# DO NOT MODIFY. This file was generated by # github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-common/testing/firestore/cmd/generate-firestore-tests/generate-firestore-tests.go. # Cursor methods are allowed to use empty maps with StartAt. It should result in # an empty map in the query. description: "query: StartAt with explicit empty map" query: < coll_path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/C" clauses: < order_by: < path: < field: "a" > direction: "asc" > > clauses: < start_at: < json_values: "{}" > > query: < from: < collection_id: "C" > order_by: < field: < field_path: "a" > direction: ASCENDING > start_at: < values: < map_value: < > > before: true > > >