257 Revīzijas (c4b62c2feae238ac8cb3280be604754aa4e20832)

Autors SHA1 Ziņojums Datums
  JustAnotherArchivist c4b62c2fea Fix piping when reads return less data than expected pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist dba6d1fb0e Fix stderr printing pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 6e5a019d9e Always decode stdin with surrogateescape to avoid breaking on binary input pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist e48fb9d1b6 Tighten patterns for user and custom channel URLs so they can handle HTML input more easily pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 9cbc3f7968 Extract playlist and channel IDs from watch URLs pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 80bf010433 Percent-decode each line only once pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist f1fcfabafa Add support for reading warc.zst from stdin pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist d5f646f995 Add zstdwarccat pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 4415c8d5dd Add support for img.youtube.com (old thumbnails) pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 50a0fcc7b0 Fix performance regression due to 479c2684 pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 479c268441 Fix whitespace handling pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 56f21d1fc0 Add aggressive video ID v parameter extraction pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 99c83eb331 Handle optional slash in generic watch matcher pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 9f88f76e59 Handle a few more odd and rare URLs pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist a0f3b16c9e Handle youtu.be case variations and port numbers pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 273d3ed45a Handle gaming.youtube.com pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 0cb61f4dae Add b64grep pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 8e6e47d623 Fix ytimg extraction pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 0b13758659 Add Bugzilla URL list generator pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist ce0ae88b21 Add ia-verify-file pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist a3a2979508 Add combine-by-prefix pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 367dedeb6d Add sum-sizes pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 34503dd274 Guarantee stable output order pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 0198b221a8 Add ia-files-xml-to-jsonl pirms 2 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist d32791af0c Handle HTTP/2 lowercase headers pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 06682674bb s/transfer.notkiska.pw/transfer.archivete.am/ pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 0f477ca79d Replicate the GitHub script interface for convenience pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 8f50291318 Add --git-urls and --gitgud-complete-items pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist e3b77bf322 Ignore TLS issues pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist d915a18a40 Pass through datetime, math, re, and time to --pyfilter pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 5486b6a224 Add --grafana-eta pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 885001aab6 Fix --no-table help text (leftover from pre-pure-Python) pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist fd8d502266 Nit: replace double quotes with single quotes pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist ff096bf8dd Fix display of zero timestamps pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist db3e79b9c9 Print repository URLs instead of names pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 22744fe908 Add script for listing repos of a user or group on GitLab.com pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 5678b586ac Add script for requeueing skipped URLs due to too many failed attempts on wpull crawls pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist f05a8a79bc Clean up wpull DB commands pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist cbebafe588 Colourise sha1sum output pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 18a3305e79 Fix handling of filenames with spaces and ampersands pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 788b25707d Handle more domains and case variations pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 36aa2e8259 Add archivebot-log-extract-ignores pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 5b731fbde1 Fix compatibility with wpull 2.x pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 743e0582ba Fix confusing error message when lxml is not installed pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 491a80a04b Add warc-tiny scrape command for parsing HTTP responses using wpull and extracting links pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist fd2728f1b8 Add archivebot-irccloud-paste pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 4eff3c3eb3 Refactor, strip query/fragment pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 821cacf626 Add --help pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist caffebab2e Add parent-urls pirms 3 gadiem
  JustAnotherArchivist 77ec76bc04 Add --urls and --nodl options pirms 3 gadiem