}
  1279. return true, err
  1280. case 10: // filter.cells_per_row_offset_filter
  1281. if wire != proto.WireVarint {
  1282. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1283. }
  1284. x, err := b.DecodeVarint()
  1285. m.Filter = &RowFilter_CellsPerRowOffsetFilter{int32(x)}
  1286. return true, err
  1287. case 11: // filter.cells_per_row_limit_filter
  1288. if wire != proto.WireVarint {
  1289. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1290. }
  1291. x, err := b.DecodeVarint()
  1292. m.Filter = &RowFilter_CellsPerRowLimitFilter{int32(x)}
  1293. return true, err
  1294. case 12: // filter.cells_per_column_limit_filter
  1295. if wire != proto.WireVarint {
  1296. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1297. }
  1298. x, err := b.DecodeVarint()
  1299. m.Filter = &RowFilter_CellsPerColumnLimitFilter{int32(x)}
  1300. return true, err
  1301. case 13: // filter.strip_value_transformer
  1302. if wire != proto.WireVarint {
  1303. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1304. }
  1305. x, err := b.DecodeVarint()
  1306. m.Filter = &RowFilter_StripValueTransformer{x != 0}
  1307. return true, err
  1308. case 19: // filter.apply_label_transformer
  1309. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1310. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1311. }
  1312. x, err := b.DecodeStringBytes()
  1313. m.Filter = &RowFilter_ApplyLabelTransformer{x}
  1314. return true, err
  1315. default:
  1316. return false, nil
  1317. }
  1318. }
  1319. func _RowFilter_OneofSizer(msg proto.Message) (n int) {
  1320. m := msg.(*RowFilter)
  1321. // filter
  1322. switch x := m.Filter.(type) {
  1323. case *RowFilter_Chain_:
  1324. s := proto.Size(x.Chain)
  1325. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1326. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(s))
  1327. n += s
  1328. case *RowFilter_Interleave_:
  1329. s := proto.Size(x.Interleave)
  1330. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1331. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(s))
  1332. n += s
  1333. case *RowFilter_Condition_:
  1334. s := proto.Size(x.Condition)
  1335. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1336. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(s))
  1337. n += s
  1338. case *RowFilter_Sink:
  1339. n += 2 // tag and wire
  1340. n += 1
  1341. case *RowFilter_PassAllFilter:
  1342. n += 2 // tag and wire
  1343. n += 1
  1344. case *RowFilter_BlockAllFilter:
  1345. n += 2 // tag and wire
  1346. n += 1
  1347. case *RowFilter_RowKeyRegexFilter:
  1348. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1349. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.RowKeyRegexFilter)))
  1350. n += len(x.RowKeyRegexFilter)
  1351. case *RowFilter_RowSampleFilter:
  1352. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1353. n += 8
  1354. case *RowFilter_FamilyNameRegexFilter:
  1355. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1356. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.FamilyNameRegexFilter)))
  1357. n += len(x.FamilyNameRegexFilter)
  1358. case *RowFilter_ColumnQualifierRegexFilter:
  1359. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1360. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.ColumnQualifierRegexFilter)))
  1361. n += len(x.ColumnQualifierRegexFilter)
  1362. case *RowFilter_ColumnRangeFilter:
  1363. s := proto.Size(x.ColumnRangeFilter)
  1364. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1365. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(s))
  1366. n += s
  1367. case *RowFilter_TimestampRangeFilter:
  1368. s := proto.Size(x.TimestampRangeFilter)
  1369. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1370. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(s))
  1371. n += s
  1372. case *RowFilter_ValueRegexFilter:
  1373. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1374. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.ValueRegexFilter)))
  1375. n += len(x.ValueRegexFilter)
  1376. case *RowFilter_ValueRangeFilter:
  1377. s := proto.Size(x.ValueRangeFilter)
  1378. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1379. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(s))
  1380. n += s
  1381. case *RowFilter_CellsPerRowOffsetFilter:
  1382. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1383. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(x.CellsPerRowOffsetFilter))
  1384. case *RowFilter_CellsPerRowLimitFilter:
  1385. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1386. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(x.CellsPerRowLimitFilter))
  1387. case *RowFilter_CellsPerColumnLimitFilter:
  1388. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1389. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(x.CellsPerColumnLimitFilter))
  1390. case *RowFilter_StripValueTransformer:
  1391. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1392. n += 1
  1393. case *RowFilter_ApplyLabelTransformer:
  1394. n += 2 // tag and wire
  1395. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.ApplyLabelTransformer)))
  1396. n += len(x.ApplyLabelTransformer)
  1397. case nil:
  1398. default:
  1399. panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto: unexpected type %T in oneof", x))
  1400. }
  1401. return n
  1402. }
  1403. // A RowFilter which sends rows through several RowFilters in sequence.
  1404. type RowFilter_Chain struct {
  1405. // The elements of "filters" are chained together to process the input row:
  1406. // in row -> f(0) -> intermediate row -> f(1) -> ... -> f(N) -> out row
  1407. // The full chain is executed atomically.
  1408. Filters []*RowFilter `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=filters,proto3" json:"filters,omitempty"`
  1409. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  1410. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  1411. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  1412. }
  1413. func (m *RowFilter_Chain) Reset() { *m = RowFilter_Chain{} }
  1414. func (m *RowFilter_Chain) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  1415. func (*RowFilter_Chain) ProtoMessage() {}
  1416. func (*RowFilter_Chain) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  1417. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{9, 0}
  1418. }
  1419. func (m *RowFilter_Chain) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  1420. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Chain.Unmarshal(m, b)
  1421. }
  1422. func (m *RowFilter_Chain) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  1423. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Chain.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  1424. }
  1425. func (dst *RowFilter_Chain) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  1426. xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Chain.Merge(dst, src)
  1427. }
  1428. func (m *RowFilter_Chain) XXX_Size() int {
  1429. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Chain.Size(m)
  1430. }
  1431. func (m *RowFilter_Chain) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  1432. xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Chain.DiscardUnknown(m)
  1433. }
  1434. var xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Chain proto.InternalMessageInfo
  1435. func (m *RowFilter_Chain) GetFilters() []*RowFilter {
  1436. if m != nil {
  1437. return m.Filters
  1438. }
  1439. return nil
  1440. }
  1441. // A RowFilter which sends each row to each of several component
  1442. // RowFilters and interleaves the results.
  1443. type RowFilter_Interleave struct {
  1444. // The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the
  1445. // results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row.
  1446. // If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp,
  1447. // they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order.
  1448. // Consider the following example, with three filters:
  1449. //
  1450. // input row
  1451. // |
  1452. // -----------------------------------------------------
  1453. // | | |
  1454. // f(0) f(1) f(2)
  1455. // | | |
  1456. // 1: foo,bar,10,x foo,bar,10,z far,bar,7,a
  1457. // 2: foo,blah,11,z far,blah,5,x far,blah,5,x
  1458. // | | |
  1459. // -----------------------------------------------------
  1460. // |
  1461. // 1: foo,bar,10,z // could have switched with #2
  1462. // 2: foo,bar,10,x // could have switched with #1
  1463. // 3: foo,blah,11,z
  1464. // 4: far,bar,7,a
  1465. // 5: far,blah,5,x // identical to #6
  1466. // 6: far,blah,5,x // identical to #5
  1467. // All interleaved filters are executed atomically.
  1468. Filters []*RowFilter `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=filters,proto3" json:"filters,omitempty"`
  1469. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  1470. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  1471. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  1472. }
  1473. func (m *RowFilter_Interleave) Reset() { *m = RowFilter_Interleave{} }
  1474. func (m *RowFilter_Interleave) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  1475. func (*RowFilter_Interleave) ProtoMessage() {}
  1476. func (*RowFilter_Interleave) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  1477. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{9, 1}
  1478. }
  1479. func (m *RowFilter_Interleave) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  1480. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Interleave.Unmarshal(m, b)
  1481. }
  1482. func (m *RowFilter_Interleave) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  1483. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Interleave.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  1484. }
  1485. func (dst *RowFilter_Interleave) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  1486. xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Interleave.Merge(dst, src)
  1487. }
  1488. func (m *RowFilter_Interleave) XXX_Size() int {
  1489. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Interleave.Size(m)
  1490. }
  1491. func (m *RowFilter_Interleave) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  1492. xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Interleave.DiscardUnknown(m)
  1493. }
  1494. var xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Interleave proto.InternalMessageInfo
  1495. func (m *RowFilter_Interleave) GetFilters() []*RowFilter {
  1496. if m != nil {
  1497. return m.Filters
  1498. }
  1499. return nil
  1500. }
  1501. // A RowFilter which evaluates one of two possible RowFilters, depending on
  1502. // whether or not a predicate RowFilter outputs any cells from the input row.
  1503. //
  1504. // IMPORTANT NOTE: The predicate filter does not execute atomically with the
  1505. // true and false filters, which may lead to inconsistent or unexpected
  1506. // results. Additionally, Condition filters have poor performance, especially
  1507. // when filters are set for the false condition.
  1508. type RowFilter_Condition struct {
  1509. // If "predicate_filter" outputs any cells, then "true_filter" will be
  1510. // evaluated on the input row. Otherwise, "false_filter" will be evaluated.
  1511. PredicateFilter *RowFilter `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=predicate_filter,json=predicateFilter,proto3" json:"predicate_filter,omitempty"`
  1512. // The filter to apply to the input row if "predicate_filter" returns any
  1513. // results. If not provided, no results will be returned in the true case.
  1514. TrueFilter *RowFilter `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=true_filter,json=trueFilter,proto3" json:"true_filter,omitempty"`
  1515. // The filter to apply to the input row if "predicate_filter" does not
  1516. // return any results. If not provided, no results will be returned in the
  1517. // false case.
  1518. FalseFilter *RowFilter `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=false_filter,json=falseFilter,proto3" json:"false_filter,omitempty"`
  1519. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  1520. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  1521. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  1522. }
  1523. func (m *RowFilter_Condition) Reset() { *m = RowFilter_Condition{} }
  1524. func (m *RowFilter_Condition) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  1525. func (*RowFilter_Condition) ProtoMessage() {}
  1526. func (*RowFilter_Condition) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  1527. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{9, 2}
  1528. }
  1529. func (m *RowFilter_Condition) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  1530. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Condition.Unmarshal(m, b)
  1531. }
  1532. func (m *RowFilter_Condition) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  1533. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Condition.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  1534. }
  1535. func (dst *RowFilter_Condition) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  1536. xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Condition.Merge(dst, src)
  1537. }
  1538. func (m *RowFilter_Condition) XXX_Size() int {
  1539. return xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Condition.Size(m)
  1540. }
  1541. func (m *RowFilter_Condition) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  1542. xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Condition.DiscardUnknown(m)
  1543. }
  1544. var xxx_messageInfo_RowFilter_Condition proto.InternalMessageInfo
  1545. func (m *RowFilter_Condition) GetPredicateFilter() *RowFilter {
  1546. if m != nil {
  1547. return m.PredicateFilter
  1548. }
  1549. return nil
  1550. }
  1551. func (m *RowFilter_Condition) GetTrueFilter() *RowFilter {
  1552. if m != nil {
  1553. return m.TrueFilter
  1554. }
  1555. return nil
  1556. }
  1557. func (m *RowFilter_Condition) GetFalseFilter() *RowFilter {
  1558. if m != nil {
  1559. return m.FalseFilter
  1560. }
  1561. return nil
  1562. }
  1563. // Specifies a particular change to be made to the contents of a row.
  1564. type Mutation struct {
  1565. // Which of the possible Mutation types to apply.
  1566. //
  1567. // Types that are valid to be assigned to Mutation:
  1568. // *Mutation_SetCell_
  1569. // *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn_
  1570. // *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily_
  1571. // *Mutation_DeleteFromRow_
  1572. Mutation isMutation_Mutation `protobuf_oneof:"mutation"`
  1573. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  1574. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  1575. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  1576. }
  1577. func (m *Mutation) Reset() { *m = Mutation{} }
  1578. func (m *Mutation) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  1579. func (*Mutation) ProtoMessage() {}
  1580. func (*Mutation) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  1581. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{10}
  1582. }
  1583. func (m *Mutation) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  1584. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation.Unmarshal(m, b)
  1585. }
  1586. func (m *Mutation) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  1587. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  1588. }
  1589. func (dst *Mutation) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  1590. xxx_messageInfo_Mutation.Merge(dst, src)
  1591. }
  1592. func (m *Mutation) XXX_Size() int {
  1593. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation.Size(m)
  1594. }
  1595. func (m *Mutation) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  1596. xxx_messageInfo_Mutation.DiscardUnknown(m)
  1597. }
  1598. var xxx_messageInfo_Mutation proto.InternalMessageInfo
  1599. type isMutation_Mutation interface {
  1600. isMutation_Mutation()
  1601. }
  1602. type Mutation_SetCell_ struct {
  1603. SetCell *Mutation_SetCell `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=set_cell,json=setCell,proto3,oneof"`
  1604. }
  1605. type Mutation_DeleteFromColumn_ struct {
  1606. DeleteFromColumn *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=delete_from_column,json=deleteFromColumn,proto3,oneof"`
  1607. }
  1608. type Mutation_DeleteFromFamily_ struct {
  1609. DeleteFromFamily *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=delete_from_family,json=deleteFromFamily,proto3,oneof"`
  1610. }
  1611. type Mutation_DeleteFromRow_ struct {
  1612. DeleteFromRow *Mutation_DeleteFromRow `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=delete_from_row,json=deleteFromRow,proto3,oneof"`
  1613. }
  1614. func (*Mutation_SetCell_) isMutation_Mutation() {}
  1615. func (*Mutation_DeleteFromColumn_) isMutation_Mutation() {}
  1616. func (*Mutation_DeleteFromFamily_) isMutation_Mutation() {}
  1617. func (*Mutation_DeleteFromRow_) isMutation_Mutation() {}
  1618. func (m *Mutation) GetMutation() isMutation_Mutation {
  1619. if m != nil {
  1620. return m.Mutation
  1621. }
  1622. return nil
  1623. }
  1624. func (m *Mutation) GetSetCell() *Mutation_SetCell {
  1625. if x, ok := m.GetMutation().(*Mutation_SetCell_); ok {
  1626. return x.SetCell
  1627. }
  1628. return nil
  1629. }
  1630. func (m *Mutation) GetDeleteFromColumn() *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn {
  1631. if x, ok := m.GetMutation().(*Mutation_DeleteFromColumn_); ok {
  1632. return x.DeleteFromColumn
  1633. }
  1634. return nil
  1635. }
  1636. func (m *Mutation) GetDeleteFromFamily() *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily {
  1637. if x, ok := m.GetMutation().(*Mutation_DeleteFromFamily_); ok {
  1638. return x.DeleteFromFamily
  1639. }
  1640. return nil
  1641. }
  1642. func (m *Mutation) GetDeleteFromRow() *Mutation_DeleteFromRow {
  1643. if x, ok := m.GetMutation().(*Mutation_DeleteFromRow_); ok {
  1644. return x.DeleteFromRow
  1645. }
  1646. return nil
  1647. }
  1648. // XXX_OneofFuncs is for the internal use of the proto package.
  1649. func (*Mutation) XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(msg proto.Message, b *proto.Buffer) error, func(msg proto.Message, tag, wire int, b *proto.Buffer) (bool, error), func(msg proto.Message) (n int), []interface{}) {
  1650. return _Mutation_OneofMarshaler, _Mutation_OneofUnmarshaler, _Mutation_OneofSizer, []interface{}{
  1651. (*Mutation_SetCell_)(nil),
  1652. (*Mutation_DeleteFromColumn_)(nil),
  1653. (*Mutation_DeleteFromFamily_)(nil),
  1654. (*Mutation_DeleteFromRow_)(nil),
  1655. }
  1656. }
  1657. func _Mutation_OneofMarshaler(msg proto.Message, b *proto.Buffer) error {
  1658. m := msg.(*Mutation)
  1659. // mutation
  1660. switch x := m.Mutation.(type) {
  1661. case *Mutation_SetCell_:
  1662. b.EncodeVarint(1<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1663. if err := b.EncodeMessage(x.SetCell); err != nil {
  1664. return err
  1665. }
  1666. case *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn_:
  1667. b.EncodeVarint(2<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1668. if err := b.EncodeMessage(x.DeleteFromColumn); err != nil {
  1669. return err
  1670. }
  1671. case *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily_:
  1672. b.EncodeVarint(3<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1673. if err := b.EncodeMessage(x.DeleteFromFamily); err != nil {
  1674. return err
  1675. }
  1676. case *Mutation_DeleteFromRow_:
  1677. b.EncodeVarint(4<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  1678. if err := b.EncodeMessage(x.DeleteFromRow); err != nil {
  1679. return err
  1680. }
  1681. case nil:
  1682. default:
  1683. return fmt.Errorf("Mutation.Mutation has unexpected type %T", x)
  1684. }
  1685. return nil
  1686. }
  1687. func _Mutation_OneofUnmarshaler(msg proto.Message, tag, wire int, b *proto.Buffer) (bool, error) {
  1688. m := msg.(*Mutation)
  1689. switch tag {
  1690. case 1: // mutation.set_cell
  1691. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1692. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1693. }
  1694. msg := new(Mutation_SetCell)
  1695. err := b.DecodeMessage(msg)
  1696. m.Mutation = &Mutation_SetCell_{msg}
  1697. return true, err
  1698. case 2: // mutation.delete_from_column
  1699. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1700. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1701. }
  1702. msg := new(Mutation_DeleteFromColumn)
  1703. err := b.DecodeMessage(msg)
  1704. m.Mutation = &Mutation_DeleteFromColumn_{msg}
  1705. return true, err
  1706. case 3: // mutation.delete_from_family
  1707. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1708. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1709. }
  1710. msg := new(Mutation_DeleteFromFamily)
  1711. err := b.DecodeMessage(msg)
  1712. m.Mutation = &Mutation_DeleteFromFamily_{msg}
  1713. return true, err
  1714. case 4: // mutation.delete_from_row
  1715. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  1716. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  1717. }
  1718. msg := new(Mutation_DeleteFromRow)
  1719. err := b.DecodeMessage(msg)
  1720. m.Mutation = &Mutation_DeleteFromRow_{msg}
  1721. return true, err
  1722. default:
  1723. return false, nil
  1724. }
  1725. }
  1726. func _Mutation_OneofSizer(msg proto.Message) (n int) {
  1727. m := msg.(*Mutation)
  1728. // mutation
  1729. switch x := m.Mutation.(type) {
  1730. case *Mutation_SetCell_:
  1731. s := proto.Size(x.SetCell)
  1732. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1733. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(s))
  1734. n += s
  1735. case *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn_:
  1736. s := proto.Size(x.DeleteFromColumn)
  1737. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1738. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(s))
  1739. n += s
  1740. case *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily_:
  1741. s := proto.Size(x.DeleteFromFamily)
  1742. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1743. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(s))
  1744. n += s
  1745. case *Mutation_DeleteFromRow_:
  1746. s := proto.Size(x.DeleteFromRow)
  1747. n += 1 // tag and wire
  1748. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(s))
  1749. n += s
  1750. case nil:
  1751. default:
  1752. panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto: unexpected type %T in oneof", x))
  1753. }
  1754. return n
  1755. }
  1756. // A Mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.
  1757. type Mutation_SetCell struct {
  1758. // The name of the family into which new data should be written.
  1759. // Must match [-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+
  1760. FamilyName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=family_name,json=familyName,proto3" json:"family_name,omitempty"`
  1761. // The qualifier of the column into which new data should be written.
  1762. // Can be any byte string, including the empty string.
  1763. ColumnQualifier []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=column_qualifier,json=columnQualifier,proto3" json:"column_qualifier,omitempty"`
  1764. // The timestamp of the cell into which new data should be written.
  1765. // Use -1 for current Bigtable server time.
  1766. // Otherwise, the client should set this value itself, noting that the
  1767. // default value is a timestamp of zero if the field is left unspecified.
  1768. // Values must match the "granularity" of the table (e.g. micros, millis).
  1769. TimestampMicros int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=timestamp_micros,json=timestampMicros,proto3" json:"timestamp_micros,omitempty"`
  1770. // The value to be written into the specified cell.
  1771. Value []byte `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=value,proto3" json:"value,omitempty"`
  1772. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  1773. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  1774. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  1775. }
  1776. func (m *Mutation_SetCell) Reset() { *m = Mutation_SetCell{} }
  1777. func (m *Mutation_SetCell) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  1778. func (*Mutation_SetCell) ProtoMessage() {}
  1779. func (*Mutation_SetCell) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  1780. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{10, 0}
  1781. }
  1782. func (m *Mutation_SetCell) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  1783. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_SetCell.Unmarshal(m, b)
  1784. }
  1785. func (m *Mutation_SetCell) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  1786. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_SetCell.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  1787. }
  1788. func (dst *Mutation_SetCell) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  1789. xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_SetCell.Merge(dst, src)
  1790. }
  1791. func (m *Mutation_SetCell) XXX_Size() int {
  1792. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_SetCell.Size(m)
  1793. }
  1794. func (m *Mutation_SetCell) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  1795. xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_SetCell.DiscardUnknown(m)
  1796. }
  1797. var xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_SetCell proto.InternalMessageInfo
  1798. func (m *Mutation_SetCell) GetFamilyName() string {
  1799. if m != nil {
  1800. return m.FamilyName
  1801. }
  1802. return ""
  1803. }
  1804. func (m *Mutation_SetCell) GetColumnQualifier() []byte {
  1805. if m != nil {
  1806. return m.ColumnQualifier
  1807. }
  1808. return nil
  1809. }
  1810. func (m *Mutation_SetCell) GetTimestampMicros() int64 {
  1811. if m != nil {
  1812. return m.TimestampMicros
  1813. }
  1814. return 0
  1815. }
  1816. func (m *Mutation_SetCell) GetValue() []byte {
  1817. if m != nil {
  1818. return m.Value
  1819. }
  1820. return nil
  1821. }
  1822. // A Mutation which deletes cells from the specified column, optionally
  1823. // restricting the deletions to a given timestamp range.
  1824. type Mutation_DeleteFromColumn struct {
  1825. // The name of the family from which cells should be deleted.
  1826. // Must match [-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+
  1827. FamilyName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=family_name,json=familyName,proto3" json:"family_name,omitempty"`
  1828. // The qualifier of the column from which cells should be deleted.
  1829. // Can be any byte string, including the empty string.
  1830. ColumnQualifier []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=column_qualifier,json=columnQualifier,proto3" json:"column_qualifier,omitempty"`
  1831. // The range of timestamps within which cells should be deleted.
  1832. TimeRange *TimestampRange `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=time_range,json=timeRange,proto3" json:"time_range,omitempty"`
  1833. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  1834. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  1835. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  1836. }
  1837. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) Reset() { *m = Mutation_DeleteFromColumn{} }
  1838. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  1839. func (*Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) ProtoMessage() {}
  1840. func (*Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  1841. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{10, 1}
  1842. }
  1843. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  1844. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromColumn.Unmarshal(m, b)
  1845. }
  1846. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  1847. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromColumn.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  1848. }
  1849. func (dst *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  1850. xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromColumn.Merge(dst, src)
  1851. }
  1852. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) XXX_Size() int {
  1853. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromColumn.Size(m)
  1854. }
  1855. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  1856. xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromColumn.DiscardUnknown(m)
  1857. }
  1858. var xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromColumn proto.InternalMessageInfo
  1859. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) GetFamilyName() string {
  1860. if m != nil {
  1861. return m.FamilyName
  1862. }
  1863. return ""
  1864. }
  1865. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) GetColumnQualifier() []byte {
  1866. if m != nil {
  1867. return m.ColumnQualifier
  1868. }
  1869. return nil
  1870. }
  1871. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromColumn) GetTimeRange() *TimestampRange {
  1872. if m != nil {
  1873. return m.TimeRange
  1874. }
  1875. return nil
  1876. }
  1877. // A Mutation which deletes all cells from the specified column family.
  1878. type Mutation_DeleteFromFamily struct {
  1879. // The name of the family from which cells should be deleted.
  1880. // Must match [-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+
  1881. FamilyName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=family_name,json=familyName,proto3" json:"family_name,omitempty"`
  1882. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  1883. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  1884. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  1885. }
  1886. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily) Reset() { *m = Mutation_DeleteFromFamily{} }
  1887. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  1888. func (*Mutation_DeleteFromFamily) ProtoMessage() {}
  1889. func (*Mutation_DeleteFromFamily) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  1890. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{10, 2}
  1891. }
  1892. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  1893. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromFamily.Unmarshal(m, b)
  1894. }
  1895. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  1896. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromFamily.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  1897. }
  1898. func (dst *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  1899. xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromFamily.Merge(dst, src)
  1900. }
  1901. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily) XXX_Size() int {
  1902. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromFamily.Size(m)
  1903. }
  1904. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  1905. xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromFamily.DiscardUnknown(m)
  1906. }
  1907. var xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromFamily proto.InternalMessageInfo
  1908. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromFamily) GetFamilyName() string {
  1909. if m != nil {
  1910. return m.FamilyName
  1911. }
  1912. return ""
  1913. }
  1914. // A Mutation which deletes all cells from the containing row.
  1915. type Mutation_DeleteFromRow struct {
  1916. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  1917. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  1918. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  1919. }
  1920. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromRow) Reset() { *m = Mutation_DeleteFromRow{} }
  1921. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromRow) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  1922. func (*Mutation_DeleteFromRow) ProtoMessage() {}
  1923. func (*Mutation_DeleteFromRow) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  1924. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{10, 3}
  1925. }
  1926. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromRow) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  1927. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromRow.Unmarshal(m, b)
  1928. }
  1929. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromRow) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  1930. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromRow.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  1931. }
  1932. func (dst *Mutation_DeleteFromRow) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  1933. xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromRow.Merge(dst, src)
  1934. }
  1935. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromRow) XXX_Size() int {
  1936. return xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromRow.Size(m)
  1937. }
  1938. func (m *Mutation_DeleteFromRow) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  1939. xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromRow.DiscardUnknown(m)
  1940. }
  1941. var xxx_messageInfo_Mutation_DeleteFromRow proto.InternalMessageInfo
  1942. // Specifies an atomic read/modify/write operation on the latest value of the
  1943. // specified column.
  1944. type ReadModifyWriteRule struct {
  1945. // The name of the family to which the read/modify/write should be applied.
  1946. // Must match [-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+
  1947. FamilyName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=family_name,json=familyName,proto3" json:"family_name,omitempty"`
  1948. // The qualifier of the column to which the read/modify/write should be
  1949. // applied.
  1950. // Can be any byte string, including the empty string.
  1951. ColumnQualifier []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=column_qualifier,json=columnQualifier,proto3" json:"column_qualifier,omitempty"`
  1952. // The rule used to determine the column's new latest value from its current
  1953. // latest value.
  1954. //
  1955. // Types that are valid to be assigned to Rule:
  1956. // *ReadModifyWriteRule_AppendValue
  1957. // *ReadModifyWriteRule_IncrementAmount
  1958. Rule isReadModifyWriteRule_Rule `protobuf_oneof:"rule"`
  1959. XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
  1960. XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
  1961. XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
  1962. }
  1963. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) Reset() { *m = ReadModifyWriteRule{} }
  1964. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
  1965. func (*ReadModifyWriteRule) ProtoMessage() {}
  1966. func (*ReadModifyWriteRule) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
  1967. return fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476, []int{11}
  1968. }
  1969. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
  1970. return xxx_messageInfo_ReadModifyWriteRule.Unmarshal(m, b)
  1971. }
  1972. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
  1973. return xxx_messageInfo_ReadModifyWriteRule.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
  1974. }
  1975. func (dst *ReadModifyWriteRule) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
  1976. xxx_messageInfo_ReadModifyWriteRule.Merge(dst, src)
  1977. }
  1978. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) XXX_Size() int {
  1979. return xxx_messageInfo_ReadModifyWriteRule.Size(m)
  1980. }
  1981. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
  1982. xxx_messageInfo_ReadModifyWriteRule.DiscardUnknown(m)
  1983. }
  1984. var xxx_messageInfo_ReadModifyWriteRule proto.InternalMessageInfo
  1985. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) GetFamilyName() string {
  1986. if m != nil {
  1987. return m.FamilyName
  1988. }
  1989. return ""
  1990. }
  1991. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) GetColumnQualifier() []byte {
  1992. if m != nil {
  1993. return m.ColumnQualifier
  1994. }
  1995. return nil
  1996. }
  1997. type isReadModifyWriteRule_Rule interface {
  1998. isReadModifyWriteRule_Rule()
  1999. }
  2000. type ReadModifyWriteRule_AppendValue struct {
  2001. AppendValue []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=append_value,json=appendValue,proto3,oneof"`
  2002. }
  2003. type ReadModifyWriteRule_IncrementAmount struct {
  2004. IncrementAmount int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=increment_amount,json=incrementAmount,proto3,oneof"`
  2005. }
  2006. func (*ReadModifyWriteRule_AppendValue) isReadModifyWriteRule_Rule() {}
  2007. func (*ReadModifyWriteRule_IncrementAmount) isReadModifyWriteRule_Rule() {}
  2008. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) GetRule() isReadModifyWriteRule_Rule {
  2009. if m != nil {
  2010. return m.Rule
  2011. }
  2012. return nil
  2013. }
  2014. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) GetAppendValue() []byte {
  2015. if x, ok := m.GetRule().(*ReadModifyWriteRule_AppendValue); ok {
  2016. return x.AppendValue
  2017. }
  2018. return nil
  2019. }
  2020. func (m *ReadModifyWriteRule) GetIncrementAmount() int64 {
  2021. if x, ok := m.GetRule().(*ReadModifyWriteRule_IncrementAmount); ok {
  2022. return x.IncrementAmount
  2023. }
  2024. return 0
  2025. }
  2026. // XXX_OneofFuncs is for the internal use of the proto package.
  2027. func (*ReadModifyWriteRule) XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(msg proto.Message, b *proto.Buffer) error, func(msg proto.Message, tag, wire int, b *proto.Buffer) (bool, error), func(msg proto.Message) (n int), []interface{}) {
  2028. return _ReadModifyWriteRule_OneofMarshaler, _ReadModifyWriteRule_OneofUnmarshaler, _ReadModifyWriteRule_OneofSizer, []interface{}{
  2029. (*ReadModifyWriteRule_AppendValue)(nil),
  2030. (*ReadModifyWriteRule_IncrementAmount)(nil),
  2031. }
  2032. }
  2033. func _ReadModifyWriteRule_OneofMarshaler(msg proto.Message, b *proto.Buffer) error {
  2034. m := msg.(*ReadModifyWriteRule)
  2035. // rule
  2036. switch x := m.Rule.(type) {
  2037. case *ReadModifyWriteRule_AppendValue:
  2038. b.EncodeVarint(3<<3 | proto.WireBytes)
  2039. b.EncodeRawBytes(x.AppendValue)
  2040. case *ReadModifyWriteRule_IncrementAmount:
  2041. b.EncodeVarint(4<<3 | proto.WireVarint)
  2042. b.EncodeVarint(uint64(x.IncrementAmount))
  2043. case nil:
  2044. default:
  2045. return fmt.Errorf("ReadModifyWriteRule.Rule has unexpected type %T", x)
  2046. }
  2047. return nil
  2048. }
  2049. func _ReadModifyWriteRule_OneofUnmarshaler(msg proto.Message, tag, wire int, b *proto.Buffer) (bool, error) {
  2050. m := msg.(*ReadModifyWriteRule)
  2051. switch tag {
  2052. case 3: // rule.append_value
  2053. if wire != proto.WireBytes {
  2054. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  2055. }
  2056. x, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(true)
  2057. m.Rule = &ReadModifyWriteRule_AppendValue{x}
  2058. return true, err
  2059. case 4: // rule.increment_amount
  2060. if wire != proto.WireVarint {
  2061. return true, proto.ErrInternalBadWireType
  2062. }
  2063. x, err := b.DecodeVarint()
  2064. m.Rule = &ReadModifyWriteRule_IncrementAmount{int64(x)}
  2065. return true, err
  2066. default:
  2067. return false, nil
  2068. }
  2069. }
  2070. func _ReadModifyWriteRule_OneofSizer(msg proto.Message) (n int) {
  2071. m := msg.(*ReadModifyWriteRule)
  2072. // rule
  2073. switch x := m.Rule.(type) {
  2074. case *ReadModifyWriteRule_AppendValue:
  2075. n += 1 // tag and wire
  2076. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(len(x.AppendValue)))
  2077. n += len(x.AppendValue)
  2078. case *ReadModifyWriteRule_IncrementAmount:
  2079. n += 1 // tag and wire
  2080. n += proto.SizeVarint(uint64(x.IncrementAmount))
  2081. case nil:
  2082. default:
  2083. panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto: unexpected type %T in oneof", x))
  2084. }
  2085. return n
  2086. }
  2087. func init() {
  2088. proto.RegisterType((*Row)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.Row")
  2089. proto.RegisterType((*Family)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.Family")
  2090. proto.RegisterType((*Column)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.Column")
  2091. proto.RegisterType((*Cell)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.Cell")
  2092. proto.RegisterType((*RowRange)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.RowRange")
  2093. proto.RegisterType((*RowSet)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.RowSet")
  2094. proto.RegisterType((*ColumnRange)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.ColumnRange")
  2095. proto.RegisterType((*TimestampRange)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.TimestampRange")
  2096. proto.RegisterType((*ValueRange)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.ValueRange")
  2097. proto.RegisterType((*RowFilter)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.RowFilter")
  2098. proto.RegisterType((*RowFilter_Chain)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.RowFilter.Chain")
  2099. proto.RegisterType((*RowFilter_Interleave)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.RowFilter.Interleave")
  2100. proto.RegisterType((*RowFilter_Condition)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.RowFilter.Condition")
  2101. proto.RegisterType((*Mutation)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.Mutation")
  2102. proto.RegisterType((*Mutation_SetCell)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.Mutation.SetCell")
  2103. proto.RegisterType((*Mutation_DeleteFromColumn)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.Mutation.DeleteFromColumn")
  2104. proto.RegisterType((*Mutation_DeleteFromFamily)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.Mutation.DeleteFromFamily")
  2105. proto.RegisterType((*Mutation_DeleteFromRow)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.Mutation.DeleteFromRow")
  2106. proto.RegisterType((*ReadModifyWriteRule)(nil), "google.bigtable.v1.ReadModifyWriteRule")
  2107. }
  2108. func init() {
  2109. proto.RegisterFile("google/bigtable/v1/bigtable_data.proto", fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476)
  2110. }
  2111. var fileDescriptor_bigtable_data_50fe9afdc5460476 = []byte{
  2112. // 1378 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
  2113. 0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xac, 0x57, 0xdb, 0x6e, 0x1b, 0x37,
  2114. 0x13, 0xd6, 0x5a, 0xb2, 0x0e, 0xb3, 0x76, 0x24, 0xd3, 0x27, 0x45, 0x49, 0xfe, 0x18, 0xca, 0x8f,
  2115. 0x56, 0x49, 0x5b, 0x39, 0x71, 0x82, 0x36, 0x6d, 0x82, 0x22, 0x56, 0x0e, 0x55, 0x9a, 0x33, 0x63,
  2116. 0xa4, 0x40, 0x80, 0x62, 0x4b, 0x6b, 0x29, 0x75, 0x11, 0xee, 0x52, 0xe5, 0xae, 0xac, 0xe8, 0x45,
  2117. 0x7a, 0xdf, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0x5d, 0x5f, 0xa2, 0xaf, 0xd1, 0xcb, 0x5e, 0xf4, 0xa2, 0xe0, 0x61, 0x4f,
  2118. 0xb2, 0x62, 0x1b, 0x45, 0xee, 0x96, 0x9c, 0xef, 0xfb, 0x66, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0e, 0xb9, 0xf0, 0xc9,
  2119. 0x88, 0xf3, 0x11, 0xa3, 0xbb, 0x87, 0xde, 0x28, 0x22, 0x87, 0x8c, 0xee, 0x1e, 0xdd, 0x48, 0xbe,
  2120. 0x1d, 0x97, 0x44, 0xa4, 0x3b, 0x16, 0x3c, 0xe2, 0x08, 0x69, 0x5c, 0x37, 0xb6, 0x75, 0x8f, 0x6e,
  2121. 0xb4, 0x5f, 0x40, 0x11, 0xf3, 0x29, 0x6a, 0x40, 0xf1, 0x1d, 0x9d, 0x35, 0xad, 0x1d, 0xab, 0xb3,
  2122. 0x82, 0xe5, 0x27, 0xfa, 0x12, 0xaa, 0x43, 0xe2, 0x7b, 0xcc, 0xa3, 0x61, 0x73, 0x69, 0xa7, 0xd8,
  2123. 0xb1, 0xf7, 0x5a, 0xdd, 0xe3, 0xfc, 0xee, 0x23, 0x89, 0x99, 0xe1, 0x04, 0xdb, 0xc6, 0x50, 0xd6,
  2124. 0x73, 0x08, 0x41, 0x29, 0x20, 0x3e, 0x55, 0xa2, 0x35, 0xac, 0xbe, 0xd1, 0x2d, 0xa8, 0x0c, 0x38,
  2125. 0x9b, 0xf8, 0xc1, 0x89, 0xa2, 0xf7, 0x15, 0x04, 0xc7, 0xd0, 0xf6, 0x1b, 0x28, 0xeb, 0x29, 0x74,
  2126. 0x11, 0x6a, 0xbf, 0x4c, 0x08, 0xf3, 0x86, 0x1e, 0x15, 0x26, 0xda, 0x74, 0x02, 0x75, 0x61, 0x79,
  2127. 0x40, 0x19, 0x8b, 0xb5, 0x9b, 0x0b, 0xb5, 0x29, 0x63, 0x58, 0xc3, 0xda, 0x0e, 0x94, 0xe4, 0x10,
  2128. 0x5d, 0x85, 0x46, 0xe4, 0xf9, 0x34, 0x8c, 0x88, 0x3f, 0x76, 0x7c, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x78, 0xa8, 0xc4,
  2129. 0x8b, 0xb8, 0x9e, 0xcc, 0x3f, 0x53, 0xd3, 0x68, 0x03, 0x96, 0x8f, 0x08, 0x9b, 0xd0, 0xe6, 0x92,
  2130. 0x72, 0xae, 0x07, 0x68, 0x0b, 0xca, 0x8c, 0x1c, 0x52, 0x16, 0x36, 0x8b, 0x3b, 0xc5, 0x4e, 0x0d,
  2131. 0x9b, 0x51, 0xfb, 0x1e, 0x54, 0x31, 0x9f, 0x62, 0x12, 0x8c, 0x28, 0xba, 0x00, 0xb5, 0x30, 0x22,
  2132. 0x22, 0x72, 0x64, 0xa2, 0x35, 0xbb, 0xaa, 0x26, 0x9e, 0xd0, 0x19, 0xda, 0x86, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x5c,
  2133. 0x65, 0x2a, 0x2a, 0x53, 0x99, 0x06, 0xee, 0x13, 0x3a, 0x6b, 0xff, 0x04, 0x65, 0xcc, 0xa7, 0xaf,
  2134. 0x69, 0x84, 0xce, 0x43, 0x55, 0xf0, 0xa9, 0x84, 0xc8, 0xe0, 0x8a, 0x9d, 0x15, 0x5c, 0x11, 0x7c,
  2135. 0xfa, 0x84, 0xce, 0x42, 0x74, 0x07, 0x40, 0x9a, 0x84, 0xf4, 0x13, 0x2f, 0xfe, 0xe2, 0xa2, 0xc5,
  2136. 0xc7, 0xc1, 0xe0, 0x9a, 0x30, 0x5f, 0x61, 0xfb, 0x8f, 0x25, 0xb0, 0x4d, 0xc2, 0x55, 0x9c, 0x97,
  2137. 0xc1, 0x56, 0x9b, 0x39, 0x73, 0x32, 0xbb, 0x07, 0x7a, 0xea, 0xb9, 0xdc, 0xc3, 0xbb, 0x70, 0x5e,
  2138. 0x2f, 0x24, 0x49, 0xbc, 0xe3, 0x05, 0x03, 0x36, 0x09, 0xbd, 0x23, 0x93, 0x96, 0x7e, 0x01, 0x6f,
  2139. 0x2b, 0xc8, 0xab, 0x18, 0xf1, 0x38, 0x06, 0x2c, 0x62, 0xd3, 0xf7, 0x31, 0xbb, 0xb8, 0x98, 0xfd,
  2140. 0x30, 0x06, 0xa0, 0xdb, 0xb0, 0x2d, 0xf3, 0xb4, 0xc8, 0x73, 0x49, 0x71, 0x2d, 0xbc, 0x49, 0x03,
  2141. 0x77, 0x81, 0xdf, 0x63, 0xcc, 0xd4, 0xeb, 0xf2, 0x22, 0x66, 0xe2, 0xb3, 0xb7, 0x06, 0xf5, 0xb9,
  2142. 0x88, 0x7b, 0x75, 0x58, 0xcd, 0x89, 0xb5, 0xdf, 0xc3, 0xb9, 0x83, 0xb8, 0x52, 0x74, 0x1a, 0x6f,
  2143. 0xc1, 0x96, 0x66, 0x7d, 0xa0, 0xb2, 0x36, 0x94, 0xf5, 0x60, 0xae, 0xbc, 0xae, 0xc3, 0x86, 0x14,
  2144. 0x3e, 0xc6, 0x59, 0x52, 0x1c, 0x44, 0x03, 0x77, 0x8e, 0xd1, 0xfe, 0xdb, 0x02, 0x78, 0x23, 0x8b,
  2145. 0x30, 0x76, 0xbb, 0xa9, 0xdd, 0xaa, 0xc2, 0xcc, 0xa4, 0xc7, 0x32, 0xa9, 0x5d, 0x57, 0x66, 0xc5,
  2146. 0x48, 0x93, 0x33, 0xc7, 0x4a, 0x53, 0xb3, 0x74, 0x9c, 0x95, 0x6e, 0xc6, 0x75, 0x58, 0x97, 0xc1,
  2147. 0xce, 0x7b, 0x2a, 0x9a, 0x74, 0xae, 0xd1, 0xc0, 0x9d, 0xf3, 0x93, 0x63, 0xa4, 0x5e, 0x4a, 0xf3,
  2148. 0x8c, 0x34, 0xf9, 0xab, 0x60, 0x67, 0x22, 0xeb, 0xd9, 0x50, 0x4b, 0x04, 0xda, 0xff, 0xd8, 0x50,
  2149. 0xc3, 0x7c, 0xfa, 0xc8, 0x63, 0x11, 0x15, 0xe8, 0x0e, 0x2c, 0x0f, 0x7e, 0x26, 0x5e, 0xa0, 0x56,
  2150. 0x6a, 0xef, 0x5d, 0xf9, 0x40, 0xfd, 0x6b, 0x74, 0xf7, 0xbe, 0x84, 0xf6, 0x0b, 0x58, 0x73, 0xd0,
  2151. 0xf7, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x10, 0x51, 0xc1, 0x28, 0x31, 0xab, 0xb6, 0xf7, 0x3a, 0x27, 0x2b, 0x3c, 0x4e,
  2152. 0xf0, 0xfd, 0x02, 0xce, 0xb0, 0xd1, 0x77, 0x50, 0x1b, 0xf0, 0xc0, 0xf5, 0x22, 0x8f, 0x07, 0x2a,
  2153. 0x19, 0xf6, 0xde, 0xa7, 0xa7, 0x04, 0x13, 0xc3, 0xfb, 0x05, 0x9c, 0x72, 0xd1, 0x06, 0x94, 0x42,
  2154. 0x2f, 0x78, 0xd7, 0x6c, 0xec, 0x58, 0x9d, 0x6a, 0xbf, 0x80, 0xd5, 0x08, 0x75, 0xa0, 0x3e, 0x26,
  2155. 0x61, 0xe8, 0x10, 0xc6, 0x9c, 0xa1, 0xe2, 0x37, 0xd7, 0x0c, 0x60, 0x55, 0x1a, 0xf6, 0x19, 0x33,
  2156. 0x19, 0xb9, 0x06, 0x8d, 0x43, 0xc6, 0x07, 0xef, 0xb2, 0x50, 0x64, 0xa0, 0xe7, 0x94, 0x25, 0xc5,
  2157. 0xde, 0x80, 0x0d, 0xd3, 0x5d, 0x1c, 0x41, 0x47, 0xf4, 0x7d, 0x8c, 0x2f, 0x99, 0x02, 0x58, 0xd3,
  2158. 0xbd, 0x06, 0x4b, 0x9b, 0xa1, 0x7c, 0x0e, 0x72, 0xd2, 0x09, 0x89, 0x3f, 0x66, 0x34, 0xc6, 0x9f,
  2159. 0xdb, 0xb1, 0x3a, 0x56, 0xbf, 0x80, 0xeb, 0x82, 0x4f, 0x5f, 0x2b, 0x8b, 0x41, 0x7f, 0x0d, 0xcd,
  2160. 0x4c, 0x5b, 0xc9, 0x3b, 0x91, 0x07, 0xb0, 0xd6, 0x2f, 0xe0, 0xcd, 0xb4, 0xcb, 0x64, 0x1d, 0xdd,
  2161. 0x87, 0x4b, 0xfa, 0x26, 0xc8, 0x9c, 0xde, 0x1c, 0xbf, 0x6c, 0x82, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x58, 0x72, 0x86,
  2162. 0xb3, 0x22, 0xaf, 0x60, 0xdd, 0x88, 0xa8, 0x36, 0x19, 0x53, 0x2b, 0x6a, 0x7f, 0x2e, 0x9f, 0x70,
  2163. 0x0b, 0x49, 0xb4, 0x4c, 0xc0, 0x20, 0x1d, 0x1a, 0xc9, 0xb7, 0xb0, 0x95, 0x1e, 0xd4, 0x9c, 0x6a,
  2164. 0x55, 0xa9, 0xb6, 0x17, 0xa9, 0xe6, 0xdb, 0x44, 0xbf, 0x80, 0x37, 0xa2, 0xdc, 0x8c, 0xd1, 0xee,
  2165. 0x02, 0xd2, 0xa7, 0x24, 0xb7, 0xd0, 0x9a, 0x59, 0x68, 0x43, 0xd9, 0xb2, 0xcb, 0x7b, 0x9e, 0xe0,
  2166. 0xb3, 0x71, 0xd4, 0x55, 0x1c, 0xff, 0x5b, 0x14, 0x47, 0xda, 0x33, 0x52, 0xbd, 0x8c, 0xff, 0x6f,
  2167. 0xe1, 0x82, 0xba, 0x23, 0x9d, 0xb1, 0x4c, 0x36, 0x9f, 0x3a, 0x7c, 0x38, 0x0c, 0x69, 0x14, 0x0b,
  2168. 0xc3, 0x8e, 0xd5, 0x59, 0x96, 0x8d, 0x5a, 0x81, 0x5e, 0x52, 0x81, 0xf9, 0xf4, 0x85, 0x42, 0x18,
  2169. 0xfe, 0x5d, 0x68, 0xe5, 0xf9, 0xcc, 0xf3, 0xbd, 0x84, 0x6e, 0x1b, 0xfa, 0x56, 0x86, 0xfe, 0x54,
  2170. 0x02, 0x0c, 0xbb, 0x07, 0x97, 0x52, 0xb6, 0xd9, 0xb6, 0x9c, 0xc0, 0x8a, 0x11, 0x38, 0x1f, 0x0b,
  2171. 0xe8, 0xcd, 0xca, 0x6a, 0xdc, 0x86, 0xed, 0x30, 0x12, 0xde, 0xd8, 0x74, 0x9b, 0x48, 0x90, 0x20,
  2172. 0x1c, 0x72, 0xe1, 0x53, 0xd1, 0x5c, 0x35, 0x87, 0x60, 0x53, 0x01, 0x54, 0x26, 0x0e, 0x52, 0xb3,
  2173. 0x64, 0x92, 0xf1, 0x98, 0xcd, 0x1c, 0x75, 0x8b, 0xe7, 0x98, 0xeb, 0x71, 0xa5, 0x2a, 0xc0, 0x53,
  2174. 0x69, 0xcf, 0x30, 0x5b, 0xf7, 0x60, 0x59, 0x35, 0x16, 0xf4, 0x15, 0x54, 0x74, 0xa4, 0xfa, 0xae,
  2175. 0xb6, 0xf7, 0x2e, 0x9d, 0xd8, 0x01, 0x70, 0x8c, 0x6e, 0x3d, 0x04, 0x48, 0x1b, 0xcb, 0x7f, 0x97,
  2176. 0xf9, 0xd3, 0x82, 0x5a, 0xd2, 0x55, 0x50, 0x1f, 0x1a, 0x63, 0x41, 0x5d, 0x6f, 0x40, 0xa2, 0xa4,
  2177. 0x34, 0x74, 0x97, 0x3c, 0x45, 0xaf, 0x9e, 0xd0, 0x92, 0xb2, 0xb0, 0x23, 0x31, 0x49, 0x44, 0x96,
  2178. 0xce, 0x22, 0x02, 0x92, 0x61, 0xf8, 0xf7, 0x60, 0x65, 0x48, 0x58, 0x98, 0x08, 0x14, 0xcf, 0x22,
  2179. 0x60, 0x2b, 0x8a, 0x1e, 0xf4, 0xaa, 0x50, 0xd6, 0xdc, 0xf6, 0x5f, 0xcb, 0x50, 0x7d, 0x36, 0x89,
  2180. 0x88, 0x5a, 0xe2, 0x3e, 0x54, 0x65, 0x79, 0xca, 0x72, 0x30, 0x4b, 0xfb, 0xff, 0x22, 0xd1, 0x18,
  2181. 0xdf, 0x7d, 0x4d, 0x23, 0xf9, 0xf4, 0xeb, 0x17, 0x70, 0x25, 0xd4, 0x9f, 0xe8, 0x47, 0x40, 0x2e,
  2182. 0x65, 0x54, 0xa6, 0x48, 0x70, 0xdf, 0x94, 0x9d, 0x59, 0xe2, 0x17, 0x27, 0x8a, 0x3d, 0x50, 0xb4,
  2183. 0x47, 0x82, 0xfb, 0xba, 0x0c, 0xe5, 0x89, 0x72, 0xe7, 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe5, 0x75, 0xab, 0x33, 0x09,
  2184. 0x38, 0xab, 0xbc, 0x7e, 0x59, 0xe7, 0xe5, 0xcd, 0x6b, 0xfb, 0x00, 0xea, 0x59, 0x79, 0xc1, 0xa7,
  2185. 0xaa, 0x77, 0xdb, 0x7b, 0xd7, 0xce, 0xa8, 0x8d, 0xf9, 0x54, 0x5e, 0x21, 0x6e, 0x76, 0xa2, 0xf5,
  2186. 0xab, 0x05, 0x15, 0x93, 0xaa, 0xd3, 0x1f, 0x86, 0x57, 0xa1, 0x31, 0xdf, 0xa7, 0xcd, 0x43, 0xb7,
  2187. 0x3e, 0xd7, 0x98, 0x17, 0xbe, 0xb8, 0x8b, 0xa7, 0xbc, 0xb8, 0x4b, 0x99, 0x17, 0x77, 0xeb, 0x37,
  2188. 0x0b, 0x1a, 0xf3, 0x69, 0xff, 0xa8, 0x11, 0xee, 0x03, 0xc8, 0x48, 0x74, 0x3f, 0x35, 0xdb, 0x74,
  2189. 0x86, 0x86, 0x8e, 0x6b, 0x92, 0xa5, 0x3e, 0x5b, 0x37, 0xb3, 0x21, 0x9a, 0x6d, 0x3a, 0x2d, 0xc4,
  2190. 0x56, 0x1d, 0x56, 0x73, 0x7b, 0xd2, 0x03, 0xa8, 0xfa, 0x66, 0xb7, 0xda, 0xbf, 0x5b, 0xb0, 0x8e,
  2191. 0x29, 0x71, 0x9f, 0x71, 0xd7, 0x1b, 0xce, 0x7e, 0x10, 0x5e, 0x44, 0xf1, 0x84, 0xd1, 0x8f, 0xba,
  2192. 0xf0, 0x2b, 0xb0, 0x42, 0xc6, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0x95, 0x95, 0xbc, 0xc9, 0x6d, 0x3d, 0xab, 0xba, 0x25,
  2193. 0xfa, 0x0c, 0x1a, 0x5e, 0x30, 0x10, 0xd4, 0xa7, 0x41, 0xe4, 0x10, 0x9f, 0x4f, 0x82, 0x48, 0xed,
  2194. 0x4f, 0x51, 0x5e, 0xfd, 0x89, 0x65, 0x5f, 0x19, 0x7a, 0x65, 0x28, 0x89, 0x09, 0xa3, 0x3d, 0x0f,
  2195. 0xb6, 0x06, 0xdc, 0x5f, 0x90, 0xc3, 0xde, 0x5a, 0xcf, 0x0c, 0x1e, 0x90, 0x88, 0xbc, 0x94, 0x3f,
  2196. 0xab, 0x2f, 0xad, 0xb7, 0xdf, 0x18, 0xe0, 0x88, 0x33, 0x12, 0x8c, 0xba, 0x5c, 0x8c, 0x76, 0x47,
  2197. 0x34, 0x50, 0xbf, 0xb2, 0xbb, 0xda, 0x44, 0xc6, 0x5e, 0x98, 0xfd, 0xeb, 0xbd, 0x13, 0x7f, 0x1f,
  2198. 0x96, 0x15, 0xec, 0xe6, 0xbf, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3e, 0x54, 0x66, 0x7c, 0x1b, 0x0f,
  2199. 0x00, 0x00,
  2200. }