from typing import Optional, List from enum import Enum, auto import requests # TODO: Implement backoff for 500 response codes # VERSION = "20200921.01" TRACKER_ID = "ext-yt-communitycontribs" TRACKER_HOST = "" BACKFEED_HOST = "" BACKFEED_ENDPOINT = f"http://{BACKFEED_HOST}/{TRACKER_ID}-kj57sxhhzcn2kqjp/" TRACKER_ENDPOINT = f"http://{TRACKER_HOST}/{TRACKER_ID}" class ItemType(Enum): Video = auto() Channel = auto() MixPlaylist = auto() Playlist = auto() def add_item_to_tracker(item_type: ItemType, item_id: str) -> bool: """Feed items into the tracker through backfeed (item names will be deduplicated): # curl -d 'ITEMNAME' -so/dev/null $amqp_endpoint # Response codes: # 200 - Item added to tracker # 409 - Item is already in tracker # 404 - Project backfeed channel not found # 400 - Item name has a bad format """ type_name = item_name = f"{type_name}:{item_id}" req =, data=item_name) code = req.status_code if code == 200: print(f"[INFO] Item ID \'{item_name}\' added to tracker successfully") return True elif code == 409: print(f"[INFO] Item ID \'{item_name}\' has already been added to tracker") return True elif code == 404: print(f"[ERROR] Unable to add item ID \'{item_name}\' to tracker. Project backfeed channel not found: {BACKFEED_ENDPOINT}") elif code == 400: print(f"[ERROR] Item ID \'{item_name}\' has a bad format") else: print(f"[ERROR] Unknown response code adding item \'{item_name}\' to tracker: {code}") return False def request_item_from_tracker() -> Optional[str]: data = { # TODO: Ask Fusl what this should be # # ^ says it would be filled in by the Seesaw library "downloader": "Fusl", "api_version": "2", "version": VERSION } req ="{TRACKER_ENDPOINT}/request", json=data) code = req.status_code if code == 200: data = req.json() if "item_name" in data: item_name = data["item_name"] print(f"[INFO] Received an item from tracker: {item_name}") return item_name else: print(f"[ERROR] Received item is missing the \'item_name\' key: {data}") else: print(f"[ERROR] Unable to get an item from tracker. Status: {code}") def request_upload_target() -> Optional[str]: req = requests.get( # "", f"{TRACKER_ENDPOINT}/upload", ) code = req.status_code if code == 200: data = req.json() if "upload_target" in data: upload_target = data["upload_target"] print(f"[INFO] Received an upload target from tracker: {upload_target}") return upload_target else: print(f"[ERROR] Response is missing the \'upload_target\' key: {data}") else: print(f"[ERROR] Unable to get an upload target from tracker. Status: {code}") def request_all_upload_targets() -> Optional[List[str]]: req = requests.get( # "", f"{TRACKER_ENDPOINT}/upload", ) code = req.status_code if code == 200: data = req.json() print(f"[INFO] Received all upload targets from tracker: {data}") return data else: print(f"[ERROR] Unable to get all upload targets from tracker. Status: {code}") # `item_name` includes type prefix (video:id, playlist:id, etc) def mark_item_as_done(item_name: str, item_size_bytes: int) -> bool: data = { # TODO: Ask Fusl what this should be # # ^ says it would be filled in by the Seesaw library "downloader": "Fusl", "version": VERSION, "item": item_name, "bytes": { "data": item_size_bytes } } req ="{TRACKER_ENDPOINT}/done", json=data) code = req.status_code if code == 200: print(f"[INFO] Marked item \'{item_name}\' as done") return True elif code > 399 and code < 500: print(f"[ERROR] Unable to mark item as done. Status: {code}") elif code > 499 and code < 600: # TODO: retry here pass else: print(f"[ERROR] Unknown response code while marking item \'{item_name}\' as done: {code}") return False # if __name__ == "__main__": # print(add_item_to_tracker(ItemType.Channel, "test6")) # print(request_item_from_tracker()) # print(request_upload_target()) # print(request_all_upload_targets()) # print(mark_item_as_done("test4", 200))