archiving community contributions on YouTube: unpublished captions, title and description translations and caption credits
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. # This function adapted from, lines 69 and 189 (MIT License)
  2. def timedelta_to_sbv_timestamp(timedelta_timestamp):
  3. r"""
  4. Convert a :py:class:`~datetime.timedelta` to an SRT timestamp.
  5. .. doctest::
  6. >>> import datetime
  7. >>> delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=23, seconds=4)
  8. >>> timedelta_to_sbv_timestamp(delta)
  9. '01:23:04,000'
  10. :param datetime.timedelta timedelta_timestamp: A datetime to convert to an
  11. SBV timestamp
  12. :returns: The timestamp in SBV format
  13. :rtype: str
  14. """
  15. SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 3600
  17. HOURS_IN_DAY = 24
  19. hrs, secs_remainder = divmod(timedelta_timestamp.seconds, SECONDS_IN_HOUR)
  20. hrs += timedelta_timestamp.days * HOURS_IN_DAY
  21. mins, secs = divmod(secs_remainder, SECONDS_IN_MINUTE)
  22. msecs = timedelta_timestamp.microseconds // MICROSECONDS_IN_MILLISECOND
  23. return "%1d:%02d:%02d.%03d" % (hrs, mins, secs, msecs)
  24. from datetime import timedelta
  25. from json import dumps
  26. from gc import collect
  27. import requests
  28. #
  29. from html.parser import HTMLParser
  30. class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
  31. def __init__(self):
  32. HTMLParser.__init__(self)
  33. self.captions = []
  34. self.title = ""
  35. self.description = ""
  36. def check_attr(self, attrs, attr, value):
  37. for item in attrs:
  38. if item[0] == attr and item[1] == value:
  39. return True
  40. return False
  41. def get_attr(self, attrs, attr):
  42. for item in attrs:
  43. if item[0] == attr:
  44. return item[1]
  45. return False
  46. def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
  47. if tag == "input" and self.check_attr(attrs, "class", "yt-uix-form-input-text event-time-field event-start-time") and not ' data-segment-id="" ' in self.get_starttag_text():
  48. self.captions.append({"startTime": int(self.get_attr(attrs, "data-start-ms")), "text": ""})
  49. elif tag == "input" and self.check_attr(attrs, "class", "yt-uix-form-input-text event-time-field event-end-time") and not ' data-segment-id="" ' in self.get_starttag_text():
  50. self.captions[len(self.captions)-1]["endTime"] = int(self.get_attr(attrs, "data-end-ms"))
  51. elif tag == "input" and self.check_attr(attrs, "id", "metadata-title"):
  52. self.title = self.get_attr(attrs, "value")
  53. def handle_data(self, data):
  54. if self.get_starttag_text() and self.get_starttag_text().startswith("<textarea "):
  55. if 'name="serve_text"' in self.get_starttag_text() and not 'data-segment-id=""' in self.get_starttag_text():
  56. self.captions[len(self.captions)-1]["text"] += data
  57. elif 'id="metadata-description"' in self.get_starttag_text():
  58. self.description += data
  59. def subprrun(jobs, headers):
  60. while not jobs.empty():
  61. collect() #cleanup memory
  62. langcode, vid = jobs.get()
  63. vid = vid.strip()
  64. print(langcode, vid)
  65. pparams = (
  66. ("v", vid),
  67. ("lang", langcode),
  68. ("action_mde_edit_form", 1),
  69. ("bl", "vmp"),
  70. ("ui", "hd"),
  71. ("tab", "captions"),
  72. ("o", "U")
  73. )
  74. page = requests.get("", headers=headers, params=pparams)
  75. assert not "" in page.url, "Please supply authentication cookie information in config.json. See for more information."
  76. inttext = page.text
  77. del page
  78. if 'id="reject-captions-button"' in inttext or 'id="reject-metadata-button"' in inttext: #quick way of checking if this page is worth parsing
  79. parser = MyHTMLParser()
  80. parser.feed(inttext)
  81. captiontext = False
  82. for item in parser.captions:
  83. if item["text"][:-9]:
  84. captiontext = True
  85. if captiontext:
  86. myfs = open("out/"+vid+"/"+vid+"_"+langcode+".sbv", "w", encoding="utf-8")
  87. captions = parser.captions
  88. captions.pop(0) #get rid of the fake one
  89. while captions:
  90. item = captions.pop(0)
  91. myfs.write(timedelta_to_sbv_timestamp(timedelta(milliseconds=item["startTime"])) + "," + timedelta_to_sbv_timestamp(timedelta(milliseconds=item["endTime"])) + "\n" + item["text"][:-9] + "\n")
  92. del item
  93. if captions:
  94. myfs.write("\n")
  95. del captions
  96. myfs.close()
  97. del myfs
  98. del captiontext
  99. if parser.title or parser.description[:-16]:
  100. metadata = {}
  101. metadata["title"] = parser.title
  102. if metadata["title"] == False:
  103. metadata["title"] = ""
  104. metadata["description"] = parser.description[:-16]
  105. open("out/"+vid+"/"+vid+"_"+langcode+".json", "w", encoding="utf-8").write(dumps(metadata))
  106. del metadata
  107. del inttext
  108. del langcode
  109. del vid
  110. del pparams
  111. jobs.task_done()
  112. return True