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  1. # transfer.sh [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/dutchcoders/transfer.sh?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh) [![Docker pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/dutchcoders/transfer.sh.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/dutchcoders/transfer.sh/) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dutchcoders/transfer.sh.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dutchcoders/transfer.sh)
  2. Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line. This code contains the server with everything you need to create your own instance.
  3. Transfer.sh support currently the s3 (Amazon S3) provider and local file system (local).
  4. ## Usage
  5. ```
  6. Upload:
  7. $ curl --upload-file ./hello.txt https://transfer.sh/hello.txt
  8. Encrypt & upload:
  9. $ cat /tmp/hello.txt|gpg -ac -o-|curl -X PUT --upload-file "-" https://transfer.sh/test.txt
  10. Download & decrypt:
  11. $ curl https://transfer.sh/1lDau/test.txt|gpg -o- > /tmp/hello.txt
  12. Upload to virustotal:
  13. $ curl -X PUT --upload-file nhgbhhj https://transfer.sh/test.txt/virustotal
  14. Add alias to .bashrc or .zshrc:
  15. ===
  16. transfer() {
  17. # write to output to tmpfile because of progress bar
  18. tmpfile=$( mktemp -t transferXXX )
  19. curl --progress-bar --upload-file $1 https://transfer.sh/$(basename $1) >> $tmpfile;
  20. cat $tmpfile;
  21. rm -f $tmpfile;
  22. }
  23. alias transfer=transfer
  24. ===
  25. $ transfer test.txt
  26. ```
  27. ### On Windows
  28. Download [curl](https://curl.haxx.se/download.html). Then, put a file called transfer.cmd somewhere in your PATH with this inside it:
  29. ```
  30. @echo off
  31. setlocal
  32. :: write to output to tmpfile because of progress bar
  33. set tmpfile=%TEMP%\~%~nx1.transfer
  34. curl --progress-bar --upload-file %1 https://transfer.sh/%~nx1 >> %tmpfile%
  35. type %tmpfile%
  36. del %tmpfile%
  37. ```
  38. ## Usage
  39. Parameter | Description | Value | Env
  40. --- | --- | --- | ---
  41. listener | port to use for http (:80) | |
  42. profile-listener | port to use for profiler (:6060)| |
  43. force-https | redirect to https | false |
  44. tls-listener | port to use for https (:443) | |
  45. tls-cert-file | path to tls certificate | |
  46. tls-private-key | path to tls private key | |
  47. temp-path | path to temp folder | system temp |
  48. web-path | path to static web files (for development) | |
  49. provider | which storage provider to use | (s3 or local) |
  50. aws-access-key | aws access key | | AWS_ACCESS_KEY
  51. aws-secret-key | aws access key | | AWS_SECRET_KEY
  52. bucket | aws bucket | | BUCKET
  53. basedir | path storage for local provider| |
  54. lets-encrypt-hosts | hosts to use for lets encrypt certificates (comma seperated) | |
  55. log | path to log file| |
  56. If you want to use TLS using lets encrypt certificates, set lets-encrypt-hosts to your domain, set tls-listener to :443 and enable force-https.
  57. If you want to use TLS using your own certificates, set tls-listener to :443, force-https, tls-cert=file and tls-private-key.
  58. ## Development
  59. Make sure your GOPATH is set correctly.
  60. ```
  61. go run main.go -provider=local --listener :8080 --temp-path=/tmp/ --basedir=/tmp/
  62. ```
  63. ## Build
  64. ```
  65. go build -o transfersh main.go
  66. ```
  67. ## Docker
  68. For easy deployment we've created a Docker container.
  69. ```
  70. docker run --publish 8080:8080 dutchcoders/transfer.sh:latest --provider local --basedir /tmp/
  71. ```
  72. ## Contributions
  73. Contributions are welcome.
  74. ## Creators
  75. **Remco Verhoef**
  76. - <https://twitter.com/remco_verhoef>
  77. - <https://twitter.com/dutchcoders>
  78. **Uvis Grinfelds**
  79. ## Copyright and license
  80. Code and documentation copyright 2011-2014 Remco Verhoef.
  81. Code released under [the MIT license](LICENSE).