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set-st-merge-nonleaf.textproto 1.3 KiB

  1. # DO NOT MODIFY. This file was generated by
  2. # github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-common/testing/firestore/cmd/generate-firestore-tests/generate-firestore-tests.go.
  3. # If a field path is in a merge option, the value at that path replaces the stored
  4. # value, and ServerTimestamps inside that value become transforms as usual.
  5. description: "set-merge: non-leaf merge field with ServerTimestamp"
  6. set: <
  7. doc_ref_path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/C/d"
  8. option: <
  9. fields: <
  10. field: "h"
  11. >
  12. >
  13. json_data: "{\"h\": {\"f\": 5, \"g\": \"ServerTimestamp\"}, \"e\": 7}"
  14. request: <
  15. database: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)"
  16. writes: <
  17. update: <
  18. name: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/C/d"
  19. fields: <
  20. key: "h"
  21. value: <
  22. map_value: <
  23. fields: <
  24. key: "f"
  25. value: <
  26. integer_value: 5
  27. >
  28. >
  29. >
  30. >
  31. >
  32. >
  33. update_mask: <
  34. field_paths: "h"
  35. >
  36. >
  37. writes: <
  38. transform: <
  39. document: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/C/d"
  40. field_transforms: <
  41. field_path: "h.g"
  42. set_to_server_value: REQUEST_TIME
  43. >
  44. >
  45. >
  46. >
  47. >