# transfer.sh-web This repository contains the web frontend for [transfer.sh](github.com/dutchcoders/transfer.sh/). ## How to use it You must specify `web-path`directory, pointing to `dist` generated folder (Grunt & bindata) Sample : ``` docker run -d -v /folder:/uploads -v /folder/dist:/webapp --publish 5000:8080 dutchcoders/transfer.sh:latest --provider local --basedir /uploads --web-path /webapp/ ``` ## Requirement You must install first : * Grunt * Bower * Go & go-bindata (go get -u github.com/shuLhan/go-bindata/...) ## Initialization NPM ``` npm install ``` Bower *Please*, specify to Bower where to install its packets via .bowerrc, to the `src/bower_components` directory ``` bower install ``` ## Build ``` $ grunt build $ go generate . ``` ## Verify You should see a `dist` directory, where all the basic .html are genereted.