# transfer.sh [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/dutchcoders/transfer.sh?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh) [![Docker pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/dutchcoders/transfer.sh.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/dutchcoders/transfer.sh/) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dutchcoders/transfer.sh.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dutchcoders/transfer.sh) [![Fuzzit Status](https://app.fuzzit.dev/badge?org_id=transfer.sh)](https://app.fuzzit.dev/orgs/transfer.sh/dashboard) Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line. This code contains the server with everything you need to create your own instance. Transfer.sh currently supports the s3 (Amazon S3), gdrive (Google Drive) providers, and local file system (local). ## Disclaimer This project repository has no relation with the service at https://transfer.sh that's managed by https://storj.io. So far we cannot address any issue related to the service at https://transfer.sh. ## Usage ### Upload: ```bash $ curl --upload-file ./hello.txt https://transfer.sh/hello.txt ``` ### Encrypt & upload: ```bash $ cat /tmp/hello.txt|gpg -ac -o-|curl -X PUT --upload-file "-" https://transfer.sh/test.txt ```` ### Download & decrypt: ```bash $ curl https://transfer.sh/1lDau/test.txt|gpg -o- > /tmp/hello.txt ``` ### Upload to virustotal: ```bash $ curl -X PUT --upload-file nhgbhhj https://transfer.sh/test.txt/virustotal ``` ### Deleting ```bash $ curl -X DELETE ``` ## Request Headers ### Max-Downloads ```bash $ curl --upload-file ./hello.txt https://transfer.sh/hello.txt -H "Max-Downloads: 1" # Limit the number of downloads ``` ### Max-Days ```bash $ curl --upload-file ./hello.txt https://transfer.sh/hello.txt -H "Max-Days: 1" # Set the number of days before deletion ``` ## Response Headers ### X-Url-Delete The URL used to request the deletion of a file. Returned as a response header. ```bash curl -sD - --upload-file ./hello https://transfer.sh/hello.txt | grep 'X-Url-Delete' X-Url-Delete: https://transfer.sh/hello.txt/BAYh0/hello.txt/PDw0NHPcqU ``` ## Examples See good usage examples on [examples.md](examples.md) ## Link aliases Create direct download link: https://transfer.sh/1lDau/test.txt --> https://transfer.sh/get/1lDau/test.txt Inline file: https://transfer.sh/1lDau/test.txt --> https://transfer.sh/inline/1lDau/test.txt ## Usage Parameter | Description | Value | Env --- | --- | --- | --- listener | port to use for http (:80) | | profile-listener | port to use for profiler (:6060)| | force-https | redirect to https | false | tls-listener | port to use for https (:443) | | tls-listener-only | flag to enable tls listener only | | tls-cert-file | path to tls certificate | | tls-private-key | path to tls private key | | http-auth-user | user for basic http auth on upload | | http-auth-pass | pass for basic http auth on upload | | ip-whitelist | comma separated list of ips allowed to connect to the service | | ip-blacklist | comma separated list of ips not allowed to connect to the service | | temp-path | path to temp folder | system temp | web-path | path to static web files (for development or custom front end) | | proxy-path | path prefix when service is run behind a proxy | | ga-key | google analytics key for the front end | | uservoice-key | user voice key for the front end | | provider | which storage provider to use | (s3, gdrive or local) | aws-access-key | aws access key | | AWS_ACCESS_KEY aws-secret-key | aws access key | | AWS_SECRET_KEY bucket | aws bucket | | BUCKET s3-endpoint | Custom S3 endpoint. | | s3-region | region of the s3 bucket | eu-west-1 | S3_REGION s3-no-multipart | disables s3 multipart upload | false | | s3-path-style | Forces path style URLs, required for Minio. | false | | storj-endpoint | Satellite Address including Port | | STORJ_ENDPOINT storj-apikey | API Key to interact with the project | | STORJ_API_KEY storj-bucket | Bucket in which to store the data | | STORJ_BUCKET storj-enckey | Encryption Key for local file encryption | | STORJ_ENC_KEY storj-skip-peer-ca | Skip's CA Peer Check for local environments | false | STORJ_SKIP_PEER_CA basedir | path storage for local/gdrive provider| | gdrive-client-json-filepath | path to oauth client json config for gdrive provider| | gdrive-local-config-path | path to store local transfer.sh config cache for gdrive provider| | gdrive-chunk-size | chunk size for gdrive upload in megabytes, must be lower than available memory (8 MB) | | lets-encrypt-hosts | hosts to use for lets encrypt certificates (comma seperated) | | log | path to log file| | If you want to use TLS using lets encrypt certificates, set lets-encrypt-hosts to your domain, set tls-listener to :443 and enable force-https. If you want to use TLS using your own certificates, set tls-listener to :443, force-https, tls-cert=file and tls-private-key. ## Development Switched to GO111MODULE ```bash go run main.go --provider=local --listener :8080 --temp-path=/tmp/ --basedir=/tmp/ ``` ## Build If on go < 1.11 ```bash go get -u -v ./... ``` ```bash go build -o transfersh main.go ``` ## Docker For easy deployment, we've created a Docker container. ```bash docker run --publish 8080:8080 dutchcoders/transfer.sh:latest --provider local --basedir /tmp/ ``` ## S3 Usage For the usage with a AWS S3 Bucket, you just need to specify the following options: - provider - aws-access-key - aws-secret-key - bucket - s3-region If you specify the s3-region, you don't need to set the endpoint URL since the correct endpoint will used automatically. ### Custom S3 providers To use a custom non-AWS S3 provider, you need to specify the endpoint as definied from your cloud provider. ## Contributions Contributions are welcome. ## Creators **Remco Verhoef** - - **Uvis Grinfelds** ## Maintainer **Andrea Spacca** ## Copyright and license Code and documentation copyright 2011-2018 Remco Verhoef. Code released under [the MIT license](LICENSE).