The little things give you away... A collection of various small helper stuff
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youtube-extract 5.9 KiB

3 vuotta sitten
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. import re
  3. import sys
  4. if any(x in sys.argv for x in ['--help', '-h', '-?', 'help']):
  5. print('Usage: youtube-extract [massage|removenonyt]', file = sys.stderr)
  6. print(file = sys.stderr)
  7. print("In 'massage' mode (default), extracts any references to YouTube videos, channels, and playlists from the URLs on stdin and prints them on stdout.", file = sys.stderr)
  8. print('Lines that don\'t seem to contain references to such YouTube things are printed on stderr.', file = sys.stderr)
  9. print(file = sys.stderr)
  10. print("In 'removenonyt' mode, prints all URLs that look like they are or contain YouTube URLs on stdout.", file = sys.stderr)
  11. sys.exit(1)
  12. # For all patterns: don't use \\? for an optional backslash (if needed) as it breaks the automatic pattern rewrite for parameters below. Use [\\]? instead.
  13. # Channel/user URLs; the protocol and domain are stripped and replaced below.
  14. channelPattern = re.compile('|'.join([
  15. r'//www\.youtube\.com/c/[^/?]+',
  16. r'//www\.youtube\.com/user/[^/?]+',
  17. r'//www\.youtube\.com/channel/UC[^/?]+',
  18. r'//www\.youtube\.com/(?!(c|user|channel|watch(_popup)?(\.php)?|embed|e|v|redirect)$)[^/?]+(?=/?$)',
  19. ]))
  20. # Make sure that the last 11 chars of the match are always the video ID (because Python's re doesn't support \K).
  21. # If necessary, use lookahead assertions to match further stuff after the video ID.
  22. videoPattern = re.compile('|'.join([
  23. # Normal watch URL
  24. r'//www\.youtube\.com/watch(_popup)?(\.php)?/?\?(.*&)?v=[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}',
  25. r'//www\.youtube\.com/watch/[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}',
  26. # Embeds
  27. r'//www\.youtube\.com/e(mbed)?/(?!videoseries\?)[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}',
  28. r'//www\.youtube\.com/embed/?\?(.*&)?v=[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}',
  29. # Shortener
  30. r'//youtu\.be/[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}',
  31. # Old (Flash) embeds
  32. r'//www\.youtube\.com/v/[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}',
  33. # Redirects from links in video descriptions
  34. r'//www\.youtube\.com/redirect\?(.*&)?v=[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}(?=&|$)',
  35. # Tracking and other crap
  36. r'//www\.youtube\.com/(ptracking|set_awesome)\?(.*&)?video_id=[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}',
  37. r'//www\.youtube\.com/api/timedtext\?(.*&)?v=[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}',
  38. r'//www\.youtube\.com/(my_videos_)?edit\?(.*&)?video_id=[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}',
  39. # Generic v parameter on watch URLs including with percent encoding; this covers e.g. or the oEmbed
  40. r'/watch\?(.*&)?v=[0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}',
  41. ]))
  42. noisePattern = re.compile('|'.join([
  43. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/s/(desktop|player)/[0-9a-f]+/',
  44. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/s/gaming/emoji/',
  45. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/redirect\?event=channel_banner&',
  46. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/redirect\?(?=(.*&)?event=video_description(&|$))(?!(.*&)?v=)',
  47. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/yts/',
  48. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/img/',
  49. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/youtubei/',
  50. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/ads/',
  51. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/(player|iframe)_api\?',
  52. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/error(_204)?/?\?',
  53. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/(about|t|howyoutubeworks)[/?]',
  54. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/results/?\?',
  55. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/premium/?\?',
  56. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/?(\?|$)',
  57. r'^//www\.youtube\.com/embed/("|%22|' r"'|%27" r')(%20)?(\+|%3B)', # JS extraction stuff
  58. r'^//consent\.(youtube|google)\.com/',
  59. ]))
  60. matchers = [
  61. # (pattern, paramSearch, function(match) -> output str or None); returning None stops further processing
  62. [channelPattern, True, lambda m: '' + m[0].split('/', 3)[-1]],
  63. [videoPattern, True, lambda m: f'{m[0][-11:]}'],
  64. [re.compile(r'//www\.youtube\.com/(playlist|embed(/videoseries|/\+lastest|/playlist)?/?)\?(.*&)?list=UU[0-9A-Za-z_-]+'), True, lambda m: f'{m[0].rsplit("=", 1)[1][2:]}'],
  65. [re.compile(r'//www\.youtube\.com/(playlist|embed(/videoseries|/\+lastest|/playlist)?/?)\?(.*&)?list=(PL|FL|RD|OL)[0-9A-Za-z_-]+'), True, lambda m: f'{m[0].rsplit("=", 1)[1]}'],
  66. [re.compile(r'//www\.youtube\.com/embed/?\?(?=(.*&)?listType=user_uploads(&|$))(.*&)?list=[^&]+'), True, lambda m: f'{m[0].rsplit("=", 1)[1]}'],
  67. [re.compile(r'//www\.youtube\.com/rss/user/[^/]+'), True, lambda m: f'{m[0].rsplit("/", 1)[1]}'],
  68. [re.compile(r'//www\.youtube\.com/feeds/videos\.xml\?(.*&)?channel_id=UC[0-9A-Za-z_-]+'), True, lambda m: f'{m[0].rsplit("=", 1)[1]}'],
  69. [re.compile(r'//www\.youtube\.com(/view_play_list\?p=|/playlist\?(.*&)?list=)[0-9A-F]{16}(?=(&|$))'), True, lambda m: f'{m[0].rsplit("=", 1)[1]}'],
  70. [re.compile(r'^//i\.ytimg\.com/vi/([0-9A-Za-z_-]{11})/'), False, lambda m: f'{m[1]}'],
  71. [noisePattern, False, lambda m: None],
  72. ]
  73. # Compile second pattern for parameters if needed
  74. for e in matchers:
  75. pattern, paramSearch, f = e
  76. if paramSearch:
  77. p2 = pattern.pattern.replace('//', '/{1,2}').replace('/', '(/|%2F)').replace(':', '(:|%3A)').replace(r'\?', r'(\?|%3F)')
  78. p2 = re.sub(r'(?<!\(\?)=', '(=|%3D)', p2)
  79. e[1] = re.compile(p2.replace('&', '(&|%26)'), pattern.flags)
  80. else:
  81. e[1] = None
  82. # Only one slash before so it still matches inside URLs when slashes were collapsed.
  83. domainPattern = re.compile(r'/(www\.)?youtube\.(com|de|fr|co\.uk|it|es|at|pt|gr|hu|ro|pl|dk|no|se|fi|ee|lt|lv|ru|by|cz|sk|si|rs|hr|ca)/')
  84. for origLine in sys.stdin:
  85. origLine = origLine.strip()
  86. line = re.sub(r'^https?://', '//', origLine)
  87. line = domainPattern.sub('/', line)
  88. if sys.argv[1] == 'massage':
  89. hadMatches = False
  90. for pattern1, pattern2, f in matchers:
  91. patterns = [pattern1]
  92. if pattern2:
  93. patterns.append(pattern2)
  94. results = set()
  95. for pattern in patterns:
  96. m =
  97. if m:
  98. hadMatches = True
  99. r = f(m)
  100. if r in results:
  101. continue
  102. results.add(r)
  103. if r is None:
  104. break
  105. print(r)
  106. if None in results:
  107. break
  108. if not hadMatches:
  109. print(origLine, file = sys.stderr)
  110. elif sys.argv[1] == 'removenonyt':
  111. if any(x in line for x in ('/', '/', '', '')):
  112. print(origLine)