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  1. {{define "Head"}}<title>Go Sub-Repository Packages - GoDoc</title><meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX">{{end}}
  2. {{define "Body"}}
  3. <h1>Go Sub-repository Packages</h1>
  4. These packages are part of the Go Project but outside the main Go tree. They are developed under looser compatibility requirements than the Go core.
  5. <h2>Repositories</h2>
  6. <ul class="list-unstyled">
  7. {{template "subrepo" map "name" "blog" "desc" "the content and server program for"}}
  8. {{template "subrepo" map "name" "crypto" "desc" "additional cryptography packages."}}
  9. {{template "subrepo" map "name" "exp" "desc" "experimental code (handle with care)."}}
  10. {{template "subrepo" map "name" "image" "desc" "additional imaging packages."}}
  11. {{template "subrepo" map "name" "mobile" "desc" "libraries and build tools for Go on Android."}}
  12. {{template "subrepo" map "name" "net" "desc" "additional networking packages."}}
  13. {{template "subrepo" map "name" "sys" "desc" "for low-level interactions with the operating system."}}
  14. {{template "subrepo" map "name" "talks" "desc" "the content and server program for"}}
  15. {{template "subrepo" map "name" "text" "desc" "packages for working with text."}}
  16. {{template "subrepo" map "name" "tools" "desc" "godoc, vet, cover, and other tools."}}
  17. </ul>
  18. <h2>Packages</h2>
  19. {{template "Pkgs" .pkgs}}
  20. {{end}}
  21. {{define "subrepo"}}<li><a href="{{.name}}/+/master">{{.name}}</a> — {{.desc}}{{end}}