
refactor: improve transfer shell function

Bengt Brodersen 5 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 10 次插入12 次删除
  1. +8
  2. +2

+ 8
- 7
src/index.html 查看文件

@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ include "includes/head.html"
<br>$ curl --upload-file ./hello.txt https://transfer.sh/hello.txt https://transfer.sh/66nb8/hello.txt
<span class="code-title"># Using the alias</span>
<span class="code-title"># Using the shell function</span>
<br>$ transfer hello.txt
<br>##################################################### 100.0% https://transfer.sh/eibhM/hello.txt
@@ -151,16 +151,17 @@ include "includes/head.html"
<div class="col-md-6 ">
<h3>Add an alias to .bashrc or .zshrc <a href='https://gist.github.com/nl5887/a511f172d3fb3cd0e42d'>[gist]</a></h3>
<h3>Add shell function to .bashrc or .zshrc</a></h3>
<div class="terminal-top">
<div class="terminal">
<span class="code-title"># Add this to .bashrc or its equivalent</span>
<br/>transfer() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "No arguments specified. Usage:\necho transfer /tmp/test.md\ncat /tmp/test.md | transfer test.md"; return 1; fi <br/>tmpfile=$( mktemp -t transferXXX ); if tty -s; then basefile=$(basename "$1" | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]/-/g'); curl --progress-bar --upload-file "$1" "https://transfer.sh/$basefile" >> $tmpfile; else curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "https://transfer.sh/$1" >> $tmpfile ; fi; cat $tmpfile; rm -f $tmpfile; }
<span class="code-title"># Add this to .bashrc or .zshrc or its equivalent</span>
transfer(){ if [ $# -eq 0 ];then echo &quot;No arguments specified.\nUsage:\n transfer &lt;file|directory&gt;\n ... | transfer &lt;file_name&gt;&quot;&gt;&amp;2;return 1;fi;if tty -s;then file=&quot;$1&quot;;file_name=$(basename &quot;$file&quot;);if [ ! -e &quot;$file&quot; ];then echo &quot;$file: No such file or directory&quot;&gt;&amp;2;return 1;fi;if [ -d &quot;$file&quot; ];then file_name=&quot;$file_name.zip&quot; ,;(cd &quot;$file&quot;&amp;&amp;zip -r -q - .)|curl --progress-bar --upload-file &quot;-&quot; &quot;https://transfer.sh/$file_name&quot;|tee /dev/null,;;else cat &quot;$file&quot;|curl --progress-bar --upload-file &quot;-&quot; &quot;https://transfer.sh/$file_name&quot;|tee /dev/null;fi;else file_name=$1;curl --progress-bar --upload-file &quot;-&quot; &quot;https://transfer.sh/$file_name&quot;|tee /dev/null;fi;}
<span class="code-title"># Now you can use transfer command</span>
<span class="code-title"># Now you can use transfer function</span>
<br>$ transfer hello.txt
@@ -237,12 +238,12 @@ include "includes/head.html"
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<h3>Send email with transfer link (uses alias)</h3>
<h3>Send email with transfer link (uses shell function)</h3>
<div class="terminal-top">
<div class="terminal">
<span class="code-title"># Transfer and send email with link (uses alias)</span>
<span class="code-title"># Transfer and send email with link (uses shell function)</span>
<br/>$ transfer /tmp/hello.txt | mail -s "Hello World" user@yourmaildomain.com

+ 2
- 5
src/index.txt 查看文件

@@ -30,11 +30,8 @@ $ curl -X PUT --upload-file nhgbhhj https://transfer.sh/test.txt/virustotal
$ curl -X PUT --upload-file nhgbhhj https://transfer.sh/test.txt/scan

Add alias to .bashrc or .zshrc:
Add shell function to .bashrc or .zshrc or its equivalent:
transfer() {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "No arguments specified. Usage:\necho transfer /tmp/test.md\ncat /tmp/test.md | transfer test.md"; return 1; fi
tmpfile=$( mktemp -t transferXXX ); if tty -s; then basefile=$(basename "$1" | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]/-/g'); curl --progress-bar --upload-file "$1" "https://transfer.sh/$basefile" >> $tmpfile; else curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "https://transfer.sh/$1"; fi; cat $tmpfile; rm -f $tmpfile; }
transfer(){ if [ $# -eq 0 ];then echo "No arguments specified.\nUsage:\n transfer <file|directory>\n ... | transfer <file_name>">&2;return 1;fi;if tty -s;then file="$1";file_name=$(basename "$file");if [ ! -e "$file" ];then echo "$file: No such file or directory">&2;return 1;fi;if [ -d "$file" ];then file_name="$file_name.zip" ,;(cd "$file"&&zip -r -q - .)|curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "https://transfer.sh/$file_name"|tee /dev/null,;;else cat "$file"|curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "https://transfer.sh/$file_name"|tee /dev/null;fi;else file_name=$1;curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "https://transfer.sh/$file_name"|tee /dev/null;fi;}
$ transfer test.txt
